Chapter 81 Get rid of the Qi family

  Everyone burst into laughter upon hearing this, and some grinned exaggeratedly to the point of their ears—yes, a large part of it was intentional!

   Some people took advantage of the situation to make fun of it.

   "Yes, this kind of land is hard work! Let alone two acres if you haven't done it before, you can get tired if you get two points!"

   "That's not right! Don't miss someone's business by then."

   "Hey, your family is rich, how can you think so much? It wasn't until a while ago. Hehe!"

  Qi's repressed anger turned into raging fire and rushed up one by one. She turned her head, glanced at the crowd and cursed: "Bah! I want you to take care of it! Talking too much will rot your tongue carefully!"

Turning back to look at Qu Yutao, Qi's became more stubborn and said: "I said that the plant can be planted naturally, and you don't need to worry about the others. What? Or is it that our family is not from Yancun? Our family is not worthy? Why don't others talk so much, It's my turn to say so much? This is deliberately targeting me! You are young, but you can watch people order!"

  Qu Yutao followed Zhao Liya and Hu Ling in Zaihu Village for so long, and she is no longer the little girl who was silent and seldom talked, unwilling to talk about everything.

She wasn't angry either, she looked up at Qi and said, "It's natural for me to ask more questions. After all, who in the village doesn't know that my aunt has never been in the field to do these jobs? How can I feel relieved if I don't ask? What? Do you want me to take care of it? This is something entrusted to me by my aunt and uncle, so I naturally have to take care of it, ask questions, and do things well, otherwise how can I feel sorry for it?"

  The villagers laughed again, and many people agreed with Qu Yutao, which made Qi very angry.

   "Okay, okay, it seems that you are really targeting me on purpose," Qi sneered, "I'm still going to plant it, what's the matter!"

  Qu Yutao: "Then you have to make sure that you can plant it well, otherwise, if you miss something, you will have to pay for it."

   "Is it the same for other people?"

   "Of course. But Aunt Luo's house is special. You have never planted it before, so I will pay more attention to it."

   Qi Shi was furious, pointed at her and cursed: "Little bitch—"

"Shut up!" Hu Ling clapped Qi Shi's hand with a "slap", half covered Qu Yutao behind his back and said coldly: "Who are you scolding? Apologize, otherwise this matter will become dirty, let's go! "

   "Well, you are deliberately targeting me! Your Zhao family is rampant in the village, who gave you the courage! Sue it, and see what you get!"


  Qi Shi naturally refused to apologize, his face turned red and white to be aggressive, and he wanted to stand here with his hands on his hips, swearing and howling.

  She still had a bit of a face, and she didn't roll on the ground and mess around.

  Zhao Liya had been listening in the yard, but when she saw that the commotion was getting worse, she became murderous.

"What are you arguing about?" Zhao Liya sneered: "This is something our family found, in order to give everyone an input subsidy during the slack season. Our family is the master of everything. If you don't accept it, you will leave. No one will stop you." I'm looking at you. What's the matter with asking you more questions? Are you so precious? Can't ask you? Besides, which question asked you wrong? You made a fuss first! Do you want to sue? Go to the city to sue? Have the guts If you say you don’t have the guts to do it, then don’t say it!”

"I'll tell you plainly now, just because you scolded my cousin just now, our family doesn't welcome you, and it's nothing to do with you. Get out of your face, or I'll bring a big broom, I don't care Where did you greet me!"

   Hu Ling was so relieved, he snorted, eager to try, and wanted to take a big broom.

  Qi Shi recalled the scene of being grabbed by Zhao Liya and held her head down at the edge of the field, and suddenly felt a disgusting smell of earth in her mouth, and she became frightened for no reason.

  She dare not tell others, but Zhao Liya really knows how to do it.

  Although it was embarrassing to be scolded by her in public, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing if she beat her in public?

  Qi's eyes were resentful, "Bah, who cares about these three melons and two dates! Aunt and grandma don't like this!"

   After finishing speaking, he left angrily.

  Zhao Liya snorted softly, glanced at her and looked away: "Everyone continue to line up, it's okay!"

   Qu Yutao smiled gratefully: "Fortunately, you are here, cousin."

  Zhao Liya smiled and said: "Cousin is a gentleman, she is not afraid, but I can do it, can she not be afraid?"

  Everyone laughed after hearing this, and Qu Yutao also laughed.

   A storm stopped here.

   As for what Qi went crazy after returning home and whom to blame, it has nothing to do with the Zhao family.

  Widow Qu also claimed an acre of garlic seedlings and an acre of lettuce. It doesn’t matter if Qu Yutao doesn’t have time to help.

  Aunt Li Shiyi couldn't wait more, so she readily agreed.

  The Gu family didn't take the job. They don't care about this little money.

   Let them work for Zhao Liya? Don't even think about it!

   It's just that when I saw the people in the village happily running to Zhao's house, I felt suffocated again.

  The Zhao family is really going too far! This kind of organization of the whole village should be done by the Gu family, and the Zhao family didn't even say hello, which is really unreasonable.

   "Brother, if this continues, our Gu family will not have a good life in the village in the future!"

  They all knew very well that the villagers were dissatisfied with their own family. How long could their Tu Huang last if the Zhao family messed up like this?

  Sooner or later, someone will take the lead in making a fuss, and the Zhao family may not have a hand in it.

  Second Aunt Gu said angrily: "I don't think it's difficult. The whole family says that they are not allowed to take this job. Let's see what they do!"

  Gu Laoer was irritable: "Shut up!"

   If you can't speak, don't speak.

   Isn't this equivalent to cutting off the wealth of the whole village? Isn't this forcing the whole village to unite against them? In addition, with the help of Zhao's family, and those who are at odds with his family, especially that Lin Mo, maybe they can be washed away.

  The reason why their family is still able to dominate the village is because they are defeated individually, because no family in the village can beat them, and they can never unite against themselves.

   But what will they do if they are not allowed to make money?

   Planting two acres of land, two months, is more than one tael of silver. Who can afford it?

   Boss Gu sneered: "Don't worry about them, let them be proud." They won't be proud for many days.

   Gu Sansao couldn't help but said: "This is strange, where did they meet people? Can they sell so many vegetables!"

  Second Aunt Gu immediately said: "It's better if you can't sell it! Then they will be compensated to death! If they dare not buy it with their own money, the villagers will tear them alive."

  Second Aunt Gu imagined that scene, and couldn't help laughing.

   Wishing it would come true immediately.

  Brother Gu was moved in his heart, and called the second and third children to talk: "You keep an eye on them for a while to see if they have any contacts with anyone."

  (end of this chapter)