Divine consciousness is like a sea, boundless, and the thoughts of cold smoke shuttle through it. Soon, she found the memory of the beast in her heart.

However, the memory is so huge, so disorderly. This is the memory of the proud beast for tens of thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years, which is far more mysterious than the scene she presented when she worshipped the mysterious astrolabe. It's not easy to find a set of seal techniques and reconciliation techniques.

Mu Hanyan suddenly realized that what she had thought was too simple. She thought that she could integrate these memories slowly. Now she knows that even if she doesn't eat or drink every day, it will take thousands of years for her to use all her time and experience to integrate these memories.

The idea shuttles through the old and chaotic memories. After a while, I feel exhausted and tired.

Mu Hanyan was slightly surprised and quickly backed out. If it continues, not to mention the integration of the memory of the beast, her mind is likely to be trapped in it, and she will never retreat. She doesn't want to become an idiot.

"What's the matter, young master?" Seeing mu Hanyan open his eyes, Jiang Yuzhe asks expectantly.

Mu Hanyan did not answer, but shook his head in disappointment.

"It seems that we really have to give up, but fortunately, feilaifeng is the domain of the young master. It can't be opened now, and there will always be opportunities in the future." Jiang Yuzhe and several beauties also showed the color of hope and comforted him.

"I'll try again." Mu Hanyan still felt a little unwilling and insisted.

"Young master, if you really can't do it, you have to force it. Otherwise, if you hurt your mind, it won't be worth the loss." Hua Yue advised.

"Yes, don't worry about it for a while. There will be opportunities in the future." Even the summer dust echoed.

Anyway, his old life was saved by mu Hanyan, so he was grateful to Mu Hanyan. Even if his ambition was different, he didn't want to avenge his kindness.

They can all imagine the huge memory of the beast. They are afraid that mu Hanyan is too persistent and try to integrate it by force. They may regret after being hurt.

"You don't have to worry. I won't force you. I just want to try Tianxing to break the seal." Mu Hanyan said.

Before, mu Hanyan unexpectedly opened the seal on the outside of the relic, relying on the Tianxing seal breaking decision he had learned from qushanling. Although the seal is quite different from the outside, and even quite different from the seal technique of the whole Holy Land (the land of God), he has to try several times to be willing to be a living horse doctor.

With this mentality, mu Hanyan once again made a decision.

The mysterious light and shadow patterns appear in the hands of Mu Hanyan, but the seal has no change.

"That's the result." Zirong and others don't think that the Tianxing seal breaking in the cold smoke will work. Seeing such a result, they all show such an expression.

Mu Hanyan is the same look, still not in a hurry to play hand, anyway, are dead horse when live horse doctor, don't hold too much hope, she naturally won't have any disappointment.

Mu Hanyan's hand will fight faster and faster, and the string of light and shadow patterns will gather into a wonderful light and shadow, beautiful.

Unfortunately, there is still no change in the seal in front of us.

Seeing that mu Hanyan is about to finish the last fight, Zirong and others have completely broken their mind. They turn to look at the entrance of the cave and are ready to leave.

At this time, a colorful light suddenly diffused out, reflecting the whole space with a colorful color, just like a dream.

"It's open, it's really open!" Jiang Yuzhe opened his mouth as if he could not believe his eyes.

The appearance was also stunned, and her eyes almost fell to the ground.

Even if Qu Shanling's Tianxing seal breaking decision is so wonderful, even if Mu Hanyan's talent is against heaven, this decision should only be effective for the seal of the holy land. At most, it should be added with the seal of the land of God. Who would have thought that it could even break the seal that does not belong to this plane.

Don't talk about them. Even mu Hanyan couldn't believe his eyes. He was just a dead horse doctor. How could he succeed?

I remember that Qu Shanling once said that his master Lu Guankong was the one who broke the seal. That is to say, it is impossible to open the seal without breaking away from the seal system of the holy land?

Is it true that his master lied that the star broke the seal, which is not as simple as he said? Even, it's a strange skill that doesn't belong to this continent at all?

Because of Qu Shanling, mu Hanyan didn't care too much about his master, but when he thought about it, he was full of curiosity about the hermit master he had never met.

The apprentice is a god stick, but the master is not necessarily a god stick.

"The animal soul relic, there is a good thing, it is actually the animal soul relic!" Mu Hanyan is feeling secretly, and he hears Xia Youchen's ecstatic cheers.

When the seal was broken, a one foot square stone cave was exposed in the boulder, in which eight pieces of animal soul relics were neatly placed.If you're not wrong, the success of Aolai beast's nirvana has nothing to do with these animal soul relic. However, after its resurrection, it's mentally damaged and forgets to take it away. At least it gives mu Hanyan some comfort.

Looking at the animal soul relic in front of him, Xia Youchen was so excited that he burst into tears. Now, one animal soul relic can meet the needs of the poor for odd years. He no longer has to worry about starvation, and his cultivation can be preserved.

Small poor strange also excited howl, this need not starve. It's really hard to be hungry, whimpering.

Mu Hanyan is not so excited, not that she doesn't care about these animal soul relics, but because another thing completely attracted her attention.

It was a dark bracelet, rusty and scarred. It looked old and broken. But even if the raw iron embroidery is all over the body, you can still vaguely see the exquisite patterns on it. It's easy to imagine its former beauty.

"Strange, how can I have a bracelet?" Jiang Yuzhe didn't know much about the animal soul relic, so he was not as surprised as Xia Youchen. He was very interested in this bracelet and picked it up easily.

"Be careful!" She let out a cry of surprise.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yuzhe took a look at her beauty and asked inexplicably.

"Idiot, do you know what this is? It's an antique. It may have a history of millions of years. If it wasn't for the cultivation and blessing of the proud beast, it could not have been preserved until now. It's already rusted like this. If you touch it again, it may break up immediately. " Looks a face of flesh Pain said.

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