"Lord priest, I'll take him back." After the execution, Zhuge Qiu said to Mu Hanyan.

With his understanding of Mu Hanyan, most of him will throw Zhao Xinghu out of the city like a dead dog. With his injury at this time, most of him will die. Anyway, he doesn't want mu Hanyan to have a death feud with the Zhao family. This kind of good aftereffect can only be done by him.

"Thank you, master Zhuge." Mu Hanyan nodded and said.

Zhuge Qiu came to Huayu city to accompany Zhao Xinghu to check Xiang Qiu's chop. No matter what the result of the check, she would go back to the temple of life to recover her life. Now Zhao Xinghu is punished like this by her. It's better for Zhuge Qiu to send him back as soon as possible, so that the Zhao family won't be angry with him.

Later, Zhuge Qiu went to the temple, helped Zhao Xinghu, and left Huayu city by carriage.

After that, people cheered like thunder again.

Zhao Xinghu side of the head, through the curtain gap looked back, eyes showing the color of venom. Mu Hanyan didn't see it. Of course, even if he saw it, he was not afraid. Not to mention this scum, even the temple of life, she will not be afraid. Fear of this kind of thing, not before, not now, will not have.

Just as their carriage was driving out of Huayu City, another carriage was speeding towards the city, and the two carriages almost passed each other.

"Lord, are you the Lord of Huayu City, mu Hanyan mu?" Mu Hanyan watched Zhuge Qiu leave in his carriage. As he was preparing to go back to deal with his official business, he heard a cry of uncertainty.

A carriage came towards the temple at a high speed. It was the middle-aged man who was driving.

"Who dares to collide with the temple?" The guard of yanqingshan Temple pressed the handle of the sword and flew out to block the front.

The big man pulled the reins of the horse fiercely and stopped the carriage abruptly, obviously with great strength.

"Who are you?" Mu Hanyan stopped and asked.

"I'm Gao ji'en. I've come to see the Lord priest at the order of my master." The big man said in fear.

"Who is your master?" Mu Hanyan listens to his surname high, the heart moves, but still asks a way.

"My master's name is Gao Weihu. When I came to Huayu city this time, I was ordered by my master to give him the silver note he owed to the Lord and the huoyun stone he bought for him. " Gao ji'en said as he handed a storage bracelet to Mu Han Yan.

bathing as like as two peas, and the amount of silver tickets is exactly the same as that of the high Wei tiger. She has no doubt about Gao ji'en's identity. Her contact with Gao Weihu is very secret, and no one knows except those close to each other.

"Where's your master?" Mu Hanyan asked. Originally, she thought that Gao Weihu would default. Anyway, she made a lot of money at the black market auction, but she was not afraid of him. How could she know that Gao Weihu was so trustworthy, and mu Hanyan liked him a little more.

"My Lord, may I have a word with you?" Gao Ji en gave a wink to Mu Han Yan.

Mu Hanyan went down from the temple and came to the side of the carriage. He saw Gao ji'en quickly open the door, and then quickly close it.

"How could that be?" Mu Hanyan was surprised.

Although Gao ji'en's action is extremely fast, he can see clearly with his sharp eyes. In the carriage, Gao Weihu is lying on the soft couch, his eyes closed, his face dead, his breathing is very slow, and his vitality is extremely weak.

His body was covered with long and thin silver needles, which sealed all the pulse points. Two old men stood beside him, looking haggard and helpless.

"It's a long story, my Lord. Can we talk in another place?" Gao ji'en looked around warily, looking extremely cautious, obviously on guard against something.

"Lord Gao, go down and ask the priests in the city to guard and the people to pay attention to whether there are suspicious people coming in and out of Huayu city these days. If there are any, report to the temple immediately." Mu Hanyan side head said to higher than period, finish thinking and thinking, and added, "and, don't be too loud."

"Yes, my Lord, I know what to do." He bowed himself to leave.

As a punishment priest, it is also his duty to maintain the daily order of Huayu city. Of course, he also knows the meaning of Mu Hanyan's last supplementary sentence.

With the prestige of the Lord, if you give an order, you may disturb Huayu city. Even if you don't find any suspicious people, the people will turn Huayu city upside down in order to satisfy the Lord.

The crowd around gradually dispersed. Mu Hanyan led Gao ji'en to drive the carriage directly to the rear of the temple, and arranged Gao Weihu to her living house. Although the priests had their own rooms in the temple, mu Hanyan was not used to the solemn and dignified atmosphere, but preferred the clean and elegant garden buildings, so he specially prepared such a courtyard for himself at the back of the temple.

Anyway, with the protection of the tree of life, the cultivation environment of Huayu city is not bad, not much worse than that inside the temple.

For others, the place where the chief priest lives is naturally the Holy Land and forbidden area of Huayu City, so it is especially pure, even more pure than in the temple."What's the matter with elder brother Gao?" Settled Gao Weihu, mu Hanyan leads Gao Jien to the hall and asks with dignified expression.

"It should be that the mind has been seriously damaged, or it may be poisoned. That's what Dr. Wu and Dr. Zhou said." Gao ji'en replied.

"Doctor Wu, doctor Zhou?" Mu Hanyan looked at him suspiciously.

"It's the two old gentlemen who are with the master." Gao Ji en explained a sentence.

"Oh, what happened to brother Gao's injury, or poisoning?" Mu Hanyan knew the identity of the two men, but he didn't waste time on them, and then asked.

"It started about a month ago. The master spent a lot of effort to buy huoyun stone for the Lord priest, and ordered me to send it to Huayu city immediately, while he closed his door to practice, preparing to hit the last bottleneck of the priest.

But the night before I set out, there was a sudden thunder in the meditation room. I rushed in to have a look and found that the master was vomiting blood and fell unconscious. I thought it was the master who was so hasty that he was possessed, so I invited Dr. Wu and Dr. Zhou for treatment. Who knows, one of them said he was injured, the other said he was poisoned.

Whether injured or poisoned, as long as it can be cured. It happened that they were hurt by the idea. They were helpless. They could only use the golden needle to lock the soul to seal the idea and save the life for him for the time being. Otherwise, once the idea was extinguished, the life would be cut off.

The master was not so serious at the beginning, and he could recover from time to time. He told me that I must send the silver note and huoyun stone to Huayu city as soon as possible. I can't break my promise to the adults. "

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