"Mu Hanyan, you Huayu temple, it seems that you are not qualified to convict me?" Zhao Xinghu said with a sneer.

"Flower Rain City, I has the final say! If I have qualifications, I has the final say. " Mu Hanyan slowly draws out Hanxiao sword.

She has made up her mind to let Zhao Xinghu pay the price she should pay, and who cares about whether she is qualified or not? Respect for the strong, this is never broken truth, with her strength now, at least in Huayu City, there are some arrogant capital.

In any case, the rules Zhuge Qiu said are just conventions, not laws. But the law forbids the maid who defiles the temple. Even if Zhao Xinghao, who is the right priest of the temple of life, hates her to the bone, what can he do with her?

"Well, well, I'm worthy of being the leader of the first hall. I really have some spirit. But it's easy to talk big, but I don't know if you have that kind of strength? " Seeing the determination in Mu Hanyan's eyes, Zhao Xinghu knew it was impossible not to start today, and slowly drew out his sword.

"The sword takes nine days, the stars spread all over the sky!" With a long chant, Zhao Xinghu's sword stabbed at mu Hanyan's chest, and his left hand pinched a very standard sword.

A blue light flickered from the sword and quickly condensed into an ancient sword shadow with beautiful lines. The air around it suddenly became cold, and even the stone floor was covered with frost.

Zhao Xinghu's beard and hair are floating, and his hand is holding the sword. He is proud of the sky. He gives full play to the strength of the third-order divine heart priest.

It has to be said that although the old man's character is extremely despicable, his cultivation foundation is still very solid. This divine skill is really a kind of illusory talent.

Obviously, he was very satisfied with his appearance, and his eyes were full of scorn. However, there is only one chief priest in the temple of life. No matter how strong she is, she can't be better than the third-level divine heart priest. If she really had such strength, she would have gone to the temple of life long ago. The cultivation resources and divine skills there are not comparable to the Huayu temple.

Unfortunately, he did not notice the pity in the eyes of an Xiaxin and others.

"Shum!" A flash of fire, even without waiting for the flaming spear to appear, Zhao Xinghu had already gone out like a broken kite.

"Bang!" Zhao Xinghu heavily hit the wall, a mouthful of blood gushed out.

Until then, the burning spear appeared in front of his eyes, motionless hanging in the air, pointing to the heart of Zhao Xinghu.

"Impossible, how can you have such strength?" Zhao Xinghu wiped the blood on his mouth and looked at the cold smoke in disbelief.

Because the defeat was so sudden that he didn't feel that mu Hanyan's strength had reached the realm, but at least one thing was certain: Mu Hanyan's strength was far above him.

No matter how he wants to break his head, he can't understand how the chief priest of a subordinate temple can have such strength. Since he has such strength, how can he still stay in the ghost place of Huayu city?

Sikong Qinglan and Shen Yuhe and others looked at Zhao Xinghu, and they all looked contemptuous. It's just a third-order divine heart priest. He even wants to challenge the seventh order divine heart priest. Isn't that crazy?

What he said is impossible. Naturally, he thinks that since mu Hanyan has more strength than him, how can he still stay in Huayu city? But he didn't know that there were thousands of colorful soul beads hidden in the body of Mu da. At least in a short time, there was no need to go to the temple of life in order to cultivate resources.

He certainly did not have a good look at the present scene of Huayu city. With the protection of ancient trees of life, the cultivation conditions of Huayu city are far better than those of the other twelve temples even without the border protection of temple array. If there is no accident, it will not be long before Huayu city will become a holy land for countless priests and families, and it will sweep away the previous depression and prosper to catch up with the main city of other temples, even far more than other temples.

Moreover, the more prosperous and large the main city of other shrines is, the higher the requirement for the formation boundary is. More than half of the annual income is invested in the maintenance and blessing of the formation. With the protection of ancient trees of life, Huayu City, even if the scale is expanded several times, does not need additional formation boundary. I don't know how much wealth it will save.

As the chief priest of Huayu temple, how can mu Hanyan worry about cultivating resources?

Even if Zhao Xinghu didn't know that mu Hanyan had a large number of colorful soul pearls, he should have seen that the ancient tree of life outside the temple was strange, but he couldn't even think of it. It was a bit too careless.

"Go on, whip a hundred, and get the law right!" Mu Hanyan said coldly. She would never have the slightest mercy on such a dirty and shameless person.

Zhao Xinghu's face turned white. Seeing mu Hanyan's expression, he knew that he was doomed today.

"Lord, it's a custom for the main temples to serve the people. Even if there's no such rule in Huayu temple, Lord Zhao doesn't know who's guilty. Is this punishment too severe?" Zhuge Qiu whispered.

Although he despised Zhao Xinghu and hoped that he would be taught a lesson, she didn't expect that mu Hanyan's lesson would be so heavy. She didn't know each other's origin, so she didn't think about the consequences of doing so? She did this not only in the face of Zhao Xinghong, the right priest of the temple of life, but also in the face of the temple of life!Originally, he wanted to find a chance to persuade mu Hanyan in private, but he didn't know mu Hanyan was so fierce and resolute. He was about to whip Zhao Xinghu to justice, and he didn't dare to delay any longer.

"Lord Zhuge, other temples belong to other temples. In our Huayu temple, there is no such thing as concealing filth. No matter who comes to our Huayu temple, they must obey the law of the temple!" Mu Hanyan said firmly.

The reason why she punished Zhao Xinghu so severely is that she sympathizes with Ruan Zhi. If Zhao Xinghu is not punished properly, she can't face her conscience.

Second, it is also for the long-term stability of Huayu city. Today's Huayu city is full of roads and houses at night, largely because of her personal prestige. But if you want to maintain such stability for a long time, you can't rely on your personal prestige alone. You can only convince the public if you ban it.

If she let Zhao Xinghu go today because of his background, or later because of power or human accident, how can the people of Huayu city love and trust her again?

Looking at mu Hanyan's firm eyes, Zhuge Qiu couldn't help but respect him. He wanted to persuade him again, but he didn't know how to open his mouth.

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