Translated by Springlila

Edited by Prius

My mind was blank until I got home, took off all of my clothes, and lay down on the couch. I couldn’t come up with anything. My boss is coming to see me tomorrow. A boss who likes me. He’ll come to my house tomorrow and pick me up.

Huh? My house?

Director Lee has no idea where I live. Unless he goes through the employee information directory, he won’t know. Instead, there was one house that he knew.

Ki-do’s house.

I rubbed my temples. A company boss is visiting a friend’s house. It was an absurd combination. I picked up the phone while lying on my back and went through my contacts.

I don’t have Director Lee’s contact. Director Lee and I have a weak relationship. I recall being ordered to take one of Director Lee’s business cards, but I don’t recall picking one up. I felt sorry for reaching out to Deputy Kang and Section Chief Lee. Everyone must have already gone home.

I squinted my eyes and pressed my brow together. I’ll go to Ki-do’s house tomorrow. Until 6 p.m., in front of Ki-do’s house…

I jump up from the sofa. Then I sat down once more. I’m getting indigestion.

I roll around and switch on the television. Then I switched it off. I was tossing myself around aimlessly. Picking up and dropping the phone repeatedly.

I eventually contact Ki-do. I didn’t say anything more since I didn’t want him to find out. I just said that my boss is coming to pick me up because I have work. Ki-do burst out laughing. Regardless, it’s a relief he laughed.

– Just come.

“I can come?”

– You act as if you haven’t been given permission.

“Then I’ll go there tomorrow.”

– Let’s play a game together. When hyung leaves, I’ll also go to my appointment.

“All right.”

– You can say an idol was invited. It’s possible that some of the people I know will come.

“Are you close with idols?”

– No…

“Life is like that.”

My heart felt lighter after talking with Ki-do. Everything I went through at the company seemed like water under the bridge. Director Lee may become a good friend as well. A good friend. Good friend!

– Or do you want to come right now? Chicken and beer?

“It’s difficult to have drinks multiple days in a row.”

– Beer is not alcohol.

“Oh, damn it.”

– Just come and sleep at my house.

“Should I?”

I thought about it for a while. There was a lot of time left. I reasoned that I could just put on a decent suit. I would be okay borrowing Ki-do’s clothes. Ki-do is bigger than me, but I’ll figure it out. Even if he has long legs, I doubt they will be that long.

“Do you mind if I borrow your suit for tomorrow?”

“I’ll be there right away.”

I put on my coat and walk out the door. I walk out in a tracksuit, but I make sure to wear the right shoes for tomorrow. I make my way to the bus station. It will be great to attend the party in this manner. This is most likely what Director Lee will say when he sees me:

‘I’m losing all my interest in you.’

After my plan is successful, I’ll return home satisfied. And I’m going to spend the rest of the weekend watching TV. It’s a great strategy.

In my imagination, Director Lee looks at me and adds,

‘As expected, I like Omegas. They are pretty and also can feel my sexy pheromone. This lovely Omega here and I will love each other like fate. Betas are not someone I can love. Thanks to Kim Joo-hyuk, I realized this. We can remain friends.’

Secretary Kim comes to mind when I think of fate. Secretary Kim stated that he seemed to meet me by fate. Where did fate come from? Does fate arrive out of nowhere for him and say he fell in love at first sight?

I kick a stone at my foot. The bus is still nowhere to be seen. I look down the road; it’s pitch black. Outside, it’s still chilly. I felt a shiver run down my arms.

“We can still be friends.”

Under my breath, the self-talk fades away. It’s a pointless victory. I never considered dating since I didn’t want to be in a relationship. It bothered me, even though I don’t want to be in a relationship. I don’t want to cut him off, but he’s like a thorn that needs to be removed.

Anyway, I’m not interested in dating either Alphas or Omegas. Alphas and Omegas are going to date and adore each other passionately. As far as I know, it’s like this. Their love is passionate, whether they are drawn to pheromones or are in estrus. It’s not the same as Betas. Betas don’t have a fateful love like them.

“Excuse me… “

Someone approached me. He has a plain appearance. He smiles warmly when I look at him suspiciously.

