Chapter 80 Happy each other

  The contract is actually not mandatory, Zhao Liya just wants the villagers to gradually adapt to this method. Maybe there will be more ways to make money in the future, and you need to take everyone to play together. There is no contract, no rules, and it is too easy to make trouble.

  This time is just right, Zhao Liya simply let Qu Yutao decide the whole process, let her have a try and accumulate experience.

  In this village, at home, if Qu Yutao doesn’t understand, or if something gets wrong, she can remind her, and Hu Ling can also remind her.

  Hu Ling's father used to be a big housekeeper, and under the influence of his ears and eyes, Hu Ling also knows a lot about managing affairs. There are at least dozens of households, and it is quite easy to help coordinate and arrange.

  The news quickly spread throughout the village, and the villagers exploded.


   "There is such a good thing!"

   "Let's go, let's ask! If it's true, let's try it at home."

   "Let's go, I want to try too."

  One mu of land can earn six to seven hundred yuan, and two mu of land is nearly one and a half.

   Anyway, in winter, I have nothing to do, and the land is also idle. If I can earn so much in just two months of planting, I can live a good year.

  Can cut a few more pounds of meat, buy a few new clothes, replace the quilt that has been covered for several years with a new one, and buy some candy for the children. Who would not do such a good thing?

   Isn't it easy for a family to serve two acres of land?

  The villagers were enthusiastic and came to inquire one after another.

  From the reception of the villagers, it was Qu Yutao who came forward. She was a little nervous, and Hu Ling ran back and forth to help, and Qu Yutao was very grateful for his help, thinking that they were all acquaintances in this village, and they often saw each other, and gradually felt relieved, and her mouth became more agile, her tone was brisk and methodical. Explain clearly to everyone.

   Everyone wants to plant, the only thing hesitating is the contract. I'm afraid that if there is a trap, what if someone sells it?

Qu Yutao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she explained patiently, and said, "There are no illiterate people in our village, so you can know exactly what is said in the contract at a glance. Besides, with this contract as a guarantee, everyone can Don’t worry about planting it, don’t worry about not being able to sell it, right?”

   This is true!

  Everyone nodded.

  Someone took the lead in signing the contract, and the others became anxious, swarming forward, scrambling to sign.

  Hu Ling couldn't do it by shouting alone, so he had to do it, pulling in line one by one.

  Garlic seedlings are expensive to sell. Each family first limits planting to one acre, and the yield of celery is high. Like garlic seedlings, first limit one acre. Choose one of the two. First come first served.

  After one day, all the 80 acres were claimed. Of the fifty or so households, only a few didn't claim it, and they were either lazy or living a good life and didn't care about such a small amount of money.

  Second Uncle Luo's family also claimed two acres, and the Qi family was envious when they saw it, and urged Uncle Luo to claim the two acres too.

   "Isn't it easy to grow vegetables? Just scatter the rapeseed on the ground and you're done. No matter how much you harvest, you won't lose money." Qi Shi said while feeling sad.

   With such hard work, I only earned one or two taels of silver. If it was in the past, I wouldn't even bother to pick up a tael of silver in front of me. There are also one person and one couple who are rewarded to the big girls around them during the festivals.

  Uncle Luo refused to go.

  Ever since he sold the dying concubine daughter to marry her into a shady marriage, he has had nightmares from time to time, and sometimes feels guilty when he thinks about it.

  He hated himself for being like this, and he knew that even if it happened again, he would still do it. However, this guilt is also real.

  He knows that because of this, people in the village look down on him, and people who pass by his door will spit. Does he not want to go to a place with many people, and make people look down on him?

  He closed his eyes, fell on the bed, pretended to be dead, no matter how much Qi scolded him, he remained motionless.

  He hates the Qi family very much, but he has to admit that if there is no Qi family in this family, he may only beg for food.

  Anyway, he has been like this all his life, so let's just mess around like this.

   Qi Shi was still not reconciled, so he also went to queue for the essentials.

Sure enough, as soon as she came, countless pairs of eyes looked at her. The people in front of her subconsciously leaned forward, and the people behind her moved back in small steps, pulling away from her clearly. distance.

  It is common for a aunt to treat a concubine's child harshly, and a stepmother to treat an ex-wife harshly. Although everyone will gossip behind their backs, their attitude is clearly "excusable", after all, it is not their own.

  Especially for the children of the concubine, whose mother is even opposed to the first wife, how to ask the first wife to treat them well?

   But there is always a limit to everything.

   Excessive, it is inhuman, it is vicious and vicious.

   No one wants to be friends with an inhuman, vicious person.

  It is not auspicious to touch it.

  Qi Shi is also a human being, and as a human being, she has social needs. Even if she doesn't care whether others want to make friends with her, she will never want others to avoid snakes and scorpions and give her secret advice.

  Qi Shi deliberately ignored those strange gazes, secretly gritted his teeth.

   Qu Yutao was stunned when she saw her in the team. She really didn't expect her to come, and she felt disgusted suddenly.

  Luo Shuyan is still quietly living in the Zhao family.

  Although she escaped smoothly, but in order to act more realistically, she took the medicine given by Yu Xiaofang, and her body was indeed damaged. Although it did not damage the fundamental vitality, it took time and nutrition to recover.

  Fortunately, Qi Shi and the others fell for her easily, sent her away, took the antidote early, and the damage was less severe.

   Even so, and Yu Xiaofang prescribes medicine to recuperate, and it is only now that he barely looks a little better.

   But she still can't stay idle, knowing that everyone likes her craftsmanship, she insists on cooking every day.

   Such a kind, capable, gentle and strong girl, who doesn't like her? Who doesn't feel sorry for her past.

   Let Qi earn this money, Qu Yutao really feels a little uncomfortable.

  Hu Ling was also a little hesitant, but he winked at Qu Yutao and explained a few words in a low voice.

  This matter is open to everyone in the village, there is no reason to target Qi, but you can ask her a few more questions.

  Qu Yutao thought about it for a while, and she understood. She stretched her eyebrows and smiled at Hu Ling.

  Hu Ling's heart beat a little fast uncontrollably for an instant, and the apex of his heart trembled slightly. What's the matter with the inexplicable joy?

   When it was Qi Shi's turn, everyone was in a tacit understanding. They all got excited and looked over in unison.

  Everyone thinks the same: Why can she do it? Although she is also from Yancun.

Qu Yutao looked at Qi Shi when she said with a sullen face that she wanted to plant one acre of garlic seedlings and one acre of spinach, and said with a smile, "Aunt Luo, are you sure? Two acres of land is a lot. Aunt Luo can really do it." Have you planted it? After all, Aunt Luo is not familiar with the work in the field, so I'm afraid she doesn't know how much two acres are! It will be very tiring."

  (end of this chapter)