Chapter 450

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 450

Despite some trepidation, Rouben continued on his trajectory towards the new group. Memories nagged at his head, things he should have known but did not. Were they friend or foe, or simply familiar in an inconsequential manner? The one with the molten axe pulled ahead of the rest, and Rouben slowed. He didnt think he could get away from an Integration cultivator in a direct chase, but he didnt want to get too close. If they were enemies he was probably already dead, but maintaining caution was how hed survived so far.

The mans eyes burrowed into Rouben as he also slowed his approach, but now they were only a dozen meters apart. That could be covered in a single instant by a powerful cultivator, and the man didnt need to get into melee anyway. Where did you learn that technique? he asked, his tone demanding a response.

Where did you learn it? Rouben countered. Perhaps it wasnt wise to speak back to a stronger cultivator, but he couldnt give a satisfying answer anyway. Because he didnt truly know. He remembered it, but like everything else there were swaths of memory missing. That was a large part of the reason hed taken Essentia Lockbox. Staying to study it might have worked, but the Twin Soul Sect had been poking their nose around too much.

Strangely enough, the other man didnt provide an answer. Instead, he gestured to the south with his axe. What is your relation with the Twin Soul Sect?N0v3lTr0ve served as the original host for this chapter's release on N0v3l--B1n.

Were definitely not friends, if thats what youre asking, Rouben wanted to make that as clear as possible. He felt something sweeping over him, some sort of sensory technique. He wasnt sure what it was supposed to do beyond that. Im not working for them, either. Look, youre probably after a book, right? It had been obvious from the outset that his getaway hadnt been clean, though hed hoped it would be. That was the plans, but plans never worked out quite right, did they? For one of those Library bounties. It doesnt require bringing me in, does it? If it did, he was already screwed. He could only imagine what it took to get a group of Integration cultivators involved. Also, do you have a name? You doubtless already know mine.

The price on your head is much less significant, the man said. If you tell me where you learned the Falling Stars, I can forgo collecting on that part. You can call me Hoyt.

Look, Id love to tell you but the truth is I cant tell you right now. Thats the whole point of Essentia Lockbox.

You dont remember, huh Hoyt frowned. But its from a previous life?

Rouben shrugged. That would be my assumption.

Maybe we can- something shoved Hoyt from behind. It wasnt a surprise in the traditional sense. He was quite aware that the person was there, but not prepared to be pushed. He staggered forward two steps. Catarina, what-

The woman that had to be catarina took a formation flag and kicked it into the ground where he had been standing- far deeper than made sense, as the actual flag portion was crumpled up. You can talk later. We either need to start running or get ready for fighting.

Observing the area around them, it seemed she was betting on them doing the latter. She must have been going full force while they were having their short conversation, as the landscape was already being rearranged. The others in their group had been conscripted to flatten certain parts, it seemed- and tendrils of Catarinas energy were writing runes around them.

Is mangling flags like that appropriate? Hoyt asked.

The formation should minimize the impact of them, Catarina shouted from another angle, But keep track of ally positions!

Then, the battle started. Or rather, the enemy was close enough for Alva to comfortably attack. She picked a weaker target, aiming to kill but with the secondary possibility of one of the stronger cultivators having to rush to defend them. It seemed they were harmonious enough for the latter, as one of the Integration cultivators blocked her arrows from a distance- destroying them so she couldnt attempt any tricks. Unfortunately she didnt even force the man to move to a different position. Shed need more power to break through whatever sort of barriers he flung up- whether they technically fit the name or not, they served the same purpose.

In terms of power, Falling Stars was certainly better. This one seemed a bit slow, though. She thought Hoyt was better, then realized it wasnt Hoyt. Which made her quite impressed with Rouben. He was only at the peak of Essence Collection, but the power behind it was pretty decent. Though it was quite slow to form. She could have filled him full of arrows by now.

The enemy seemed to think the same, but Timothy blocked the first volley of attacks. Others were aimed at the gathering energy, but it was much higher than cultivators generally had to aim. The individual attacks were not enough to shatter the control over the technique, and it continued to gather energy for multiple seconds an eternity in combat in the upper realms.

