Chapter 124: They are all short of money

  Chapter 124 They are all short of money

  The two discussed it properly, and Zhou Hansheng ordered Zhao Nan to quickly find Zhong Jing, and he had to ask Zhong Jing for help in the transportation.

  Also, he is not very professional in transactions, so he has to find the left side who has been helping him with various accounts. Fortunately, the left side is in Hangzhou City at the moment, so it is convenient to contact.

  It is naturally impossible to deliver so much sugar at one time, so it is divided into batches.

  The terrain in Lingnan is remote, as long as it is properly covered, it will not attract anyone's attention.

  This kind of thing is not difficult for Zhong Jing.

   This matter is settled, Zhao Liya feels at ease.

  What she didn't know was that Zhou Hansheng felt at ease.

  He is short of silver.

   Right now, there is a shortage of a relatively large amount, but there is no way to fill it for a while. Because of this, he and Zuo Xiang went to Hangzhou City to see if there were any opportunities to make money.

   But he is not good at making money, to be honest. He is only good at spending money. Everything he did, one after another, cost money, and it cost a lot of money.

  So after staying in Hangzhou for a few days, he left. It is good to have a left compartment. Without even thinking about it, he came towards Gaolian County.

   Take a look at her and their house, and stop by to see how Zhong Jing is doing.

  Unexpectedly, the coastal area seemed to be a bit uneven. Since he came, he couldn't turn a blind eye, so he had to accompany Zhong Jing for another walk.

   It's almost Chinese New Year anyway, so I might as well stay at Zhao's house for the Chinese New Year.

  He couldn't even tell whether he was deliberately dawdling in order to stay in Zhao's house for the New Year. By this time, he would have a legitimate reason not to leave.

  As soon as Zhou Hansheng's master and servant arrived, the Zhao family suddenly became lively again.

  Lin Mo and Yu Xiaofang just moved to the new house next door to the Zhao family. Zhou Hansheng's entourage originally borrowed from Lin Mo's house, but this time they still live in the wing room, which makes it easier to travel.

  Moving to a new home is a big event. Although there is no banquet, the family naturally wants to have a good meal.

  Lin Mo bought a lot of mutton and pork, and wanted to make dumplings. He wanted to eat them.

  In fact, everyone wanted to eat it, and they all said that it was the best, as it was delicious, warm and convenient.

  So the whole family waited for Luo Shuyan to prepare the dumpling fillings, and then wrapped them together. Lamb and cabbage vermicelli stuffing, lamb and leek tofu stuffing, pork mushroom stuffing, pork bamboo shoots and sauerkraut stuffing, and leek and egg stuffing are several.

   Zhou Hansheng and the others just caught up.

  I had prepared a lot of dumpling stuffing, and I planned to wrap it up and save it for tomorrow. I can put it in this weather, but it is not too easy to make dumplings once. Since I have done it, it is better to make more.

  So, Zhou Hansheng and the others came, and they didn't even need to buy more food.

   It is enough to make a few more dumplings.

  In the evening, the steaming dumplings were put into the pot, and everyone was very satisfied.

   Zhou Hansheng's entourage was going to borrow Lin Mo's new house tonight, and he was a little bit sorry, so Zhou Hansheng gave Lin Mo a red envelope of ten taels of silver—he still didn't lack for this amount of money.

   This is a good show, auspicious, Lin Mo did not refuse, thank you for accepting.

  Early the next morning, Zhao Nan ate a bowl of noodles, and immediately rode to Suixi County to invite Zhong Jing.

  As soon as Zhong Jing heard that Zhou Hansheng was looking for him, he and Zhao Nan came back that afternoon.

  The two counties are adjacent to each other, so they are going fast, and the communication is naturally rapid.

  Zhong Jing actually wanted to accompany Zhou Hansheng before, but Zhou Hansheng ruthlessly refused.

   Unexpectedly, Zhao Nan went to invite him in person, but he was so happy that he came immediately with a smile.

  Because of Zhou Hansheng, he has been paying more attention to the Zhao family. Although he didn't have much contact with Zhao Liya, he left a good impression on him. No wonder Brother Zhou couldn't let go.

  Later, when I learned that Zhao Liya had become an exile in Yancun, she had achieved such a great success, and she was even more surprised and admired.

   He has long wanted to visit Yancun!

  I didn’t have a reason before, so I’m just ashamed to come.

   What's more, Brother Zhou didn't agree, so he didn't dare to come.

  At this moment, I finally came to Yancun and Zhao's family, and my wish came true.

Senior Zhong Jingzhi met Zhao Xiang and Mrs. Deng respectfully, greeted Zhao Liya and others, and visited the plants and trees in the courtyard with great interest. He saw that the courtyard was full of vitality and vividness everywhere. , It makes people feel better for no reason.

  Zhong Jing was even more admirable, "Uncle Zhao's family is really not easy, it's really admirable!"

  The exiles who have come to this place, there is no one else who can do this in such a short period of time.

   Zhou Hansheng called Zhong Jing over to discuss business matters.

  He, Zhao Liya, Zhao Xiang, Hu Ling, and Zhong Jing gathered together in the east ear room. When they met Bai Tang and heard the reason, Zhong Jing's eyes lit up, and he was very grateful.

  Thank the Zhao family and his elder brother Zhou for making a fortune and not forgetting him!

   Great kindness and great virtue!

  He is poor, especially short of money. Just like Brother Zhou.

   "The people under my command are also idle anyway. Brother Zhou and Uncle Zhao, just say what you need me to do. I can do anything within Lingnan territory."

  Although the place under his jurisdiction is not the whole of Lingnan, he still has some knowledge.

  Zhao Xiang chuckled, and said gently: "Aya and Hu Ling understand these things better, so you can discuss them."

  Zhao Liya looked at Zhou Hansheng.

   Zhou Hansheng talked about his plan.

   Zhao Xiang thought for a while, but pointed out one or two things that were wrong. Since it is necessary to keep it secret, it cannot leave any clues to make people guess. Zhong Jing's identity is still a bit sensitive, and the temperament of the soldiers is different from that of ordinary people. Even if they do ordinary disguises, it is still easy for some people in the public family with vicious eyes to see the clues, and it will inevitably lead to troubles

   Zhou Hansheng was grateful for his education.

  Everyone wants to make more money for the New Year. Zhong Jing couldn't stay any longer, and after discussing the matter, he decided to go back early tomorrow morning and make arrangements immediately.

Knowing that the white sugar was made by Zhao Liya, Zhong Jing couldn't help laughing and begged: "Miss Zhao, how about planting thousands of acres of sugar cane in our military camp next year, can Miss Zhao help us make sugar too? It's not in vain to ask Miss Zhao to help , there will be a reward."

  Zhao Liya looked at Zhou Hansheng.

   Zhou Hansheng said: "There are many people under him who need to eat and are poor. Xiaoya, if you can help him, you can help him, and forget the trouble."

  Zhong Jing: "."

  So he is the kind of brother who is dispensable.

  Obviously knowing that he is poor but still pricking his heart

  Zhao Liya suppressed a smile: "Brother Zhong, if there is no problem growing sugarcane, of course he can grow it. I can go over and have a look at that time and help out so that the sugarcane grows big and well."

  Zhong Jing's eyes lit up: "It will grow very sweet, just like the ones grown in your family!"

  The family kept a lot of sugar cane for the New Year to eat as fruit, and Zhong Jing and his two children squatted in the yard to eat in the evening.

  (end of this chapter)