Hearing the elder's words, all the heads of the family were stagnant. They had been bullied by the Zhu family for so many years. They were in awe of several elders of the Zhu family, especially the elder who was only inferior to the supreme elder.

"Old man, I dare to be so arrogant now. I'll take your life!" Yu Ziqi let out his anger, and the sword attacked him.

Other people are afraid of the elder of Zhu family, but he is not afraid. If he does not have the strength to fight against his enemies, he will not be the third family in his family, next only to Zhu Ye's family in tens of thousands of miles. If the elder of Zhu family had not become one of the twelve God bless priests, he would not have succumbed to his power.

Seeing Ziqi's move, the other elders of the family were very brave and went up with the sword. Determined that the so-called heaven and earth forging soul is just a divine attack of the elder Zhu family. They all hold yuan Shou Yi and protect their mind.

"To die!" The elder yelled. As soon as the words were heard, he made a decision. Several other elders had already made preparations and started at the same time.

No! Mu Hanyan's eyes are awe inspiring.

As soon as the elders of the Zhu family made a move, she found that this time, the spirit of several people gathered together has greatly increased, more than twice as much as before. It seems that the power of this heaven and earth soul forging array is also related to distance. The closer the distance is, the greater the power will be.

Although Yu Ziqi and others had been on guard for a long time, they could never resist the powerful divine attack.

Sure enough, Yu Ziqi, who was flying to get ready to fight, suddenly faltered and stopped. His eyes were red for the first time, and the other owners suddenly stopped. His eyes became frenzied, and there was a strong killing opportunity on his body.

Almost at the same time, several elders raised their swords and attacked their companions.

In a moment, several blood mists flew up, and the soul forging tower was in chaos again, which was more chaotic than before. After all, Yu Ziqi was the only one who lost his mind before, but this time, all the elders of the family were in chaos and fell into madness.

"Ha ha ha ha, how dare you betray my Zhu family? Today I'll let you fight each other. None of you will stay." The elder laughed wildly.

Zhu Xiangchen and others also have a sneer on their face. As long as they get rid of the elders of all the families present, these families are still in their grasp.

"Stop it At this time, I saw a figure flying out of the crowd, it is the cold smoke.

Zhu Xiangchen and several elders were surprised again. Before, mu Hanyan was on the fourth floor, and he was not affected by the soul forging array. At the fifth floor, the power of the array had been promoted to the extreme, and she could not be hurt. How could this be possible!

"Try your best to get rid of her first." Big elder in the heart surging up strong uneasiness, to other several people loudly roar a way.

Zhu Xiangchen and others also had a premonition that it was not good. They had no time to think about it. They tried their best to run the mental method to gather their thoughts, and quickly made a series of decisions.

In fact, with the strength of the six of them, if they join hands to attack each other with divine skills, mu Hanyan will not be able to take advantage of them. Unfortunately, they really believe in the power of the heaven and earth soul forging array. Probably, it's also because they have eliminated too many powerful enemies by relying on the heaven and earth soul forging array over the years. Every time, they are invincible. It's a habit for them to rely on the array. It's critical It's almost instinctive to push the array with all one's strength. I didn't think that it would be more effective to use divine power.

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