Chapter 452 In Her Trap

Chapter 452 In Her Trap



Andromeda had discovered the truth but decided to keep Liu Xueyi in the dark for the time being.

She entrusted Hong Chaoxiang with the secret, relying on her to handle the matter discreetly until everything was arranged.

The following morning, the additional materials Andromeda required for her work arrived, thanks to Xie Tian's assistance.

With a renewed sense of purpose, she dove headfirst into her final project, working diligently despite the visible signs of fatigue under her eyes.

Peng Xiaoli and Jian Xiaofei, taken aback by Andromeda's unwavering commitment, questioned the driving force behind her tireless efforts.

They couldn't help but wonder about the unknown happiness that seemed to radiate from her. Recognizing her determination, both women offered their support, eager to assist her in any way they could.

Meanwhile, Liu Xueyi found himself swamped with work and back-to-back meetings, causing him to be absent from the hospital for two consecutive days.

Zheng Ying, bitter and fueled by her assumptions, believed that Andromeda was the reason behind his absence. The bitterness intensified within her, pushing her to put her final plan into motion.

Yet, all Zheng Ying received during Liu Xueyi's absence was money to care for her son. She was left with nothing more, her resentment growing by the day.

As she sat in the hospital room, her mind consumed by these thoughts, her phone buzzed on the nearby chair, snapping her back to reality. Recognizing the caller, she picked up the phone.


"Good morning. How are things?" Gao Yuemi's cool voice inquired.

Zheng Ying rose from her seat, leaving her son momentarily, and walked towards the end of the hallway, seeking solitude to converse.

"The coast is clear now," Zheng Ying hinted, giving Gao Yuemi the go ahead.

"Excellent. Any updates? What's been happening with Liu Xueyi and Andromeda?"

"I don't know for certain, but he hasn't visited us in the past three days. It seems that bitch has him wrapped around her finger," Zheng Ying spat with disdain.

"Hmm. And what about the sabotage of her fashion contest? Did you manage to carry out your plans?"

"I did."

Before Zheng Ying could delve into an explanation, Gao Yuemi bombarded her with questions.

"And? Weren't you confident that your plans would push Andromeda into a fit of anger and make Liu Xueyi come running back to you? Shouldn't he be seeking solace in your arms?"

"Perhaps they had a fight, and now he's drowning his sorrows somewhere. Maybe I should call him and pay him a visit," Zheng Ying suggested.

"No. You shouldn't. I expected to receive a call from your contacts regarding the contest. I anticipated a media broadcast and the initiation of the scandal."

"My apologies. I was occupied yesterday and forgot to contact them."

"Occupied? With what? Your primary objective upon returning to the country was to drive a wedge between Andromeda and Liu Xueyi, securing your monetary reward and time with him. What else could possibly have kept you busy?"

Zheng Ying gritted her teeth, frustrated at being reprimanded by Gao Yuemi.

While she acknowledged that Gao Yuemi held the financial power, she longed to be treated as an equal partner rather than a subordinate.

They were in this together, after all.

"I understand, and I apologize. It was an important matter," Zheng Ying retorted, her voice laced with a hint of defiance.

Gao Yuemi's irritation was palpable as she adopted a commanding tone. "Explain yourself."

"It's the doctor. He started wavering, feeling guilty about keeping Liu Xueyi in the dark. He wanted us to reveal the truth to him," Zheng Ying explained.

"He did what?!"

"Please, calm down. I handled it. I reminded him of his own involvement and the consequences he would face," Zheng Ying pacified.

"No, that's too lenient. Perhaps I should arrange for some of my men to pay him a visit. That should put him back in line," Gao Yuemi suggested, her frustration seeping into her words.


"This is not up for negotiation. I won't tolerate any weak links. We've come too far to back down now. We must see this through to the end."


As for you, get in touch with your contact and ensure that everything is in place. If Andromeda managed to escape the semi-finals, we need to execute our Plan B."



Pushing with her plans, Andromeda decided to diss spending time with Liu Xueyi that evening and told him she needed to be somewhere else.

At first, he was reluctant about not asking her what her plans were but he decided to let her be free. She was a grown woman after all and dating him did not mean her life gets to be caged and watched.

Without further ado, Andromeda emerged from her parked car in the dimly lit parking lot inside the hotel where she was slated to meet with someone.

The air was crisp and cool, causing a gentle breeze to rustle the folds of her black knee-length jacket with each graceful step she took. As she moved, the jacket's parted sides unveiled her enchantingly slender legs, adorned with sleek black stockings that softly hugged her contours.

Her waist-length blonde hair, a cascade of shimmering strands, bounced harmoniously with her movements, reflecting the ambient light and enhancing the vivacity she exuded.

The sheer radiance of her face, framed by delicate features and a barely perceptible smile, seemed to captivate anyone fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of her.

To add an unexpected edge to her allure, Andromeda donned dark shades, lending an air of mystery and intrigue. The tinted lenses seemed to conceal more than just her eyes, exuding a subtle intensity that hinted at hidden depths within her persona.

However, amidst her entrancing walk towards the door leading to the building's entrance, a sudden interruption broke the spell. Her phone rang out, slicing through the silence with urgency.

Pausing briefly with curiosity, Andromeda reluctantly halted her steps, the momentary pause reinforcing her enigmatic presence and took the call.

Her eyes glanced around, taking in the pillars inside the building and the several cars that were available before responding to her caller.

"Hello. Evening. Yes."

"Everything is set as you have asked for. The meeting has been arranged." A male's voice briefly explained.

"Yeah. Thankfully it was two days before the finals were pushed ahead. I can use this night to relax while I go over..."

"Umm Andromeda are you there?" the voice questioned.




The caller waited for some seconds when suddenly the deep breaths of someone was transmitted through the phone and then a voice that sent chills running down one's spine enunciated coldly, "She's busy."