‘You only see my body, don’t you? My lover is a pretty omega, you see this one!’

‘Yoo Seol-hee! Why did you say that?’

‘Am I wrong? Tell me if I’m wrong!’

Crunch. I crushed the potato chips with my teeth. The salty flavor pierces the tip of my tongue and then disappears.

The television is flashing, but my gaze is fixed on the table. Lunch box. I ended up not eating the lunch box that Ha Won had given me and took it home with me.

It wasn’t due to a lack of appetite. I munched on sandwiches at my seat. I couldn’t open the lunch box. Something doesn’t feel right. I never asked him out, but it seemed that I had been dumped.

No, I have a creeping feeling of skepticism about myself that Ha Won might like me.

I want to die of embarrassment.

It was true that Ha Won fell in love with me at first sight. Because he said it with his own mouth that he was interested in me. However, he was upset when he mistook me for an Alpha.

Where in the world should I begin fixing it? Is it necessary for me to fix it? If I let him misinterpret things like this, he won’t mess with me, which is good for me. However, I think he will get along well with Department head Lim, and the fact that I am beta will be revealed quickly.

But it would be funny if I went to the first floor and revealed, ‘Actually, I’m beta.’ So, do you still want to flirt?

It was a total mess. This subtle and uncomfortable feeling is similar to the ambiguous feeling of needing to brush your teeth again because potato chips are stuck between your teeth, but the toothbrush does not clean them and the floss does not reach them.

A sigh came out. Even the plastic lunchbox seemed to laugh at me with its smooth surface. I stored the lunch box that I couldn’t eat in the refrigerator.

The drama is reaching its climax, and I’m still not sure about how I feel.

‘Seol-hee, I…! You’re the one. Among the many Omegas, I can only smell your scent. Your pheromone! That’s all I need!’

‘Jun-seok ssi…!’


Crunch crunch…

Come to think of it, not only alpha but also omega have pheromones. It is said that each person has a different scent, ranging from the scent of flowers to the scent of budaejjigae. I have neither the smell nor smelled it.

What exactly is a pheromone? Ha Won must have pheromones as well. What kind of scent is it? No, let’s not think about it. The back of Ha Won’s head flashed through my mind. The tip of my ears is hot.

The drama has now moved on to the steamy kissing scene. I puffed up my nose and went to the kitchen. I had to drink water because the potato chips were so salty.

The kissing scene continued even though I had finished drinking my water. Even though it wasn’t even in front of me, I was embarrassed. That’s right, the main male actor is my college junior. It feels like an older soldier or a reinstated student who whistles while spying on other people’s love scenes.

The reason I watched this drama was actually because of my juniors. Actor Seol Ki-do, who plays Han Jun-seok, the Alpha main character, is my junior in the club. We met in the theater department. And also from the English theater club.

I joined an English theater club after studying English. Contrary to my expectations, the English theater club was a drink and pour club. It was just a meeting with no countermeasures and replaced the English theater activity with watching American dramas occasionally. Seol Ki-do was deceived like me.

Ki-do and I became very close because of this. My and Ki-do’s upright personalities also played a role. A friendly and comfortable friendship. That’s what we were like. We went on a double date and went on a trip together in college. Friends with a lot of memories, perhaps more like family than friends. He is an Alpha but feels like a Beta. Ki-do is the only Alpha among my friends. We were friends before he is an Alpha.

Ki-do has always wanted to learn musicals. I remember that he didn’t study well because he went to auditions every day or went around the small theater. He was last in the department of English literature. He eventually got a job as an actor. He worked in a theater company after graduation, worked part-time as a broadcast assistant, auditioned, and then switched to acting in a drama.

Maybe I should say that his life has expanded a little more now that he is the lead in a drama. I guess he makes a lot of money. If he gets a lot of performance fees, he would call and treat me to a meal.

But this drama is not popular. I also see it as a courtesy.

