Chapter 2108 Defend

Name:Earth's Greatest Magus Author:
Chapter 2108 Defend

Emery's firm determination to stay and protect Magus Heorogar only heightened Magus Yord's anxiety. The approaching beast tide loomed ominously, mere minutes away, and Yord couldn't shake the urge to retreat from the formation. However, to his frustration, none of the others showed any intention of leaving. He glanced around at his fellow magus, feeling a surge of frustration at their seemingly reckless decision to stay.

"These half-bloods! They are all crazy!" Yord thought to himself.

Meanwhile, Emery remained composed amidst the chaos, his mind racing with strategies to hold the formation until Magus Heorogar succeeded in his ascension. With a grand magus fighting alongside him, Emery knew their chances of survival would significantly improve. Every moment counted, and Emery meticulously observed the unfolding situation, ready to adapt to whatever challenges arose.

Magus Beatrice had taken proactive steps to seek aid. She had sent a message to the Magus Alliance outpost, detailing the presence of the criminal Grand Magus Mo Yan. The potential threat posed by Mo Yan would surely garner the attention of the Alliance, but the distance from their current location meant it would take a few hours for reinforcements to arrive.

In addition, Magus Beatrice had also alerted Lucius Corvin since their encounter with the Kux faction. Emery acknowledged these efforts, but he harbored reservations about placing his faith in them.

Emery wasted no time in bolstering their defenses. With a swift motion, he reached into his aperture and summoned five colossal stone giants, the Chizpur's five brothers. These formidable allies had evolved two years ago, gaining a magus-level strength and access to powerful abilities that would now prove invaluable in their battle against the beast tide.

"Ku... ku... we are ready... help,"

The stone giants rumbled in unison as they took their positions around the formation. With a shared consciousness enabled by their [One Mind] ability, they communicated and coordinated seamlessly.

Emery watched as the stone giants activated their innate skill, formidable tier 5 Earth spell, [Planar Guard]. As the brothers placed their arms into the ground, the earth trembled beneath them, and towering stone walls emerged, rising ten meters high and one meter thick. Glowing runes adorned the surface of the walls, pulsing with arcane energy.

Reacting swiftly to the impending threat, Emery signaled the activation of the plasma turrets. A barrage of firepower was unleashed, beams of searing energy cutting through the air towards the oncoming beasts. The plasma blasts struck the rhinos, but their thick, crystalline hides absorbed most of the impact. Though the attacks were insufficient to cause significant harm, they managed to slow their advance and disrupt their momentum.

Amidst the chaos, the largest and most fearsome beast of the group came out from the back of the pack: the King Crystal Rhino. This ancient desolate beast, twice the size of the others, was nearly impervious to the plasma blasts. Its armored body glinted with steely resolve, and its sheer power rivaled a peak magus level, one step to the grand magus realm. Each plasma shot that struck it left only superficial scratches, failing to deter its relentless charge.

Emery was itching to make a move, but at the same time, the dozen yellow tigers had arrived. They didn't attack directly but used their lightning-fast mobility to approach from the sides. Hence, he decided to send someone else.

"Senior!" Emery called out, giving the signal to Magus Tobin.

With a powerful leap, Tobin propelled himself out of the formation, his Silver bones transformation implemented as he prepared to confront the gigantic Rhino head-on. With a primal roar, Tobin launched himself at the beast, his massive arms outstretched to meet the charge.

"You shall not pass!!"

Tobin's cry echoed across the battlefield as he collided with the King Crystal Rhino, his strength matched against the sheer force of the beast's charge.

The ground beneath Tobin's feet cracked and buckled under the strain. He was dragged over a hundred meters and was almost able to stop the gigantic beast when the King Rhino unexpectedly used its killer move, one that propelled it to make a second, more powerful charge. It pushed Magus Tobin, and together they crashed into the second-layer barrier.