Chapter 123 Working Together

  Who doesn’t like to go shopping?

   Gradually, Luo Shuyan also tasted a few tastes, and the three of them walked around happily!

  The doors and windows were installed, and the large pieces of furniture that were planned were brought in. Soon, every small thing was decorated. Gradually, the yard over there became a little more lively.

  Lin Mo's cousins ​​chose the 20th day of the twelfth lunar month and officially moved in. The banquet for moving to the new house will not be held, and I plan to hold another banquet in the first month to formally marry Luo Shuyan.

It happened to be the day of the move, Zhou Hansheng came, still bringing Zhao Nan and the others, saying that the matter was settled, and they couldn't go home for the New Year at the moment, if the Zhao family didn't dislike it, they wanted to stay in the Zhao family new year.

  Zhao Xiang and Deng Shi wished that the house would be more lively, so they all agreed with a smile.

  Zhao Liya is also happy. Brother Zhou is at home for the New Year, and he can spend a lot of time seductively.

   At this time, the sugar cane workshop has already been completed, and the workshop has been closed, and the paper workshop will start work next year.

  The villagers in Zaihu Village were very happy. As soon as the papermaking workshop started, everyone could earn wages again.

   Now Zhao Liya's business is only left to the villagers of Yan Village to sell vegetables.

  Now all kinds of vegetables in the vegetable field are expected to be delivered around the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. This matter has already been proficient, and it is done according to the set rules, and there will be no accidents.

  When the vegetables were first grown, they were planted in batches according to the supply time. They all grew just right, and they were just right when they were delivered.

  After the sugar was ready, Zhao Liya also asked the soldiers who came to transport the vegetables to bring a hundred catties of yellow sliced ​​sugar to General Zhong Jing as a gift, saying that they would pay a visit when they were free during the Spring Festival.

   Then discuss major issues.

  At that time, Zhong Jing should not be in the barracks. I don’t know where Zhou Hansheng and Zhou Hansheng have gone. His lieutenant commander expressed his gratitude and said that he would tell the general when he came back.

Now Zhou Hansheng came over, besides the flour, exquisite candies, roasted seeds and dried seeds and dried seafood he brought to them, there were also many dried seafood sent by Zhong Jing, and a box of rice beads the size of a palm, the size of a soybean grain, About one or two hundred.

  Although they are rice beads, each one is snow-white and round, flawless, obviously after a lot of selection.

  Strung together with silver or gold wires, they can be made into necklaces or bracelets, or they can be coiled into various shapes and inlaid with hairpins.

Zhao Liya couldn't help but said to Zhou Hansheng: "It's too expensive, and I'll have to return it after a while. Although I don't know much about the market, I know it's not cheap. They, they need silver everywhere in their barracks, so how dare they keep it?" .”

  Zhou Hansheng was amused in his heart, saying that this girl is careful, and she doesn't have much contact with her, yet she can see that Zhong Jing's life is difficult.

   Zhou Hansheng said with a smile: "Although he is having a hard time, it is not enough. This is his wish, you can accept it with confidence."

  Zhao Liya thought for a while, "Forget it, if that's the case, I'll take it. I still have a lot of good candy here, but there are no good outlets to sell it. I wonder if Brother Zhou and General Zhong are interested?"

  I want to talk about this matter anyway, and it happened to be said at this moment, so I just said it.

   Zhou Hansheng didn't quite understand.

  Zhao Liya smiled sweetly, which is not surprising, after all, he has never seen Baitang.

   "Brother Zhou, wait a moment."

  Because it was necessary to keep it secret, even if the white sugar was ready, Zhao Liya brought back a small jar and showed it to Zhao Xiang, then kept it in her room, and no one else saw it.

  When she showed it to Zhao Xiang, she deliberately asked him to guess what it was. Zhao Xiang thought it was salt, and was very surprised where she got such salt.

   Later I found out that it was white sugar, and I was as surprised as Hu Ling and the others at first.

  Zhao Liya brought the small jar and showed it to Zhou Hansheng, "This is the sugar I'm talking about, white sugar, which is also made of sucrose, but I don't think there is such sugar on the market, right?"

Zhou Hansheng was also stunned at first, then shook his head, surprised and delighted: "Don't talk about selling it, I have never even heard of such sugar. This white sugar really lives up to its name, pure white as snow, crystal clear! You too incredible!"

The corners of Zhao Liya's lips curled up a little proudly: "I know this thing is rare, and I didn't dare to put it on the market after it was made. It's a pity that it can't be sold at a good price in a small place like Gaolian County. I was thinking about it. Looking for a doorway, I happened to think of Big Brother Zhou and General Zhong!"

  Zhou Hansheng nodded: "You are right to think so. Don't expose this thing to others, or it may cause trouble. Although we are not afraid of trouble, trouble is always trouble."

After a pause, he said again: "I will come to Lingnan often in the future. If you have anything to tell me, just tell me. Don't worry about Zhong Jing. If I'm not here, it's not an urgent matter. You can write to me and let me know." Just hand it over to Zhong Jing. If it’s urgent, let him handle it. He’s not as reliable as me, so don’t look for him if you can look for me.”

   Zhao Liya felt a little sweet for no reason, "Okay!"

   Of course she would prefer to find Brother Zhou!

  Zhao Liya said again: "If Big Brother Zhou has a channel to sell this white sugar to Jiangnan, it will definitely fetch a good price."

  There is no shortage of rich people in the south of the Yangtze River. What the rich people want is a rare, precious, and something that no one else has.

  Such snow-white and crystal-clear white sugar will definitely be sought after by them.

  They won't say that brown sugar and brown sugar are both sugars, what they want is rare energy.

Zhou Hansheng nodded and smiled: "I will find a way, don't worry, after you hand over the sugar to me, just wait for the cash register, don't worry about other things, and this matter will not involve you. By the way, you How much sugar do you have in your hand?"

  Zhao Liya: "Eighty-four-five thousand catties."

   Zhou Hansheng: "."

   "Uh, isn't that a little too much?"

   "Well, there are quite a lot, but more is a good thing."

  The two looked at each other and smiled.

Zhao Liya said frankly: "Brother Zhou has helped me a lot and solved a difficult matter. All the costs are on me, and the net profit we make. I take 60%, how about Brother Zhou taking 40%? General Zhong Over there, is it convenient to ask him for help? If necessary, I will give him 10% of the profit."

  Zhou Hansheng said: "His is counted in my 40%, and you don't need to change 60%. In terms of this matter, we are all rich."

  Zhao Liya chuckled lightly: "To each other, without you, I wouldn't dare to make a move easily."

   Zhou Hansheng showed admiration in his eyes, he did not expect her to be so capable. This white sugar alone can bring in endless amounts of money.

  In addition to admiration, he was also vaguely proud.

   Now that it’s time to catch up, it’s appropriate to transport the white sugar to Jiangnan in batches. After all, the Chinese New Year is approaching, and wealthy families have a relatively high demand for these things.

  (end of this chapter)