The drama’s female lead, Yoo Seol-hee, is a poor job seeker who lives determinedly. Alpha Han Junn-seok,  the son of the Chairman of a large corporation, appears in front of her. The origin restrictions stand in the way of the two. However, the two happen to imprint themselves. The story of Alpha and Omega, who are firmly developing their love despite family opposition, touches viewers’ hearts a little.

There were many negative reviews, such as the Omega woman being too obscure and the drama being ruined by using a Beta in the role of Omega. Nonetheless, it had nothing to do with me… just…

Han Jun-seok, played by Ki-do, is quite similar to Director Lee. An alpha who is young but holds an important position in the company, as well as a handsome man who is admired by other Alphas.  When he passes, Omega will try to flirt, and Bettas will be envious. Director Lee is just like that.

They had the same temperament. If there is a difference, it is that Han Jun-seok was only mischievous with his omega, whereas Director Lee is clingy to me. Oh, thinking about Director Lee, make me feel bad.

The long kissing scene is finally over, the advertisement banner and representative OST came out. Now I have to brush my teeth and go to sleep.

‘Because you are my destiny! Because I am your love~ I’m the Alpha who protects my Omega. I love you, fool. You fool who doesn’t even know fate… ‘

I thought the background music of the drama sounded a little long, but it was my ringtone. It’s Ki-do.

“Oh, Ki-do. Hey, I watched your drama.”

– Oh, I told you not to watch. It’s embarrassing.

“You’re kissing her for a long time…”

– Ah, Hyung!

Ki-do, who had been grumbling for a long time, revealed his intention.

– I stopped by Hyung’s neighborhood, would you like to have a drink?

When I looked at the clock, it was past 11 p.m. I’m going to work tomorrow.  I’ll accept his invitation if I don’t go to work. It’s hard to wake up in the morning these days. Even if a flexible work system exists, only Alpha or Omega will benefit from it. There is also one for a heat cycle and a rut. Welfare is extremely exclusive.

“It’s just, I have to go to work tomorrow.”

– Oh, is that so… No, I said I would treat you if we met.


– I was just thinking about it.

“But what’s going on?”

– No, after filming is over, I think of you. This is the neighborhood where my baby lives.


It is. Come to think of it, Ki-do was dating Omega. It was a female Omega, and Ki-do pursued her for a long time before dating her. When I listen to them on the phone, he always sounds desperate. I’ve never seen her face, but I’ve heard she’s beautiful. I think he’s saying it because of his girlfriend, but I’m not sure.

My hands were drawn back to the potato chips. Ha Won came to mind. Did he say he was initially interested because he thought I was Beta? Isn’t Omega a likes Alpha? Ki-do is also an Alpha. So he went out with Omega…

“Hey, Ki-do.”

– Yeah, Hyung.

“Usually omega… No, is there an Omega that prefers Beta rather than Alpha?”

– Which Omega do you like? Are they pretty?

“I’m just curious.”

– Isn’t it just personal preference? Oh, perhaps…?


– I’m at Hyung’s Apartment playground. Come out and meet me.

I turned off the television. Ki-do, this punk’s mind works in a strange way.


I put on my fleece roughly and dragged my slippers out. The chilly air made my body shrink. The man next door came out just in time to throw away the trash.


“Ah, hello.”

The man next door is tall and had long arms. Garbage bags are hanging like flowers.

Is he an Alpha? It’s an alpha. Alpha usually has a better physique than Beta and is more handsome. I’m not saying Beta is ugly, but Beta, who is more attractive than Alpha, is uncommon. Alpha is definitely handsome and tall.

Why does Ha Won hate Alpha? Alpha is better than Beta in many ways. It couldn’t have been any better, in my opinion. Appearance, talent, social standing…

The man next door must be a better person than me.

“That, where are you going?”

I was cursing the society in my head when the man called. I looked back humbly.

“Yeah, well.”

“The weather is cold, so please dress warmly. And I…”

“I don’t get cold easily. Please go back in.”

