Chapter 6007: Mountain Slicer

Name:Emperor's Domination Author:
Chapter 6007: Mountain Slicer

“Rumble!” The metallic glow emanating from the activated fortress turned into layers of crystal barriers, preventing all attacks from getting through.

The refined jades engraved into the metals empowered the fortress unceasingly. Regular cultivators had no chance of breaking through.

“Death awaits you all!” A golden figure appeared on the wall of the fortress - Goldvase Angel.

His bottle poured out a yellow tsunami with an unbearable temperature.

“Ahh!” Those nearby had no chance to escape and were instantly reduced to nothingness.

“Let’s do this!” Mountainbreak Stallion joined the fight, gathering momentum by sprinting forward and delivering a sky-splitting slash.

“Bam!” The fortress shook violently from the attack.

Mountainbreak had four sacred fruits so he certainly displayed a worthwhile attack.

“Hmph.” Goldvase scowled and patted his treasure, sending countless golden swords upward.

They blotted the sky before raining down against the hybrid cultivator.

“Saber Guard!” Mountainbreak assumed a defensive pose, utilizing his saber energies like the waves to stop the rain of swords.

Nevertheless, he was pushed back continuously from the exchange.

“My turn!” Innumerable Saint could see the outcome and joined the battle. He opened all of his eyes and clasped his hands together, summoning a heavenly sword.

“You will die here!” The new combatant revealed seven sacred fruits with surging chaos energy.

The abacus came crashing down, causing cracks to appear on Mountainbreak and Innumerable’s weapons.

The combatant was none other than the manager of Splendor Square - Zhen Jian. The smile often seen on his face was nowhere to be found, replaced by a murderous expression.

Powerful spectators who had traded with him before were surprised to see this. He gave off the impression of a businessman who couldn’t be offended. He had always remained unruffled and focused on making money.

Today, he revealed his true colors and showed his fangs - a desolate god with seven fruits.

Goldvase alone with his treasure was difficult to defeat. With the manager’s interference, the situation did not bode well for Mountainbreak and Innumerable.

They vomited blood repeatedly while their bones couldn’t withstand the pressure from the abacus.

“Help us, Senior!” Mountainbreak shouted for help.

“Splendor Square is full of hidden tigers and crouching dragons. Impressive, Manager.” Someone spoke and unleashed a resplendent beam to destroy the abacus’ suppression.

It was the manager’s turn to be pushed back; his expression darkened.

An old man with three eyes showed himself on the battlefield. It was his third eye that destroyed the suppression.

“Ghost-eyed Desolate God!” Spectators took a deep breath at the sight of an eleven-fruit desolate god.

“Phantom wants to end this.” Everyone became serious since he came from Phantom Dynasty.