Chapter 90 Hunting Quest

  The item of charcoal is also part of corvee.

  Every household has a share.

  The Zhao family is a newcomer this year, and it is the Gu family who assigns the task, so naturally they will not give it to the Zhao family at all. Perhaps it is useless to know that even if the amount of tasks allocated to the Zhao family is larger, the Zhao family will not care at all. When the Gu family assigned tasks, they did not deliberately make things difficult.

   Only about 30% more than other families.

   This is normal for newcomers.

   Zhao Liya also knows how to burn charcoal, but this time she didn't say she would, and she doesn't plan to do it.

   This is too troublesome. I have to find a place to dig a kiln, or rent a carbon kiln from other people in the village, and then I have to cut charcoal.

  The charcoal is not cut casually, the government requires it. Commonly requested are oak, elm, linden, or lychee, pine.

  There are regulations on tree species, and on the size of wood.

  The tree needs to be cut down now, transported to the side of the charcoal kiln, cut into the required length and size, let it dry for four or five days, then install the kiln, and then light the kiln.

  After lighting the kiln, the kiln fire cannot be interrupted. It must burn continuously for five to seven days, and then close the kiln.

  After the kiln is closed, it takes more than seven or eight days for the kiln fire to go out naturally and the wood to be converted into charcoal.

  After that, the kiln is opened, the charcoal is taken, and the charcoal is sent to the government.

  This process is time-consuming and labor-intensive, Zhao Liya doesn't want to do it, what can't be done with this time?

   It happened that the sugarcane field had reached the final sprint stage, so we needed to keep an eye on it, and wait until December to start harvesting sugar.

   This is the real first pot of gold, and the whole family attaches great importance to it. It's really not reassuring to go around every day.

  So Zhao Liya found a few families in the village and bought carbon from them.

  Everyone eagerly nodded their heads in agreement.

  I originally had to burn charcoal at home, so it’s just a matter of the way to burn more.

  The kind of good charcoal that the government wants can be sold for fifty to sixty yuan per 100 catties.

  Zhao Liya’s family has to pay 1,200 catties this year, and they have booked with four families in total. It was agreed that after the charcoal was burnt, it would be brought back to their family, and the family would check and confirm that it was correct before giving the money and sending it to the Yamen, which was also delivered by the Zhao family themselves.

   Someone offered to help and send it directly to the Yamen, but Zhao Liya declined.

  If you don't hand in the things you hand in, you won't feel at ease.

  Who knows if other people have tampered with it? Even if the others are really kind, what if other caring people secretly tampered with it? Wouldn't it be hard to argue by then?

  Lin Mo and Yu Xiaofang were also impatient with things like burning charcoal, and the tasks they shared were also bought with money.

  At this time, the prey in the mountains is plentiful, and when the two of them go to the mountains, there are more.

   Sometimes it takes five or six days to come back.

  Lin Mo's archery skills are really good, and he knows how to set traps and tricks. Every time he gains a lot.

  There are no deer in the south, but there are muntjacs and wild sheep, which are very delicious prey, and pheasants, although they are not big, are also very popular.

   There are also wild boars. If you hunt one and sell it, you can get several taels of silver.

   In the twinkling of an eye, it was November. After checking the charcoal and handing it over to the government, Zhao Liya and others all heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that at least this year's tribute task has been completed, and at least they can enjoy a few months of relaxation and enjoy the new year.

   As for what happens next year, that is next year's business. We will talk about it at that time, and we will not consider it now!

   "Our sugar cane will be harvested soon, so now is the time to focus on it!"

   "Our sugar cane grows very well, each one is round and straight, not to mention how gratifying it is, and the sugar cane must be excellent!"

   "Well, sugar cane is very sweet!"

  Everyone is beaming.

  They tried to chop a few and brought them back. Everyone tasted it and said it was delicious.

  Sugar cane is sweet and sweet, and it can also be used to make chicken soup. It is sweet and delicious, with a unique fragrance. The chicken is also more tender and sweet, and the more you eat, the more delicious it is.

   Unexpectedly, at this time, the Gu family came to the door again.

   "What? Hunting in the mountains?"

  The Zhao family were all stunned.

   Boss Gu said impatiently: "This is a temporary request from the county, and we will leave tomorrow. This kind of mission has been done before."

   Neither Widow Qu nor Luo Shuyan spoke, so it can be seen that Boss Gu did not lie when he said this before.

   It's just that I'm leaving tomorrow, isn't it a bit too rushed?

  In the vile feudal society, the officials in the government want game to celebrate the New Year. They can't force ordinary people to do this kind of thing, and the exiles are naturally the best choice.

  Anyway, the life of the exile is not life, even if it is thrown in the mountains.

  Civilians can't.

  Zhao Liya said: "Brother Lin Mo and Brother Xiaofang are more familiar with such things as hunting. Why don't we wait for them to come back before going, wouldn't we be more confident?"

   Boss Gu sneered: "How can we wait for this kind of thing? Aren't you good at it? Hurry up and get ready, and leave early tomorrow morning without any discussion! If you don't want to go, you can talk to Yu Gongcao yourself!"

   Boss Gu left coldly after speaking.

   I found Yu Gongcao and said it was impossible.

   Yu Gongcao has a good feeling for them, but it's all based on interests.

  Yu Gongcao's daughter-in-law likes to be greedy for cheap, but she is not too greedy. Even if you give her a head of garlic, she can still smile happily. And it won't ask you to ask for two or three heads of garlic after you get one head of garlic.

   Of course, she will be happier if you send her something every now and then.

  However, if you go to their house and say that you don't want to go hunting in the mountains, you are "too naive", and Yu Gongcao will be disgusted at first.

  Zhao Liya and Hu Ling decided to go into the mountains with young adults from several families in the village tomorrow.

  Widow Qu went out and wandered around the village, and came back from all the inquiries that needed to be made.

  A total of fifteen families went hunting this time, about thirty-four or five people.

  Of course the Gu brothers won’t go—they’re not stupid! That's why I won't ask for trouble.

  The people who went to other houses were all young and middle-aged, but Zhao Liya decided to go too.

   Otherwise, she won't be at ease if she only gets a Hu collar. The family members are not at ease.

  Both of them went, and the family was still worried, but they also understood that it was better for the two of them to take care of each other when they traveled together than to go alone.

  That night, the whole family babbled a lot.

  Luo Shuyan steamed sugar cake and cooked glutinous rice overnight, boiled boiled eggs the next morning, and grabbed a lot of red dates, carefully wrapped them, and asked them to take them with them.

  These are foods that can quickly replenish physical strength, and they can withstand storage in winter, so it’s good to take them with you.

  When setting off the next day, he didn't expect Hulu and Baldhead to be in the team. Hu Ling gave them a cold look and didn't say anything.

  These two guys are here, they are useless in the first place, and they can't play any tricks.

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  (end of this chapter)