“You have a great first impression. I fell in love at first sight. I’ve seen you around this area on occasion, and I live in a modern apartment over there. Can I get your contact information…”

“I don’t go to church or temple.”

“What? I’m not trying to evangelize…”

I move away, waving my hands. Looks like I need to go to the next stop to board the bus. Even if he does proliferate, it would be easier with an attractive person. It may be a pseudo-religion.

In any case, there is no such thing as a spontaneous declaration of love. Betas, who do not possess pheromones, are unaware of this reality. I’m not sure what Director Lee likes about me, a Beta.

I keep thinking about Director Lee while I board an empty bus. I blankly recite his name in my mind. Director Lee’s face, Director Lee, Lee Si-hyun, Director, Lee Si-hyun. Lee Si-hyun.

I step off the bus, still muttering like a lunatic. Ki-do had already arrived at the bus station. He waves his hands. When I waved my hand, I’m thinking of Director Lee again. I tucked my hands deep into my pockets.

“Let’s go eat some chicken. Chicken.”


“Did anything happen?”

Ki-do put his hand on my shoulder. It’s heavy. The Ki-do in my memory is a little thinner, and he is a lightweight guy in many ways…

“How come your arms are so heavy?”

“I’m lifting weights these days. When I started filming a new drama, they told me I was too thin. So, what is your concern?”

I tell him as I move his arm off me. 

“I kept thinking of my boss’s face. It irritates me, yet I can’t stop thinking about him. What should I do?”

“Does he keep giving you work?”

“It’s not like that…” 

“That’s evil.”

“That’s not it…”

Ki-do pats my back.

“Just stop worrying about this as you’ve already got off work! Let’s just eat chicken!”

“You said something smart, Ki-do.”

I just got off work, so I don’t have to think about it anymore. Ki-do is right. Just eat some chicken or something.


Ki-do and I discuss a recent unfortunate event. We discuss games and a little bit about dramas. Most of the drama talk revolves around me making fun of Ki-do. We take our time walking to the chicken restaurant. It’s peaceful.

“Doesn’t your girlfriend say anything when you’re filming a kissing scene?”

“She makes a lot of fun of me. She occasionally gives me acting advice.”

“She’s pretty cool.”

The chicken restaurant where Ki-do takes me is a place I know well. I used to come here a lot while I was in college. Ki-do has lived in this town for a long time. Sometimes the two of us come, usually accompanied by a senior or someone. I would come with my girlfriend at times, and Ki-do would come with his girlfriend at other times. Ki-do once came with his Omega boyfriend.

I’m not sure why this world has so many associations with love. I should have gone into a monastery. Maybe I should go into religion after I retire and return from Hawaii. I am not religious. I should have listened to the last missionary.

“Hyung, you’ve been thinking too much since before. What’s the matter?”

A sigh comes out. Ki-do naturally raises his hand and orders.

“Auntie, here!”

“If you two are here, it’s half and half, right?”

“And two beers to go with it.”

Ki-do, who had moved the menu to the table next to him, held his chin up. His large hand pressed against his cheek. His sharp gaze softened.

“Hey, what’s up. Please tell me. Is the boss you’re going to see tomorrow bullying you?”

“No, that’s not it. How should I put it?”

“What is it?”

I use both of my hands to cover my lips. I’m too shy to say anything. Ki-do always looked at me and said I was being delusional. This time it’s true, but I’m embarrassed to say it.

Ki-do has his gaze fixed on me. I can’t just show up and say nothing. I’d like to change the topic. Let’s come up with a decent topic. Game. The game sounds interesting.

“Hey, the new expansion pack will be out next month…”

“Don’t change the topic.”

I shut my eyes. I’m just a little nervous.

“He likes me.”


Ki-do’s voice is becoming lower. He raises one of his brows. Ki-do continues to smile warmly.

“The director.”

“Is that the boss you’re supposed to meet tomorrow?”

“And the General Affairs department staff also said he likes me.”

“Oh really?”

Ki-do surprisingly did not change his expression. It’s like he hadn’t heard anything. Ki-do came into eye contact with me with his chin propped up.

