“Hey, wake up! I have to go to work.”

It seems Ki-do really has nothing scheduled today. I’ve been trying to wake him up several times in the morning, but it was useless. Let’s just let him sleep.

“Hey, you better sleep in the bed.”

“No… That’s five… Sister…”

“What the…”

I left the house after beating Ki-do’s head a couple of times. Regardless of how inconvenient it is, once morning arrives, I have to go to work. I left a message for him to eat and leave, so he’ll have to deal with it on his own. It’s not my job to deal with drunken idiots.

There were only a few people at their desks when I arrived, so I went to the pantry room and made coffee while the computer was turning on.

The time for daydreaming has come again. No, it’s time to sketch out a plan for the future. Fleeing abroad after retirement. Perfect. Before that, I’ll travel to Hawaii…

I hear the sound of organized footsteps. I think it’s Director Lee. My arm was caught when I got up from my seat to say hello. The tie on Director Lee’s neck is just in front of my nose.

“Who is it?”


“No, this pheromone. Who were you with yesterday?”

Seol Ki-do that punk… Ki-do’s bad habit is to spray pheromones everywhere while smiling helplessly. I’m not sure if it’s spraying or spreading, but I’ve heard that people who drink alcohol with Ki-do are constantly surrounded by his Alpha pheromones. As a result, we were often misunderstood. There was a terrible rumor going around that everyone in the English theater club had slept with Seol Ki-do when they drank together…

Apparently, I still smell like his pheromone, despite the fact that I washed up in the morning to prevent that. I will not let Seol Ki-do go until this situation is resolved. Also, I won’t drink alcohol with Seol Ki-do again.

In any case, it seems that Director Lee misunderstood. Let’s resolve the misunderstanding. I can’t start a weekday with a dreadful morning like this.

“Who were you with, tell me.”

However, instinct is faster than logic. The annoyance that comes with being caught simultaneously overtook my sensibility all at once.

I couldn’t stop myself from rambling.

“What does that have to do with you?”

I’m doomed.

Director Lee stepped back a bit. He swept his hair back.

“It’s because I’m worried. I’m worried. With that body…” 

“What body?”


I let out a sigh. Clearly, you have a misunderstanding about this. You don’t think I’m an Omega just because of what happened yesterday, do you?

Director Lee clenched his fist slightly then relaxed it. A restless hand clung to the back of my neck. This is undoubtedly…

“Director Lee, I…”

“No. It’s fine. Next time…”

No… Pay attention to people until the end…

“Don’t trust any Alpha. Don’t trust any Alphas, especially those around you. Take good care of yourself.”

Director Lee gave me advice that was completely useless and then left. He appeared to have wanted to say more, but he swallowed it. Deputy Kang, who was about to take his seat, nodded and greeted Director Lee. Without saying anything, Director Lee raised his hand to greet him.

Deputy Kang whispered as he sat next to me.

“Deputy Kim, did you finally dump Director Lee?”

“…Did you know that Director Lee likes me?”

“Of course, everyone knows this. He comes here every day for you.”

Even though it’s not hot, Deputy Kang turned on the portable fan again.

“Also, what did you do yesterday to be covered in pheromones like this?”

“Seol Ki-do that bastard.”

“Who is Seol Ki-do? Is this Director Lee’s rival?”

I take my seat. The image of the blue beach sparkled as if to tease me. My stomach is churning. No, it’s painful. Deputy Kang turned on the computer while humming.

I abruptly got up from my seat. I can’t live like this. I couldn’t look at Director Lee, who came every morning and bothered me for no reason. Let us neatly resolve it.

I should be able to catch up with him if I follow him right now. Seeing him relaxed like that, that meant there should be no special meeting today. I decided to catch up with Director Lee.

“Deputy Kim.”

Deputy Kang looked up at me.

“Would you mind bringing me a cup of coffee when you come back?”

“Deputy Kim!”

Section Chief Lee called out to me. Section Chief Lee is drawing the letter V with his finger when I poke my head out.

“Deputy Kim, me as well as Department Head Seo.”

“Would you like to have coffee as well?”

“I couldn’t sleep last night.”

It seems that something I didn’t want to know is coming to mind. I shook my head. My imagination almost takes over. This is not the time to fantasize.

I made an OK sign with my finger to Section Chief Lee.

Let’s go to the 9th floor.


When I stood up from my seat, I was confident, but as I ascended the elevator, my neck shrank. If I suddenly went into the director’s office and said, ‘please don’t like me,’ wouldn’t I be treated as a crazy person?

The elevator went up without stopping.

Ding. I arrive on the 9th floor after a harsh ringtone. A familiar face stood in front of me when the elevator door opened. Employee Ha Won. Why is Ha Won here?

Employee Ha nodded to me and got in the elevator.

“Aren’t you going to get off?”


I heard a nasal sound as I rushed out of the elevator. No, that person…

If you look back, you lose. I walk stiffly down the ninth-floor hallway and stop in front of the security door. The office room is attached to the conference room on the 9th floor, so you can enter only by possessing a separate security key. I gather all my energy to my fingertips.

Ding dong. My mouth is dry. Soon a voice responds.

– What’s the matter?

