Chapter Twenty-Five: Into the Breach

Name:Dungeon Life Author:
Chapter Twenty-Five: Into the Breach

Neverrest is a pain in my non-existent butt. Im pretty sure Im making more mana from this than he is, but he just keeps sending more and more undead at me. I get the feeling we are probably just not able to do too much damage to the other right now. I mean, undead get digested as well as anything else my slimes catch, but they definitely keep resisting longer than living things.

The healing ants do a number on them, though, which is good. Some swarming bites before the jellies get ahold of them speeds the whole process up, but I still get the feeling Im guarding the pass at Thermopylae; holding my own, giving at least as good as Im getting, but in a worse position as time goes on. I havent had to retreat or anything yet, but Ive been rotating my slimes as quickly as they can move. Ive even upgraded the spawner and Jello!

Jello seems to love the taste of undead, too. Shes actually earned a title from all the things shes killed: Purifier. It certainly helps, and seems to make her less corrosive to living things, too, which is great for the ants.

I give a mental sigh of relief as I sense the three adventurers return and then immediately wonder why theres still only three of them. They didnt seem very confident about their odds in the graveyard, even with me supporting them. As they hurry towards the war room, though, I can see why they are back. Theyre all decked out.

Aelara has what I can only assume is mythril mail of some kind. It sure looks to me like what Frodo had in the Lord of the Rings movies. Shes also traded out her prismatic-styled staff for one that looks almost like a thin, living stalactite, with a large bit of onyx or something on the flat top.

Ragnar still has his family shield, but I guess he didnt have family armor. If I didnt know better, Id think he was a metal golem or something, but the beard sticking out under the helm kinda gives it away. That plate mail looks good on him, and I can only guess what kind of punishment he can take with it on.

Yvone has some kind of black leather on. Not like Catwoman, but leather armor that is black. Looks pretty slick, maybe itll help her with stealth or something? That new bow looks pretty cool, though. The, uh main bow part? Whatever is usually wooden, looks like its made of cloud, and the string looks like a contained tornado. She has a regular quiver of arrows on her back, though, so I dunno how itll actually work.

Im glad Aranyas still in the war room. Shes been mostly staring at the map and watching the battle unfold. Im just glad she didnt grab a weapon from the armory and charge in, because thats what it looks like she wants to do. She recognizes her skills, though, and when to stay out of danger. I guess the deep tunnels dont suffer fools to live long down there.

I wonder if she practiced that little speech in her head while watching the map. Either way, though, its time to get this road trip started. We didnt pack any snacks, but Im sure itll be fine. Tiny! Head em up and move em out!

The party clutches onto Tinys tarantula fuzz as he starts moving. Despite all the legs moving around, the body stays pretty level and it seems like a smooth ride out of the tunnels. Once on the surface, I have Teemo squeak to get their attention. They all look at him with varying degrees of curiosity.

I have the ants swarm in front of him, and have Fluffles levitate one of the healers for the heroes to inspect. Ragnar doesnt look too interested, but more for not knowing what hes looking at than for being disgusted by them or something. Yvone and Aelara, though, each take an interest.

The gaster is swollen and red, observes Yvone, and Aelara gives her a curious look.

Gaster? The birb chuckles and points a talon at the rear of the ant.

The butt. Normal ants will store food or water and swell from it, keeping it safe for the colony. These ones have something else. Aelara nods and speaks from her field of expertise.

It appears to be concentrated healing potion, and I suspect these ants actually create it themselves. Nobody is quite sure how, but dungeons with labs will often create alchemical creatures. This is the first time Ive heard of one making some with a healing element, though.

At the gate, I have Tiny carefully open it, and am a little nervous. If its like the other expeditions, theyll all vanish from my awareness, which would be bad. I trust my Scions, but I dont know what theyll do without me there to give them orders. Well, its too late to back out now. Tiny. Teemo. Fluffles. If we go radio-silent, be safe, and keep the party safe, too. And be on your best behavior in the town. We want to make a good impression.