"But..." Ye Congshan had to say more, but he was interrupted by Ye Fengyun.

"No, but I have made up my mind. If you don't want to, you can call all the elders together and abolish my position as the head of the family! However, if you can't abolish my position as the head of my family, some elders will be suspected of mutiny. Don't blame me for being merciless at that time. " Ye Fengyun said with pride, and the threat in his words was even more obvious.

He deserves to be Wen Qingqiu's eldest disciple. When he was in Longyan college, ye Fengyun managed the magic dragon branch for Wen Qingqiu most of the time. When he launched Wei Lai, he had the dignity of being in the top position for a long time. When he said that, ye Congshan and others were choked and could not speak any more.

It is possible to abolish ye Congyun's position as the great elder under the name of Dou Nanshan, but it is not so easy to abolish the head of the family unless he makes a big mistake. But as the head of the family, he didn't make any mistakes. No matter how much dissatisfaction he had, he could only admit it. He even had no choice to let them die.

It's very easy for ye Fengyun to punish them for the following crimes.

"Well, since you have no objection, let's break up." See ye Congshan and others are speechless, ye Fengyun waved his hand.

"Who said there was no objection? We have a big objection. But the question is, is it useful? It's strange not to be killed by you. " Although ten thousand people were unwilling to say anything, ye Congshan and others knew it was all in vain, so they were too lazy to speak any more. They rolled their eyes and left the meeting hall with a lot of resentment.

See ye Fengyun a threat, then shock ye Congshan and others speechless, mu Hanyan is some admire. It's the best choice for such a thing to cut the mess quickly. If we really want to theorize, the public says that the public is reasonable and the old is reasonable, and indecision is the worst thing.

"Elder, you've been working hard all the way. Go and have a rest first. I have something else to ask the Mu priest." Ye Fengyun said to ye Congyun.

"Yes, my Lord." Ye Congshan bowed and turned away.

Why does mu Hanyan have a grudge with Du Tiancheng? He has already asked on the way, but the master doesn't know. Since he has made up his mind to abide by the instructions of his ancestors and spare no effort to protect mu Hanyan, he has to find out the cause and effect, so he has no doubt.

Afterwards, ye Fengyun retreated several servants, and there was no one else in the hall except him and mu Hanyan.

"Unexpectedly, we met again." Ye Fengyun this just reveals the joy of long-time farewell reunion, excitedly says to Mu Hanyan.

"I didn't expect that you also came to xiaoshentian and became the owner of the Ye family. How did you do that?" Mu Hanyan also said with emotion.

"Let's not talk about that. What level have you reached?" Ye Fengyun did not answer mu Hanyan's question, but asked urgently.

"The top of the ten level divine heart priest is still a little short of being promoted to the divine soul priest. What's the matter?" Mu Hanyan looks at Ye Fengyun strangely. When old friends meet again, shouldn't we talk about the past first? Why do we ask Xiuwei as soon as we come up? Is it a bit philistine.

"Almost?" Ye Fengyun asked pleasantly.

"Well, I had a chance to be promoted in the temple of life, but I didn't succeed because the power of heaven and earth was not enough. Now that I'm in xiaoshentian, it shouldn't be difficult to be promoted." Mu Hanyan nodded and said.

"Well, that's great. They're going to be saved!" Ye Fengyun said happily.

"Huayue! What happened to them? " Mu Hanyan is surprised by the words. No wonder Ye Fengyun has saved the time of reminiscence when he meets her. He directly asks about his accomplishments. It turns out that it is related to the safety of Hua Yue and others.

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