Chapter 91 They also go

  When a group of elders saw that Zhao Liya was going, they kindly persuaded her. Zhao Liya thanked her with a smile, and still insisted on going, so everyone said nothing.

   Everyone actually knows that although Zhao Liya is a girl, if they really fight, they are not as good as her.

  Able to fight by himself, not easy to mess with, and with a very rich and possibly powerful mysterious big boss, everyone subconsciously felt a little awe of Zhao Liya and Hu Ling, and naturally recommended them as team leaders.

   "With so many of us entering the mountain, we can't do without a team leader. It's inconvenient to do things."

Zhao Liya resolutely refused to be the team leader, saying that she and Hu Ling were not familiar with the mountains at all, and they were definitely not suitable. Please invite uncles and brothers who are familiar with the mountains and Lingnan to be the team leader. She and her brother must obey the team leader's orders, everyone. Use it vigorously.

  These are ordinary villagers, and they are not soldiers in the barracks. Don’t look at the good words at the moment, Zhao Liya can guarantee that more than half of the people must be disdainful and unconvinced towards her and Hu Ling.

   Then naturally it is impossible to listen to her or Hu Ling.

  How about more than 30 people, who knows what will happen after entering the mountain? The team leader is responsible, and if something happens, Zhao Liya feels that she and Hu Ling cannot bear the responsibility.

  Originally, she and Hu Ling were both newcomers and young, and there was a good reason for this, so the big guys gave up after a few words of persuasion.

  Finally, a strong man in his thirties surnamed Lin was elected as the team leader, and everyone continued to set off.

  This hunting will take about four to seven days, and on the first day, the big guys are basically on their way.

   It wasn't until the evening that they found two caves not far apart to rest for the night.

  Zhao Liya and Hu Ling rushed into the smaller cave at the same time. The small cave can accommodate about eight to ten people, and the other large cave can accommodate at least 30 people.

  Neither of them like to be in contact with too many people.

   I just didn't expect to look away and found that the **** Gourd was also following, Zhao Liya frowned slightly.

  Everyone brought their own rations. Originally, everyone ate their own food, but Hulu suddenly cleared his throat and said, "Since we form a team together, I suggest that we turn in all our rations and distribute them together?"

   "No!" Zhao Liya said in a disgusted tone, and said coldly, "You will take advantage of it. What did you bring? How dare you say that it will be handed over to the unified distribution?"

  Everyone's eyes flashed, and they looked at Calabash subconsciously with a little vigilance.

   Hulu and the others do a lot of sneaky things on weekdays, and he is lazy and poor, what dry food can he provide? To put it nicely, what is unified distribution must have no good intentions!

   If Ms. Zhao dared to speak, they would be relieved.

   Otherwise, they really dare not say it.

  The dry food that I bring is closely related to my own share. Naturally, it is more at ease to keep the food in my own hands. Who is willing to hand it over?

  Hulu didn’t understand this truth at all, and said with a strange yin and yang: “We are a team now, aren’t you just afraid that we big guys will take advantage of you! On the contrary, it’s too stingy to talk about me.”

Zhao Liya said: "So what? My mother specially prepared dry food for me, why should I take it out for you to take advantage of? That's what people like you think, don't drag other people around, others are not like you, always thinking about it." Things that don’t belong to me! Besides, I’m a ten-year-old girl who wants to steal my dry food, how about you? You don’t want to be ashamed, do you?”


  Hu Ling warned coldly: "Our team is for hunting, nothing else, you'd better be honest, don't have any nonsense thoughts, deliberately sow discord, or don't blame me for beating you!"

  Hulu was so angry that his nose was almost crooked, so he simply got up and went out, not daring to say any more.

  After the gourd went out, the villagers complained in a low voice, persuading Zhao Liya not to be angry with such a person. Such a person has always been like this, and there is not a word that can be heard from his mouth

  Zhao Liya smiled and said a few words in agreement, and then said: "What is this gourd doing to run into the mountain? Could it be that he can also hunt?"

  As soon as these words came out, several people in the cave laughed.

   "Him? What will he do?"

   "Who knows him, he hasn't been here in previous years, who knows what happened this year!"

   "Well, I wish he didn't come."

   "Not really"

Zhao Liya had a heart attack, and looked for an opportunity to go outside to talk with Hu Ling, and said in a low voice: "The gourd and the bald head are afraid that they will cause trouble, otherwise how could such lazy people enter the mountain? If they make trouble, it is probably for the sake of it." You and I are here, let's pay more attention."

   "Well, I'm on the same road with you, let's not be alone."


   Nothing to say all night.

  Early the next morning, everyone got together and planned to divide into three groups to go out to find prey. There are actually quite a lot of prey in the mountains. Of course, running so far is for big prey, such as wild sheep, wild boars, muntjacs, etc., and you may even encounter wolves or tigers. But there are so many of them, they are not afraid, just be careful and avoid them in advance.

  Unexpectedly, Hulu had something to say at this time, "Boss Gu asked me to tell everyone that the boss wants tigers, and we are here to hunt tigers this time!"


"Can you say that again?"

   "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

  Everyone was shocked and angry, complaining angrily.

  The God of Calabash is here, the rascal said: "Anyway, that's what Boss Gu said!"

  Don't you dare not listen?

   "Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

  Hulu rolled his eyes: "If I had told you earlier, would you still be here?"

   Everyone is even more angry! What nonsense!

  No matter what everyone thinks, this matter cannot be changed.

   Then everyone can only change their strategies.

   Fortunately, there are many people, all young and middle-aged, and tigers are ferocious, but in fact they live in this area, and tigers are not uncommon. A few years ago, there was a very cold winter, and a tiger came to the village to bite a pig, but the villagers found it, and they drove it away together.

  And every year I hear that hunters here and there have hunted tigers again.

  There are so many of them, if they find the tiger and make a trap, it may not be impossible.

   It's just that the news was too sudden and unexpected, which made everyone very unhappy.

  Zhao Liya and Hu Ling soon calmed down after seeing everyone scolding for a while, and they understood that this matter was not a big deal, and they were relieved.

  The two of them followed the crowd and obeyed the arrangement.

  Tiger's traces are hard to find, but if you are just looking for traces, there is no need for so many people in a team, so they are divided into four teams, and everyone spreads out to all directions to find the tiger's lair. After finding it, come back, and everyone will discuss how to make traps.

  Zhao Liya and Hu Ling are naturally a team.

  Because the strength of the two is very strong, Uncle Lin tentatively distributed the gourd and the bald head to the two of them. Zhao Liya did not refuse, Uncle Lin was relieved, and the others were also secretly relieved.

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  (end of this chapter)