Chapter 130 Zhong Jing is here

  The two children also thought it was very good, and nodded happily: "Well, after my sister has learned it well, my sister will teach us.", "Brother Zhou, you must teach your sister well!"

  Zhao Liya was stunned, and subconsciously looked at Zhou Hansheng, and Zhou Hansheng happened to look at her, and the two of them involuntarily looked away, both a little guilty

  However, the guilty conscience was a guilty conscience, and the next day we still went up the mountain together to teach the other. Today, Zhou Hansheng finally set a fixed target. As he thought, Zhao Liya already had some foundation in martial arts and learned quickly.

  After half a day of effort, he has already shot in style, and even hit the target several times.

   This made her very happy, and she was eager to try to find prey.

   Of course Zhou Hansheng agreed, the combination of movement and stillness is better!

  The two of them were lucky enough to find a muntjac.

  Zhao Liya was still a little self-aware. Instead of doing anything, she touched Zhou Hansheng with her elbow: "Brother Zhou, come here!"

  Zhou Hansheng said yes with a smile, set up the bow and shot the arrow, and saw the arrow leave the string as fast as lightning, so fast that he couldn't see clearly, Zhao Liya felt that she just blinked, and then she heard the deer scream and fell to the ground dead.

  Zhao Liya: "."

  She thought she had learned well, but Zhou Hansheng's arrow hit her self-confidence to nothing.

  Look at them, this is called archery!

  Her activities can only be called entertainment.

  The kind that focuses on participation.

Seeing her cheering, Zhou Hansheng's smile collapsed. After thinking about it for a while, he knew the crux of the problem. He secretly laughed and comforted him: "I have been practicing for more than ten years, of course it is different. If you practice hard, you will definitely be able to learn it very well. of."

  Zhao Liya opened her eyes wide: "Do I have to practice for more than ten years?"

  Zhou Hansheng hurriedly said: "Of course not! If you are hunting, you are almost done like this, just a little bit more accuracy and strength."



  Zhao Liya thought about it, she is a martial arts practitioner, so she already has strength. As for the aim, didn't she aim pretty well today?


   She thinks she's okay again.


  Zhou Hansheng heaved a sigh of relief, "I'll pick it up!"

   He ran over and picked up the deer.

   A very fat one, estimated to weigh about thirty kilograms. There are good dishes again.


  Zhao Liya did not hunt the prey with her own hands after all, and the two decided that it was time to go back and deal with the prey.

   Muntjac meat is tender and suitable for barbecue.

  So they got ready and started to barbecue in the yard. Although there are only a few mussel meat, wild boar, leeks, sweet potatoes, tofu, etc., the ingredients are fresh and the amount of meat is sufficient, so the big guys are still very happy to eat.

   Jizigu made porridge. After eating barbecue, drink a bowl of meat porridge sprinkled with shallots, not to mention how delicious it is.

  Zhao Liya and Zhou Hansheng went up to Sitian Mountain together, but they stopped going when they saw that the weather was not so good.

  She has almost learned, and the rest is to practice by herself.

  The Chinese New Year is approaching, and more and more families are killing pigs for the New Year.

  In the past years, some people in Yan Village also killed pigs, but this year there were very few. Because everyone shared a lot of wild pork, which was enough for the New Year and made some bacon, so naturally they were reluctant to kill the New Year pig.

  It would be nice to keep the selling money.

  There are many people slaughtering pigs in Zaihu Village and Bajiaozhai, and many of them are very enthusiastic and specially invite Zhao Liya's family to eat planing soup—a kind of big pot dish similar to killing pig vegetables. Freshly slaughtered pig meat is stewed with pig blood, pig liver, pig lung, intestines, etc. together with Chinese cabbage and mustard greens. When it is almost cooked, add a lot of garlic and coriander, not to mention how fragrant and fresh it is.

  Usually, a large pot is placed on a tripod in the firepit. Everyone sits around the firepit, cooking and eating. When the food is almost full, add new meat and vegetables. The more they cook, the more fragrant they become.

  Generally, people who kill pigs will make planed soup and invite neighbors to eat together. The picture is a lively one.

   It’s rare for each family to come and invite them from such a long distance, so of course they will.

  So the whole family went out, including Lin Mo, Yu Xiaofang, Luo Shuyan, Qu Widow, Qu Yutao, etc. Zhou Hansheng's master and servant were also warmly invited to go, so everyone should go.

  Zhao Liya prepared countless red envelopes, each of which contained about one penny. No matter where you go, just give one to the children in the family.

  There are many families in Zaihu Village and Bajiao Village, and there are quite a few families who kill pigs on the same day. When the Zhao family arrived in the village, they were dragged away enthusiastically by this family and that family.

  The steaming shaved soup does not add any more seasoning, it is simply ginger, onion, garlic and salt, boiled in a large pot, all kinds of flavors blend together, surprisingly delicious.

  From the year before my childhood to the 27th 28th of the twelfth lunar month, the Zhao family was warmly invited by the villagers of Zaihu Village or Bajiaozhai to eat planing soup almost every day. The villagers were too enthusiastic to refuse, so they all went and got together, which was extraordinarily lively.

  Even the young Zhao Lixiang and Zhao Lin have made many friends.

  All the villagers in Yan Village were extremely envious, especially the Gu family, who was even more depressed.

  The Zhao family replaced their family's position in the village. Subconsciously, everything that the Zhao family owns now, they feel that they should have owned originally.

  Even if they never had this kind of treatment.

The second sister-in-law Gu said so much, "Isn't it just luck and some big boss who came from nowhere! If our family had a big backer, the safekeeping is much better than what they do, what are they? ! The villain is successful, so rampant that he wants to go to heaven!"

  On the afternoon of the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, Zhong Jing came with four confidant guards.

  Wearing casual clothes, Zhong Jing, who still had handsome brows, was elated and beaming.

  He said that he came to announce the good news, and by the way, celebrate the New Year here.

  Since Big Brother Zhou is staying here for the New Year, of course he wants to stay too. He also wants to celebrate the New Year with Big Brother Zhou. Every year in Suixi with those bosses, it’s already boring.

  Zhong Jing did come with good news.

  Under his compact arrangement and scheduling, the contact with the left chamber of Hangzhou City was timely, and the whole process was surprisingly fast and smooth.

  As Zhao Liya expected, this kind of rare items are so easy to sell during the Chinese New Year, there is no need to worry about sales.

  In the huge market in the south of the Yangtze River, there are only more than 80,000 catties of white sugar, which is not even enough to fit between the teeth.

  The left chamber is worthy of being the number one person in business under Zhou Hansheng. After getting the white sugar, he was surprised and delighted, as if he had found a treasure.

  Under the operation of the left chamber, the more than 86,000 catties of white sugar delivered successively were distributed in Hangzhou City, Suzhou City, Shaoxing, and Jiaxing, and sold at a good price of three taels of silver per catty. Also in short supply.

   This shot made a profit of more than two hundred and fifty-eight thousand taels, and all the costs were calculated, but only a few hundred taels.

  (end of this chapter)