He believes that the people present will never refuse such a condition. Where are the advantages of the soul forging tower? With their strength, who doesn't pursue the way to the top of the strong, and who doesn't want to have a future? One day, they will break the void and roam in the sky like those legendary strong.

In the face of this huge temptation, a little bit of stale grain is nothing. What's more, as an inferior family, it's natural for them to be loyal to their ancestors.

It's a pity that he forgot that not everyone is as merciless as he is. He also forgot that even if he is loyal to his family, it depends on how he dies. It's a great honor to fight and die. It's too much to be killed by one's family. It's not worth it.

Hearing his offer, only a few owners hesitated, but more people were indignant.

"Ha ha ha, it's a proper death for the old man." With tears in his eyes, master Peng laughed, suddenly cut off his robe with a sword, and said with a loud voice, "the old master really died well. He has paid all the kindness my Peng family owes you Zhu family. From now on, my Peng family will not owe you Zhu family any more. I declare that the Peng family will be separated from the Zhu family from today on, and will not listen to the Zhu family's orders any more. If the Zhu family dares to embarrass the Peng family, they will be at odds with you and never die! "

"My Zhou family has been separated from the Zhu family since then."

"My Tu family is also separated from the Zhu family."


Many family owners have announced their departure from the Zhu family, even those who were hesitant. The reason why they hesitated was that they liked the wonderful skills preserved in the soul forging pagoda. But the words of master Peng reminded them that for the sake of the great cause of Zhu family, Zhu Xiangchen even dared to do harm to the most loyal master Peng, and how could he be given a chance to take a big seat. The offer is just an expedient measure. It's only a matter of time before we break down the bridge.

"Counter, counter, do you dare to be the enemy of our Zhu family?" Zhu Xiangchen said angrily.

"Yes, I just want to be the enemy of your Zhu family. I didn't kill you before. Now it's my turn to take revenge." Yu Ziqi sneered and pulled out his sword.

"Kill him and avenge the old man!"

"Revenge for the supreme elder!" Several other elders also drew out their swords.

Like the Peng family's former leader, their former leaders or elders were killed by Zhu family after they realized the magic power in the pagoda. However, unlike the Peng family, they did not owe any favor to the Zhu family. They only came to the Zhu family under the pressure of the Zhu family. How could they not avenge their elders.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Xiangchen was a little flustered. Originally, he just wanted to delay for a little time. He only expected that the disaster would come from his mouth, and a word would arouse the group's anger and lead to the end of rebellion. The reason why the Zhu family has been able to bring so many families together is, on the one hand, because of their own strength, and on the other hand, because those families are scattered. Now they are united to attack him, and he can't bear it.

"Take back what you just said and let you leave the soul forging tower alive. Otherwise, you will be killed." At this time, the elder of Zhu family suddenly opened his eyes and said in a murderous way.

He knew that the chaos must be cut off quickly now. Otherwise, it would be a disaster to meet the Zhu family. The efforts of the Zhu family for decades and even the planning for nearly a thousand years would be destroyed. I have to admit that as the elder of the Zhu family, his decision to deal with this crisis is much better than Zhu Xiangchen.

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