“Oh, this is Kim Joo-hyuk from Customer Management Team 1. Is the Director there?”

– Wait a moment.

Soon after, I heard a crackling sound, followed by a click, and the door was unlocked. I can do it. I can do it.

I moved like water all the way to the director’s office. Let’s start by knocking. Knock, knock. My hand was trembling. The truth has now been revealed. I have come to my boss, who is much higher up than me, to tell him, “I think you like me, but don’t do that.”

I’m not even standing in front of the Jordan River, but a flash of memories crosses my mind. The billiards-style middle school uniforms, the mountain behind the girl I liked, and the pheasant I saw there… My father, who said he was going fishing, was actually catching a rabbit on the hill. The younger sister who was making a fuss about raising it…

Why did I suddenly think of this?

I knock on the door of the director’s office.

“Come in.”

When I opened the door, I saw Director Lee standing by the window. He looked at me and smiled.

“Be careful of the Alpha.”


Director Lee walked briskly toward me, as if he had no intention of listening to my response. He slammed the door of the office room shut. My back, which was in front of the door, jerked up in surprise, and my nose bumped to Director Lee’s chest.

“Why don’t you listen to me?”

“Excuse me…”

Director Lee grabbed my chin. It seemed to be a strong grip, but it was one that I could break if I applied some force. He appeared to want to frighten me. I shouldn’t say things like this though, but he didn’t really scare me.

“Kim Joo-hyuk-ssi, how about using some of your vacation today?”

“That’s something I’m saving up…”

“I’ll give you sick leave.”

Director Lee’s eyes seemed to be burning, and he licked the edge of his lips. He had the appearance of an actor. The only actor I know is Seol Ki-do, who is uninteresting, but Director Lee would be a cool actor. A real actor.

This director had a charisma that overwhelms people. I’m not usually interested in male Alphas, but this one piqued my interest. The tips of my ears became hot.

That was it.



“… Kim Joo-hyuk.”




“Are you a Beta?”


Director Lee took his hand off the door and took a step back. He scrubbed his face and patted it dry. I became embarrassed for no reason and began organizing my clothes.

“Are you really a Beta?”



Director Lee paced around the office twice and asked me.

“Why do you carry Omega inhibitors?”

“It’s not mine…” 

“Don’t lie.”

“I give it to my team members when they’re sick…”


Director Lee took a seat. He beckoned with one hand covering his face. I dragged the chair next to me and sat down in front of his desk, face to face.

“Then what about the Alpha you were with yesterday?”

“Why does Director care about that?”

“Everyone knows that I like Kim Joo-hyuk-ssi. I’m jealous and worried, so please tell me.”

I’m speechless. I thought it would be a secret, but I’m surprised that Director Lee spoke so confidently. Director Lee stared at me, who was stuttering. I swallow my saliva once and answer.

“It’s a friend. A junior in a college club…”

“Did you only meet that one friend? Are you sure you’re just friends?”


“What kind of person is he? What are you guys doing? Is he handsome?”

Somehow, I was enthralled by the atmosphere, I couldn’t stop talking about Ki-do. How sincere Ki-do is, how devoted he is to his lover, and how he works hard in what he does. Seol Ki-do once defended her in front of a member of his fan club. My teeth clenched, knowing that this is all caused by his drunkenness.

Director Lee sighed deeply and tilted his head back. And came face to face with me once more. Underneath, Director Lee’s eyes were blue.

“Alphas, be careful.”

“Director is also an Alpha…”

“Be careful with all Alphas except me. No, then I’ll be careful as well, just.”

“I’m a Beta.”

“I know, just be careful.”

Director Lee was unable to regain his usual smirk. Now was the time. I feel compelled to express my thoughts. Very clear and precise…

“Director Lee, I… Do you like me?”

“You already know it, why are you asking?”

Director Lee smiled. Unlike usual, his relaxed expression made him look more human. Normally, he was like a robot with fluttering input, but now he seemed like a tired person.

“Why do you keep coming to see me every morning?”

“I did it because I wanted to see your face. Do you feel pressured?”


“I know. I went to see you more so you feel pressured. I thought that if I stamped my presence, one day I would be noticed.”

“What do you mean by that…”

He scratched the bridge of his nose. Director Lee smiled and tilted his chin. He looked mischievous.

“Then, should I not go see you from now on?”

“Yes. It interferes with work…”

“Aren’t I just looking at your face in the morning?”

“It’s because it bothers me all day.”

I mumbled like a grass-covered puppy. This isn’t it. I have to speak more confidently. Only when the problem is completely resolved will my future work life be bright.



“Don’t like me.”


“I have no intention of dating.”

“So it’s not that you don’t like me, right?”

Director Lee stood up with a smile. His face was the brightest I’ve ever seen. Director Lee put his face on me.

“Then you won’t date anyone other than me, right?”

“Yes… That’s right.“

“Keep your word.”

Just then, Director Lee’s phone rang.

“This is Lee Si-hyun. Oh, I see. Then we’ll go there by eleven o’clock. No, it’s easier to see it with my own eyes. Yes, of course.”

Director took a deep breath and looked at me as he hung up the phone. A broad smile spread across his face.

“What are you doing? Let’s go.”