When it finally began to fall, picking up speed and leaving behind a trail of flames, Alva continued to be impressed- even when her senses revealed Roubens expression. It seemed even he hadnt expected the results. The Falling Star broke through a hasty defensive technique and slammed into the target- a Life Transformation cultivator who found themselves buried in the ground by the force of the attack, before it detonated. They likely werent dead- there was still the difference in cultivation to consider- but being able to control that much energy at once was a decent feat. And Rouben didnt even look tired. Though that probably had something to do with the formation, since Alva could feel it beginning to draw energy towards the center. And not just from the surroundings either but also from the cultivators of the Twin Soul Sect.

Hoyt, Vari, and the wolves were now clashing with the front line of the Twin Soul Sect. Unlike many others, the Twin Soul Sect wasnt limited to a specific style. On Ceretos they infiltrated different sects, but here they moved openly. Though it wasnt certain that they didnt also do the same.

Hoyt was able to notice shimmering oddities that spoke of illusions, but they seemed unstable. Either they were exceptionally well crafted to the point they did that on purpose to fool him, or they simply werent able to keep up. He had to trust in his senses to some extent. Aiming for large groups of individuals had to be right, since there were more enemies than allies. So far he was fairly certain he had accurate positions of his own allies, and the way they moved and fought was accurate.

In an attempt to funnel enemies inward, Hoyt had begun the battle with wide sweeps of flame to either side. He wasnt enamored with the idea of letting them be surrounded, but they didnt exactly have much in the way of terrain to rely on. That was partly his own fault, but to be fair the trees in the area wouldnt have done much to stop them.

As he fought, Hoyt found those below Integration strangely weak. Obviously they should be weaker than himself, but it was more than that. He barely even felt any augmentation from the formation, so his judgment shouldnt have been too off. But as he deflected a spear thrust to the side, he got a good look at one of the enemies. His face was strained though it was far too early in the battle to have built up significant fatigue. Even moving quickly to reach them shouldnt have been that serious.

One thing Hoyt knew he shouldnt do during battle was focus on the far end of the battlefield. Though it was the center of the formation, it was not his job to concern himself with Rouben. Timothy was handling that adequately, providing cover from more than just the front. But Hoyt couldnt help but keep part of his senses trained on Rouben. Hed changed the way he was circulating his energy- though not in the same manner as the Twin Soul Sect. Hoyt had already thoroughly investigated him, just in case. There was nothing suspicious about his actions, either. After his first attack which was a bit too much of an overcommitment, his usage of Falling Stars had spread out to be a wider battlefield approach. It was nothing like Vandale did during the beast hunt, continuously attacking hundreds of separate positions, but targeting several people at once was sufficient. His attacks could even give cultivators a phase above him some pause, which was impressive.

Hoyt clashed with a dark haired woman, the midnight black hair hanging down to almost trail on the ground. Her primary weapons were daggers, but Hoyt saw how her hair waved about on its own. Perhaps like the Grasping Willows, it would be part of her combat style. Either way, the fact that it had not ignited simply from being close to Hoyt was impressive- though plenty of cultivators wasted their energy on vanities such as that.

His wide sweeps kept the woman back, intense flames forming a barrier of sorts that she weaved her way through to make quick attacks. He dodged when he could, generally maneuvering her towards areas of danger. He wasnt suited for such a foe, though if they had been fighting one-on-one he might have managed. He found himself pressed further back, and the others were experiencing the same pressure. So far theyd kept more than a small handful of enemies from simply passing them by- but that could only last so long. Either they would be properly surrounded soon, or simply ignored while the back line was targeted.

Yet any time Hoyt thought he couldnt catch someone they seemed to become sluggish. Even if they got past himself and Vari, one of the wolves would catch up to them. Not that he felt fully confident. Hed kept his own wounds minimal, but Vari was in a poor state. Come to think of it, it was possible she hadnt even heard anything about the illusions. She seemed to have a decent idea of her surroundings, though, as she directed enemies into attacking each other or losing their weapons.

Finally, the lines broke- over a dozen enemy cultivators maneuvered around their little group of four, close to half of the stronger enemies. The group in the center would almost be a match for the front lines except for Catarina still being busy with the formation. He wasnt feeling the usual steady increase in power, but perhaps she had something more subtle it was doing.