Anyway, he has been in the South tobacco chamber of Commerce for a period of time, and he knows something about antiques. He knows that this bracelet is valuable. What's more, the proud beast attached so much importance to this bracelet, hid it together with the animal soul relic, and put a seal on it to protect it. Maybe there was some amazing secret hidden in it. Seeing that Jiang Yuzhe is so careless, I really want to strangle him.

"Yes, I didn't think of it. Fortunately, I didn't break it." Jiang Yuzhe responded and threw it back like a hot potato.

Everyone is a black line, rolled up big white eyes.

However, fortunately, although heavy hit on the cave, the bracelet did not fall apart.

"Eh!" Mu Hanyan exclaimed softly.

This bracelet was originally scarred, and there was only a trace of connection in many places. I don't know how many years have passed since it was eroded. It was rusty. Just like the beauty said, it could break up once touched. It was smashed back by Jiang Yuzhe, but nothing happened.

Mu Hanyan curiously picked up the bracelet and tried to exert a little force. The bracelet was still the same as before, and there was no sign of rupture. Mu Hanyan tried to add a little force, and it was still so.

Mu Hanyan was surprised and added some strength, so the bracelet remained the same.

Seeing mu Hanyan's action, other people are also surprised. Looking at mu Hanyan's action, they are silent.

Mu Hanyan gradually increased his strength from the first level of swordsman to the great swordsman, then to the swordsman, the second level of swordsman, the third level of swordsman

Mu Hanyan almost destroyed the strength to the limit, the bracelet still did not change at all.

Only at this time did mu Hanyan know that the bracelet looked rusty and scarred, and even there was only a trace of connection in many places, but it was extremely strong. Don't mention her accomplishments now. Even the swordsman can't break it.

I can't imagine how indestructible this bracelet is when it's in good condition.

Although I don't know whether this bracelet is just a simple ornament or has other uses, mu Hanyan can be sure that no matter the material or the way of making it, this bracelet is unusual. Its value is absolutely not inferior to those animal soul relics.

"How is that possible?" Looking at mu Hanyan doing his best, the bracelet that seemed to fall apart at any time still didn't move. Jiang Yuzhe's jaw fell down again and said in shock.

"If I guess correctly, this bracelet should also be the possession of the owner of Aolai beast." She guessed.

"No, isn't it strange for a big man to wear this bracelet?" Jiang Yuzhe said with disapproval.

"Who told you that the owner of the proud beast must be a man, why not a woman?" Looks despised looked at Jiang Yuzhe one eye, said.

"That's true, but it could be a token of affection from his beloved." Jiang Yuzhe nodded and developed a rich association.

"Well, it's a good reaction this time. It's a reasonable guess." She nodded her head in relief, with a look of satisfaction.

Jiang Yuzhe saw the beauty and was praised by him. But how could he feel so uncomfortable?

Looking at the bickering between the two living treasures, mu Hanyan couldn't laugh or cry. He also gave a token of love from his beloved. Thanks to their imagination.

Ignore them, mu Hanyan conveniently put the bracelet on his hand.

In a flash, a feeling of familiarity and intimacy that had never been before appeared in my heart. Then, it seemed as if something hidden in my heart had been touched. The feeling of sadness, attachment, reluctant to give up and pain in my heart almost choked me at this moment.

What's it like? It's like standing alone at the edge of the river, watching the ups and downs of the world, joys and sorrows, seemingly waiting for someone, but that person has never appeared. The vicissitudes of life, the endless sorrow, the eternal waiting , the fastest update of the webnovel!