I returned to my seat with an uneasy feeling. Let’s just work. If I focus on my work, this resentment will turn into anger directed at the computer. Computers in our company are incredibly slow these days. This is because the server company under contract went bankrupt. It’s so uncomfortable. It seems that the general affairs team is too busy looking for a new server company. Thanks to this, we are enduring the inconvenience of having to come up to the 3rd floor from the general affairs department if we have an urgent business or if the server went down.

I moved the chair and was about to sit down when Deputy Kang, who was sitting next to me, became nauseous. Looking back, Deputy Kang covered his mouth and fanned himself in the air.

“Did Deputy Kang finally get pregnant?”

“Oh, what a terrible thing to say, Deputy Kim. But where and with whom did you fight? You’re full of Alpha pheromones.”

Deputy Kang pointed the portable fan at me and started swinging it.

Pheromone? I sniffed my arm, but I still can’t recognize any scent. There is only the smell of fabric softener and the smell of dry air outside. Beta is unable to smell the pheromones of Alpha and Omega.

“Do I smell that much?”

“No, there’s no need to call it a smell. It’s a pheromone feeling… I think it would be closer to ‘I’m a little angry’.”

“It’s kind of convenient like… ‘I know even if you don’t say it‘.”

“Convenient my ass, it’s useless. People who are unable to control their pheromones will be unable to play poker. All of their emotions are exposed.”

I nodded and fixed my gaze on the monitor. Director Lee… That was anger.

I was confused as to why he was angry. It’s ridiculous, but I’ve decided to just work. If a person reacts to the boss’s feelings every time, he or she will be unable to go to work. 3 years. I will most likely only work for three years. After that, I’m going to Hawaii.

“Ah, right, Deputy Kim.”


“Did you know that there was a new contract employee coming to the general affairs department today?”

“No. Deputy Kang, who tells you about that?”

“No, I heard it earlier today while buying a cup of coffee for Department head Hanna during lunchtime.”


“You know, General manager Park of the General Affairs Department who collapsed due to a hit cycle the last time, decided to rest a lot.  It was a complete mess back then. When the two alphas arrive at the company, they are collapsing… As a result, he simply let them rest and hired a contract employee.”

“Whoever wants to go will go, and whoever wants to come will come.”

Deputy Kang whispered as if he is telling a great secret.

“But the Omega new contract, I heard he looks so pretty.”

“Well, people who are pretty are pretty, and people who aren’t pretty aren’t pretty.”

“Just in time, Department head Lim is coming over there. Do you want me to ask?”

Deputy Kang pulled the chair back and waved his arms.

“Department head Lim! Huh? Is that the new employee behind you?”

“Yes! I’m going to introduce him to you!”

I looked back without thinking. Department head Lim was stumbling around with a bunch of documents piled up like a mountain.

And there was the Omega I saw earlier, standing behind Department head Lim.  The Omega, who was moaning in the bathroom. The omega that I gave suppressant and sent back.

Omega, the new contract employee who is said to be very pretty.

The omega didn’t take his gaze away from me. I know that expression. That look on his face tells me he’s ready to confess his love to me at any time. I couldn’t hide my displeasure.

That Omega muttered something earlier. I think he said that he fell in love at first sight.

There are such omegas from time to time. Emotions also ride a roller coaster during a heat cycle or people who fall in love after too much gratitude when I give them a suppressant and a glass of water.

Some of them leave drinks on my desk every morning.

Their gratitude is piling up every day.

They handed me a memo with a good phrase on it, which was attached to a juice bottle. This was pretty good. I like beverages. That’s all. I thought they really thanked me.

Contrary to my thoughts, the ending was a confession of love. The Omega hoped to eventually become a lover with me. There were various reasons, such as love at first sight and the more I looked at them, the more I discovered why they fell in love with me, but the ending was the same.

I rejected them all. It’s not that they’re bad, and it’s not that I’m good either.

I just don’t really want to date a man. When I think of the male body, I get caught up in the boring and stuffy atmosphere of a public bath.

When I was younger, my father used to tell me, ‘If you don’t study, you’ll be bald like that uncle later.’

It’s male, but alpha and omega are the most dominant. They weren’t subject to my relationship. Beta can go out with Beta. Furthermore, dating at work? It’s a no.

In order to maintain my values, I greeted the Omega with the most astringent expression possible.


“Hello…! I saw you earlier…, I’m called Ha Won. You can call me Won, Won.”

