A tall middle-aged priest with several guards went to Zhao Xinghu, reached out his hand and restrained Zhao Xinghu's cultivation. It was the period of punishment of the priest in Huayu temple.

In fact, Zhao Xinghu's strength is far higher than that of him. It's impossible for him to control him, but there's no way. Mu Hanyan's burning flame spear points to his heart, and he doesn't dare to act rashly.

"Take it down!" Higher than the period of expressionless said.

A guard kicked Zhao Xinghu to the ground and dragged him out of the hall like a dead dog.

"Stop, stop, I didn't do anything to her. She's still innocent. You can't kill me!" Zhao Xinghu roared hysterically.

The foot of the guard completely broke his last line of defense and shattered all his fantasies. At first, he thought that mu Hanyan was just bluffing and showing it to the people below. As long as he put it off for a few days, it would be over. But then, he found that things were not as optimistic as he thought.

Especially the guard's foot made him wake up completely. If you don't know that mu Hanyan's mind has really been decided, how dare the guards below use violence against the priest in his life temple?

He really saw that his identity and background were worthless in Mu Hanyan's eyes. She made up her mind to punish herself, not to mention a right priest in the temple of life. Even if God came, she could not change her mind.

"Oh?" Mu Hanyan made a gesture, let several people stop temporarily.

"Is that true?" Mu Hanyan asked Ruan Zhi.

"I fought so hard that I didn't let him succeed, but But he... " Ruan Zhi said here, and blush, tears.

There is no need to say more about the following words. People can also think that although Zhao Xinghu did not succeed because of Ruan Zhi's desperate resistance, she also suffered a lot of insults and was taken advantage of by him.

"Mu Hanyan, she also admitted that I didn't break her new white, you can't kill me." Zhao Xinghu, like grasping the straw, roared loudly.

"My lord..." Zhuge Qiu turned his eyes to Mu Hanyan again.

Hearing Ruan Zhi admit that Zhao Xinghu didn't destroy her innocence, Zhuge Qiu was relieved.

Not only he, but also many priests in Huayu temple were relieved. After the initial indignation, their mood gradually calmed down, and they were deeply worried about Mu Hanyan's decision. Anyway, the other side is a punishment priest in the temple of life, and there is a right priest behind him. And even there is a temple of life.

Since the other side has not tarnished Ruan Zhi's innocence, of course, is the best result.

Mu Hanyan's mood also relaxed a lot, but unlike them, mu Hanyan was not because of the temple of life, nor because of any right priest, but just for Ruan Zhi.

No matter the mainland of the holy court or the mainland of God, although the defense of men and women is not strict, especially the practitioners, they don't care much about the details, but they still attach great importance to chastity. If Ruan Zhi is really corrupted and innocent, she may live in the shadow all her life.

But it doesn't matter if you are humiliated and taken advantage of, because in other words, you can say that you will not give in to the power, fight to the death, and even become a good talk.

"Then forgive him for his death, flog him a hundred, and execute him in the morning!" Mu Hanyan is in a good mood. With a wave of his hand, he changes the order.

Since Zhao Xinghu is not really a bad Ruan Zhi innocent, according to the temple law, mu Hanyan can't convict him of death, but mu Hanyan doesn't feel any regret. Compared with Zhao Xinghu's life and death, Ruan Zhi's innocence is much more important to her.

"What Seeing the glimmer of joy and happiness in Mu Hanyan's eyes, Zhao Xinghu was in a relaxed mood, but then, mu Hanyan's words made his mood fall into the ice valley.

"Go ahead." Mu Hanyan didn't pay any attention to him and turned away.

"Mu Hanyan, you will regret it!" Behind him came Zhao Xinghu's shrill and angry roar.

Early the next morning, in the huge square in front of the temple, Zhao Xinghu was tied to the tall column, his body shivering in the cold wind.

"Execution!" With the command of Mu Hanyan, the silver blooming whip gives out a frightening roar. It beats Zhao Xinghu heavily, and the blood splashes up. Then, Zhao Xinghu's heartrending scream comes out.

This whip is called divine punishment whip. It is also a kind of magic weapon. When refining it, the power of the law of death is specially added. Under the condition of restricted cultivation, not to mention the spiritual priest, the spiritual priest may not be able to bear it.

Around, tens of thousands of people stopped to watch, and there were bursts of screams and cheers.

Originally, mu Hanyan planned to execute Ruan Zhi's death in private at night for the sake of her reputation. However, since she was innocent and the insults she suffered were not unacceptable to the people in the land of God, she changed her mind and executed in public in front of all the priests, guards and tens of thousands of surnames in the city.

Although he did not deliberately publicize Zhao Xinghu's identity, mu Hanyan did not deliberately block the news, so before the execution began, the identity of Zhao Xinghong spread to everyone's ears.Look at Zhao Xinghu, who is tied to the column, spattering blood and wailing pain, and then look at the calm mu Hanyan above the temple. Everyone's heart is full of admiration.

This kind of bedtime service, not to mention in the major temples, is a common thing in the high priest's family. We have never heard of anyone being punished for it, not to mention that the other side has such a big background.

Only in Huayu city and Huayu temple, and only their chief worshippers, can they treat common people like them as adults. At this moment, mu Hanyan's reputation is even higher.

Take a look at Ruan Zhi, who was moved to tears by mu Hanyan's side, and even many girls of civilian origin showed their envy. Get their chief sacrifice, their God - Mu Hanyan, such maintenance, can not envy it?

Although she knows that this incident will not cause too many adverse effects on Ruan Zhi's future life, mu Hanyan still doesn't want her to be wronged, so she is specially made to be her own maid. With this important identity, no one will dare to say anything to her.

Finally, when the last whip fell, Zhao Xinghu was already exhausted and hissed. Gao Qiyi untied the shackles, and he collapsed like a dead dog.

And the people, is excited to see mu Hanyan, this moment, is really for mu Hanyan immediately to die, they do not have the slightest hesitation.

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