People nowadays claim that they are not affectionate, but our next-door neighbor is quite nice. When I first moved in, they gave me rice cakes, fruit because they had leftover fruit, and occasionally liquor…

There were times when I thought he liked me, but it didn’t seem to be the case. There have been a lot of kind people around me ever since. I misunderstood him dozens of times, thinking he liked me. I’ve previously been truthful with Ki-do, but I was dismissed. He stated that I might be narcissistic. Well, maybe I’m overreacting. There’s no way the Alpha next door that I meet occasionally likes me a Beta.

As the elevator door closed, the man next door’s blank expression disappeared from sight. When I thought about it as I went down, I was puzzled. He must go to the first floor to dispose of the trash. The elevator was already on its way down. I’m guessing he forgot something at home.

Ki-do was sitting on the swing with his buttocks tucked in when I arrived at the playground. The swing, unable to support the weight of an adult man, twisted and creaked.



Ki-do’s feet sank into the sand as he raised his body. He lost his balance, floundered, and fell as if he were dancing while holding onto a swing. He’s great at pranks, but he can be a little sloppy at times.

“So what’s the reason Omega gets tangled up with me?”

“Can’t you just pick me up and ask?”

Ki-do grabbed my arm as I reached out my hand. I assumed his weight was dragging me, but he jumped up. Ki-do, who was bigger than me, staggered more than I did.

“Did you eat well? Why are you shaking like this?”

“I came here for a drink with my baby.”

The smell of alcohol wafted from Ki-do’s clothes. The guy who already drinks is going to drink some more… I sat Ki-do on the playground bench and went inside the convenience store.

I went to the checkout counter after purchasing a hangover remedy, two cans of beer, and a bag of snacks. The clerk ignored the items and simply stared at me. I was worried about what would happen if he asked for my ID, but that wasn’t the case. The clerk stammered at me after hesitating.

“I… Maybe a phone… phone number… ”

“I don’t have a membership.”

“Ah… It’s twelve thousand won… ”

I handed over the card and grabbed the grocery bag. He appears nervous, but this could be his first part-time job. I almost assumed that he liked me again.

Ki-do smiled brightly and waved as I approached with the grocery bag. When we were in college, we were exactly like this. We used to buy a can of beer on sale and drink it outside when we didn’t have enough pocket money. Ki-do was so good-looking that Omega frequently asked him out. There’s another reason Omega comes often, and that was…

I pushed a can of beer into Ki-do’s cheek with a smile.


“Control your pheromone.”

“Huh? Me? Again? But you’re a Beta, how could you notice it?”

“Calm down, man. How can Beta smell pheromones? That’s your drinking habit. The thing that gives off pheromones whenever you drink. When I drink with you, Omega from all over the town chases me.”

“Ah…right, right.”

He nodded his head, his eyes drooping blankly.

“I did it?”

“You did it.”

There was no way for me to check, so I sat down next to Ki-do. Am I being misunderstood again like yesterday? I should shower thoroughly before going to bed.

I toasted with Ki-do’s can after hearing the sound of cans being opened with his fingertips. My body trembled as I drank a cold beer in the chilly night air.

“Hey, some Omega said today that he likes me because I’m a Beta, but then he said he doesn’t like me because I’m an Alpha.”

“Hyung you’re a Beta.”

“That’s why it’s a problem. If I tell him I’m a Beta, he’ll pursue me, and I can’t say I’m an Alpha. This is annoying.”

“You have no intention of dating anyway.”

I gulped down the beer. Ki-do, who was sitting next to me, also leaned back and drank the beer.

“You say that Omega likes you, Hyung?”

“Hey, there’s also an Alpha. Director Lee is such a spectacle. Let’s go to the Gold Coast together this time.”

“Where is it?”

“That’s, there you know. Just blue, long, beach in Australia.”

“I don’t know.”


We even ate snacks and became a little quiet. On a night where no stars could be seen, the tip of my nose is sore. I don’t want to go to work tomorrow.

“So what are the reasons Omegas say they like me?”


“…You just want to call me out here, you punk.”

“Yeah… And I’m going to sleep at Hyung’s house today.”

“You are crazy, really.”