“Oh, yes…”

“Deputy Kim, what is this greeting? This is Deputy Kim Joo-hyuk. He is our team’s ace.”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Departement head Lim laughed loudly and put a bunch of documents down on my desk.

“Ace! You must do all of this.”

“Oh, isn’t that a bit too much? Are you really going to give me everything?”


When I frowned, Deputy Kang turned the portable fan in front of my face. My bangs fluttered backward.

“Put your forehead open! Oh, but Deputy Kim’s forehead is handsome!”

“What’s wrong with you today? Are you drunk?”

“It’s good to drink! Would you like to go get a drink after work?”

“Alcohol? Alcohol? Shall we go to the new place?”

While Department head Lim and Deputy Kang were making a fuss, Ha Won’s face turned blue every moment. He seemed to be trembling a little. Deputy Kang’s fan, who was preoccupied with talking to Department Lim, is blowing over Ha Won’s direction. Well, in this season, the fan is a little… I wouldn’t be feeling well either.

“Deputy Kang fan, your fan.”

“Huh? Oh sorry, sorry. The wind must have gone to Won. Sorry.”

“Ah… I’m fine… Deputy Kim is… ” 

Ha Won shrank his body awkwardly. If it’s cold, constantly swab your arms.

“Hmm? Ah yes! Don’t worry~”

“What is it?”

“No, nothing~”

What. I sighed and shifted my gaze to the papers.

Department head Lim seemed to be talking more about alcohol with Deputy Kang, then tapped my shoulder. I waved my hand without looking back. The alcohol discussion has concluded. Today is the day I have to go home and watch the drama.

“What are you doing there? Is your company a school? Go back to your seats.”

The meeting was dissolved only after hearing a word from a passing manager. Someone seems to be hesitating in the back, but then he quickly walks away. Ha Won is an employee here.

When I looked at Deputy Kang, he smiled, as if he was holding back a laugh because something was funny, and when I tried to make eye contact with him, he bowed his head deeply.

[Deputy Kang. What’s so funny]





I turned on the computer again because I thought he wouldn’t respond, but a message arrived right away.

[No, I think Ha Won is in charge of the pheromone on you earlier. Deputy Kim, what did you do? I think he mistook you for Alpha. Hahahaha]

I took my hand off the keyboard.

It’s obvious what day it is today.


Thanks to Department head Lim’s document bomb, leaving work on time is out of the question. I left work for a moment during rush hour and crammed into an elevator with other people.

I went to the coffee shop in front of the company against the people heading for the train station. I bought a sandwich, an Americano, and a cookie.

Ha Won was standing next to my seat like a stone statue when I returned with a paper bag. I have a bad feeling about this.

“What are you doing?”

“Deputy Kim! Oh, it’s nothing special…”

Employee Ha held the lunch box in his hand, which he held out shyly. On a white plastic bag, the logo of a nearby lunch box restaurant is engraved in yellow. Employee Ha’s hand trembled, making a rustling sound like a crushed vinyl.

I was embarrassed. Thank you for your sincerity, but…

“Ha Won ssi, do you work overtime?”

“Since Deputy Kim is working overtime… ”

“You didn’t have to buy it.”

“Still, I wanted to buy it. Please eat.”

I looked at the new contract employee. He looks young and he probably has little social experience. It is natural to feel affection for the person who helped you in this unfamiliar company. However, it is true that it is a little burdensome. It’d be great if we could be like a good brother…

“Ha Won ssi, first of all…”

Ha Won the Omega contract employee. He had a pitiful expression on his face as he looked up at me. His complexion is pale, but his cheeks are flushed.

I don’t want to be cold-hearted, but I’m not going to date. However, if I give him room to snoop, it may be difficult for both of us later on.

However, seeing Ha Won’s pitiful expression, my heart continued to weaken. I don’t think he has anywhere to put his heart into it because he just joined the company. Yes, it’s only this time.

“Then, Ha Won ssi, eat with me. Since I bought a  sandwich…” 

“Oh, that’s fine.”


Employee Ha handed me a lunch box as if forcing it to me.

“Deputy Kim, you are an Alpha. When I first saw you, I thought you were a Beta and was expecting something a little bit… I don’t like getting involved with Alpha. It’s kind of bad to have debt left, so I’m repaying it with this. Good-bye.”

After leaving those words, Employee Ha bowed and bid me farewell.

I bowed as well like an idiot penguin.

I opened my mouth as I saw employee Ha turning around like a person I would never see again in the future. The small back of the head disappeared quickly.

Both of my hands are weighed down by sandwiches and lunch boxes.