“Are both of them Beta girls?”

“No, one is an Alpha, while the other is an Omega.”

Ki-do’s gaze changed. It looks like he is trying to scold me for being delusional. No, I mean, this time I really heard it.

Seol Ki-do’s voice is low and gloomy.

“However, hyung will not date Alphas or Omegas. Isn’t that right?”

Ki-do responded quickly.

“You’re not into dating these days.”

“Oh? That’s right.”

“You haven’t had a lover since you broke up with that girl.”

“Which girl?”

“That business school public relations model.”

“No, after her…”

“After her?”

Ki-do shifted his position and sat down. Pulling the chair is not unusual. I’m feeling a little interrogated. For no apparent reason, I corrected my posture.

“I was dating someone else after her. Even so, there were no men.”

“Oh, the director is a man? What about the employee? Is the employee also a man?”

“Uh… yeah…”

Ki-do let out a sigh. His dry face appears haggard. Seol Ki-do turned his attention to the TV in the store, which was showing an old soccer game.

“No. Let’s not talk about that.”


“Though, you used to be popular.”


Ki-do filled a glass with water.

“Yeah. There were several Betas in the theater club that liked you. An Omega from the next-door school also came to see you.”

“You look at me every day and tell me I’m delusional…”

Ki-do pushes a glass of water in front of me. His eyes are filled with annoyance as he looks at me.

“What do you mean by that?”


“Hey, Ki-do.”

“Drink water. Water.”

Ki-do brings the glass of water to my mouth. The glass’s hard tip hit my front teeth. I grab Ki-do’s hand. Ki-do chuckles.

“In any case, go ahead and do anything that you want.”

“I’m not sure what I want to do.”

“You have no idea? You said that you wish to resign.”

Ki-do has reverted to his normal self. I remembered the flavor of the chicken. Moderately oily and greasy. But it’s delicious. Every time I pick up a chicken radish and eat it, I look at Ki-do. Ki-do is a little silent, even if he pretends not to be.

Ki-do emptied the cup all at once. Then Ki-do’s phone, which had been turned upside down, suddenly rings loudly.

‘Because you are my destiny! I am the Alpha who protects my Omega because I am your love. I love you stupid…’

The ringtone is from the drama’s original soundtrack. I’m about to spit out the beer I’m drinking. That’s also my ringtone. Were those the lyrics?

“Hyung, I’ll answer the phone.”

“Who is it?”

Ki-do hurriedly puts the phone to his ear.

“Hello? Ung! I’m out drinking with some friends. No, no, just a little.”

“Damn it…”

I set my ringtone to silent by default when Ki-do steps out to answer the phone. Fuck fate.

I probed the chicken. The soccer game continues to play on the television. It didn’t matter how hard the player kicked the ball, the goalkeeper’s ability was no laughing matter. It’s going to take some time. The boss sat in the old chair, his legs crossed, staring blankly. Through the glass door, I could see Ki-do’s back. I felt as if I were in another world.

It’s not uncommon for Ki-do to flatter his girlfriend. I can’t get used to it no matter how often I hear it. Ki-do re-entered the room through the glass door. He’s still talking on the phone.

“All good. I’ll be arriving home early. I love you. No, no, baby, hang up first. No, don’t be mad. Don’t get mad. I explained everything earlier. See you tomorrow evening.”

The boss glanced at Ki-do. It’s a little embarrassing. Seol Ki-do is acting sweet from the bottom of his heart. It’s a sight to behold.

Ki-do made a squeaky noise through his mouth and hung up the phone after bickering for a little longer. I coughed when our gazes collided. He grabs a chicken leg with a fork in front of him with a smile on his face.

“There’s so much love here, it’s overflowing.”

“Our hundred-day anniversary is coming up soon.”

“Is that it? I thought you’d been together for a longer time.”


Ki-do was staring at the ground with a blank expression on his face. His hopeful eyes rolled to one side.

“As long as we’re happy.”

Ki-do smiled as he glanced at me. It’s a sweet smile.

“I agree. Just be happy.”