Chapter 449

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 449

With such obvious displays of power, everyone nearby began to converge on a single location, or for some of those who were uninvolved retreat from it. Yet even some of those who had not previously had any stake in Roubens bounty, they were interested in observing the upcoming conflict.

Those who arrived first would have an advantage. Roubens relatively lower cultivation meant that he should be defeated quickly- letting whoever captured him and the stolen tome retrieve the prize. Those who came after would have to determine if they wished to face whatever group took him out. The cost might not outweigh the potential benefits, especially with other opponents on the scene who might just want to take advantage of the chaos.

The objectives of one group had changed. No longer were they disinterested in Rouben himself and only after the rewards. Now there was information they needed from him in specific though whether that information made them greater foes yet remained to be seen.

Hoyts eagerness in creating a path allowed the group to move more quickly towards their quarry- and in return, Rouben seemed to find the scorched jungle acceptable for some desperately needed moments of speed. They drew closer to each other, still beyond sight but the kilometers between shrinking rapidly.

Before they came into closer contact, however, their advance was cut off by another group. They were almost upon them when Fuzz halted himself, howling a warning- which included spitting a bolt of flame at the same time. He was clever enough to not attack people that he didnt know were enemies, and once everyone's attention was drawn to the right place they immediately realized who it was.

A figure stepped out from behind a scorched tree, a woman holding a rounded shield. We can allow you to take our prize. And you, her eyes locked on Vari, Shouldnt you be on our side?

Of course, elder sister, Vari bowed her head and began to walk towards the woman.

Other members of the Harmonious Citadel revealed themselves, a mix of various weapons and cultivation levels. Many had been previously spotted around the Library, and it was not terribly strange that they would have set their sights on the same prize. There were only half of the numbers expected, however. That included the ones that were still hiding, as if their half-unsheathed daggers and killing intent didnt give their positions away. But perhaps they were simply bait.

Vari dismounted Spikes and walked over with her head down. Everyone else positioned themselves to be ready for battle, not quite ready to commit for the moment. The original appearance of this chapter can be found at Ñøv€lß1n.

You wish to stop us? Hoyt said, the head of his axe trailing on the ground where it burned away the soil beneath it. I dont see how it would benefit you to try and with just yourselves, I cant imagine youll have much success.

Counting Fuzz, they had an equivalent of five Integration cultivators on their side, versus simply three on the other side. The woman with the shield had no obvious weapon, but two men wielded an axe and a pair of daggers respectively. There were more than a twenty others in Life Transformation and Essence Collection combined.

Hoyt was surprised to find the deadliest attack launched at him came not from the daggers or the heavy axes, but from a shield. He had simply thought the woman had a spear or something tucked away in her storage bag, but with a flick of her arm her shield was flying at him. His first instinct was to grab the edge of it- his better instinct was to dodge. It was a good thing he listened to that one, because even with a sensible amount of defenses around his fingers they would have been cut clean off. Instead, he just got a cut between his neck and shoulder as he flung himself out of the way. It came back around in an instant, but it avoided any foes and returned to the womans hand. An odd fighting style that would seem to leave her open, though it could be a ruse of some sort.

That momentary dodge brought enough time for several others to close in on Hoyt, which he kept back with a sweep of his molten axe. Flames lingered between him and them, allowing him some time to prepare an attack. Though he wasnt sure if they realized. In truth, there could have been another reason for the mass of energy appearing off the battlefield on that side. They wouldnt even feel a direct connection to him, since the energy was diffuse in all directions.

Hoyt wasnt sure if it was actually more effective to use Falling Stars, given his lack of real experience, but it felt right. He suddenly wanted to do it, so he did. When it came crashing down at the shield woman, she had to hurriedly withdraw an attack to block with her shield. Sadly Hoyt found he only sent her flying back a hundred meters- the angle wasnt right to properly drive her into the ground. At least it had decent power, though.

The battle had barely been on for a minute when the axeman struck Timothys shield like a gong. That was the second time he lost his weapon in the battle, and the sword in his sternum made it likely to be his last time ever. It was unfortunate that the woman was already retreating- chasing after her would delay them too much- but they would be remembered at some point regardless.

I think my new helmet worked, Timothy commented as they were quickly scanning the battlefield.

You arent wearing it, Catarina said. And you didnt get hit on the head. Or did you?

I didnt, he agreed. So it worked.

Vari, are you alright? Alva asked. Your wounds

Im going to stop you there because I cant hear, Vari held up her hand. Ill just say that I resisted the compulsion much better this time and just didnt want to risk it. Alva walked forward, almost poking her finger into a hole in Varis side. Oh, that? Its not that deep Everyone was already beginning the preliminary treatment of their wounds, but they wouldnt be able to do much more than bind them and consume recovery medicine before heading on to the next battle.

Falling Stars continued to rain, indicating they shouldnt be delaying for too long- and that Rouben was still fighting. As they made their way towards him, they could make out a group of small individuals chasing after him- but before that, the other members of the Harmonious Citadel. The latter was locked in combat with another group of cultivators. They were mismatched in cultivation techniques, but clearly familiar with each others fighting styles. Their coordination was excellent and their targets not an accident. Though the Dark Ring avoided wearing obvious insignias, Hoyt knew how to recognize them.

He wanted to assist them but more than that, he wanted answers from Rouben. As he rushed towards the battle, he once more had the urge to use Falling Stars. Was it to indicate he was friendly? At the very least, Roubens response would tell him something. Hoyts attack blasted apart the poisonous fog in which the Mistwalkers were hiding. Hoyt didnt know much about them, but it was easy to recognize them from their techniques and their height. Something about their technique or environment seemed to stunt their growth, though it didnt hamper their effectiveness in most cases.

With nobody between them, even from over a kilometer away Hoyt locked eyes with Rouben. In his eyes was much the same thing he felt. Confusion yet a vague sense of familiarity. But he was unable to confirm any suspicions just yet and the approaching Twin Soul Sect members would doubtless make conversation difficult.