"Otherwise, we'll give her some pills to help her. It's worthy of the help of the ancestors of the Gao family." Ye Conglong said.

Although the attitude is a little bit gentle, but the meaning of the words is always like sending a beggar.

"No, I can't disobey my ancestors' instructions. I'll help you." Ye Congyun is still unmoved, firmly said.

"Ye Congyun, though you are a great elder, you can not has the final say of Ye family." Ye Congshan said angrily.

"Yes, it's related to the life and death of our Ye family. You can't do anything wrong. If you insist, we'll call the elders of each room to discuss it." Ye Congshui also said.

Ye Conglong looked at ye Congyun and ye Congshan, hesitated for a moment, and finally stood on ye Congshan's side.

"Master ye, I didn't expect to give you so much trouble. Forget it. I'll leave Ye's house and go to the main temple by myself." Mu Hanyan gathers God to deliver a sound to ye Congyun.

In fact, the strength of the Ye family, even if ye Congshan's several people don't make this one, but remember Zuxun, go all out to help her, frankly speaking, it can't help much, so ye Congyun's persistence is moving, in fact, it doesn't make any sense, there's no need to fight for her and ye Congshan.

"No way!" Ye Congyun shook his head and said, "I didn't expect that the news spread so fast. Other families must have received the news. In order to please Dou Nanshan, they will be in trouble with you everywhere and make it difficult for you to do anything. Although our Ye family is in decline, we still have some contacts in xiaoshentian because of the hard work of the people of all ages. With us, at least the average family still dare not do too much. "

"In addition, since the death of the family leader and several elders, the strength of the Ye family has become worse and worse day by day. Every family in the family is in a state of panic. It's just like a mess of scattered sand. It's only by relying on the instructions left by the ancestors that we can barely maintain it. If we drive you out of the Ye family today, it means that our elders will no longer abide by the instructions of the ancestors, and the hearts of the Ye family will be destroyed Completely scattered, ye family, also really finished After a pause, ye Congyun added.

Mu Hanyan understood that the reason why ye Congyun insisted on it again and again was that there was such a reason in it.

Although he doesn't want to add trouble to ye Congyun, mu Hanyan knows that if he really leaves like this, he is not helping him, but harming him and ye's family. For those families that have passed on for a long time, who have not experienced ups and downs, and who have not experienced several times of life and death, the reason why they can go through the storm and disaster to pass on is often based on faith.

As long as the faith is still there, even if there is only one person left, it can blossom and scatter leaves to revive the family. If there is no faith, no matter how well the strength is preserved, it will not be far from destroying the family.

Unfortunately, ye Congshan and others are short-sighted and do not understand the truth.

"Ye Congyun, have you thought about it? Do you want to go your own way, or do you want to focus on the overall situation of our Ye family?" Feeling the fluctuation of Ye Congyun's and mu Hanyan's Qi, ye Congshan knew that they were gathering God to deliver a message to discuss in private, and did not interrupt until they finished their discussion.

"I have already said that the ancestral precepts should not be violated, and I, ye Congyun, will never be a traitor to the death of grace and righteousness!" Ye Congyun said.

"Well, well, let's call the elders of all the families together to discuss this matter. But I want to remind you that if you make people angry, you will not be able to take the position of the great elder. " Ye Congshan said with a sneer.

Ye Congyun's face slightly sank, and mu Hanyan also frowned. Ye Congyun became the great elder. Ye Congshan's people were dissatisfied with him. Only because of the elder's deathbed advice, they could bear it. In private, they might have wanted to replace him.

However, for all the families, except the supreme elder, the elder's status is only under the head of the family. It is not so easy for them to force ye Congyun to abdicate. This time, under the pressure of the Dou family, it's a great opportunity for them to join hands with the elders of each family to attack ye Congyun.

"No, I can decide it." Just then, the clear voice of the young man came to his ears. Although young, it has an indisputable dignity.

Strange is, hear this voice, mu Hanyan has a kind of familiar feeling unexpectedly, fiercely turn head, mu Hanyan then see a familiar face.

Ye Fengyun! Mu Hanyan almost exclaimed.

The young man in front of him is Ye Fengyun, the eldest disciple of Qingqiu. At the beginning of her rebirth, she was misunderstood and suspected by Ye Fengyun because she heard that Qingqiu paid special attention to her.

Later, with the deepening of understanding, ye Fengyun realized that he was a gentleman with a villain's heart. He misunderstood mu Hanyan, felt guilty and admired her, and even had an admiration for her. However, with the continuous improvement of Mu Hanyan's cultivation, the gap between the two is also growing. Ye Fengyun is ashamed of himself and dare not have any extravagance, and his admiration is gradually buried At the bottom of my heart, they finally became friends.

On the way to the tent of heaven, with the help of Mu Hanyan, ye Fengyun persisted to the end, and his blood awakened to become a member of the descendants of God's guardian. But later, because of the conspiracy of the Lord, people scattered, mu Hanyan also came to the land of God.Later, I heard Zhao sining talk about the breaking of the boundary of God's Guardian cemetery. Mu Hanyan thought that Zhao sining should be in the void under the protection of Feng Qingyu, but he didn't expect to meet again here.

Ye Fengyun looks at mu Hanyan, with a smile on his face that is hard for outsiders to detect, but his eyes are filled with excitement and joy, and he gives a look quietly.

Mu Hanyan knew that their true identity must not be exposed, nor let people know that they had already known each other, so he swallowed the exclamation.

"We should not abandon our ancestors' instructions. Our Ye family's children should never be ungrateful and mean. Even if they do their best, they should protect the safety of the Muji." Ye Fengyun quickly moved away and said to ye Congshan and others.

"My Lord, it's not other people that mu Hanyan offends. It's Dou Nanshan and dou." Ye Congshan and others were surprised to hear that ye Fengyun didn't know the cause of things, so they quickly explained.

But they are wrong, as long as it is mu Hanyan, ye Fengyun will spare no effort to help at all costs, it has nothing to do with knowing the reason.

"So what? Is it because of Dou Nanshan that our Ye family can forget their ancestors' teachings and give up their commitment and dignity! If we can forget all these, we might as well leave as soon as possible, even if it's meaningless for us to stay in xiaoshentian. " Ye Fengyun said with a cold hum.

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