Chapter 131 White Sugar Sells Big

  According to what was agreed before, Zhao Liya will account for 60%, Zhou Hansheng will account for 30%, and Zhong Jing will account for 10%. Zhao Liya gained 154,000 taels in the blink of an eye! Zhou Hansheng earned more than 77,000 taels, plus two other businesses in the left room, he also earned more than 5,000 taels, adding up to more than 84,000 taels, which is enough to deal with the immediate matter.

  Zhong Jing took 10% of the profit, and there were also twenty-five thousand or several hundred taels.

  Although it’s rare compared to his big brother Zhou, it’s not enough compared to Zhao Liya. However, he knows how to be content.

  Compared to the previous dime, it is still a lot of money. This is tantamount to a windfall coming from the sky near the Chinese New Year, who would not be happy to change it?

   With more than 20,000 taels of silver in hand, Zhong Jing laughed so hard that he couldn't see his teeth, and he just wanted to shout three times that Miss Zhao is awesome! If you have money, please take me to fly!

  He has more than 22,000 sergeants in total, which is equivalent to earning one or two dollars per person. They celebrate the New Year in the barracks in the past, how can there be one person and one tael for the New Year? Don't even dream about it!

  You know, two hundred Wen can fix up a table full of chicken, duck, fish and meat dishes.

When Zhao Liya's father and daughter, Hu Ling, Zhou Hansheng, and Zhong Jing were talking in the wing room, Zhong Jing happily told the story, and handed over the letter from the left wing to Brother Zhou, and thanked Zhao Liya in every possible way, please next time Fa Cai took him with him and handed over hundreds of thousands of taels of silver notes to Zhao Liya

  Zhao Xiang, Zhao Liya, and Hu Ling were all dumbfounded.

  Ten, hundreds of thousands of taels?

   All of a sudden, they have hundreds of thousands of taels of silver notes?

  Zhao Xiang smiled and sighed with emotion, and glanced at his daughter and adopted son. It was incredible. To be honest, he had never seen so much money in his life! Unexpectedly, this exile in Lingnan has gained insight

  Zhao Liya smiled like a flower: "Father, it seems that this money is not very difficult to earn. After a few years, we can all atone for our sins."

  It hasn't been long since I came here, so if it's not good, redeem it, otherwise she wants to redeem one now.

   "Yes, yes! Hahaha!" Zhao Xiang glanced at his daughter with satisfaction and pride, and nodded slightly.

  This kid is really promising. Now, he was relieved. With the ability to atone for sins, it doesn't matter when you atone for it.

  Hu Ling also smiled all over his face, beaming with joy.

   It's a joy to work with the righteous sister!

Zhong Jing had a fiery head, and said with a smile: "After the new year, I will ask those lazy **** to open up wasteland and plant sugar cane, all sugar cane! All of them will be made into white sugar, and sold a lot of white sugar! Sister Xiaoya, please! Is it possible to share 30% of your net profit?"

  Zhou Hansheng glanced at him: "Give me some snacks, don't get dizzy. The recipe for white sugar cannot be made public. If you make all of them white sugar, how will you sell them?"

   Once the white sugar recipe is made public, let alone Zhao Liya, even Zhong Jing may not be able to keep it. He is not in charge of Lingnan. He can only be the master of his own one-third of an acre of land. Even though he was promoted a while ago, now he still has an immediate superior and two peers above him.

  It is impossible for a sugar workshop not to produce sugar, so what about yellow sliced ​​sugar? Where did you go? Was it all eaten by the sergeants in your barracks?

  Zhong Jing was taken aback: "That's right!"

  He was depressed for less than a second, and then became elated again: "Even if it is made into half sugar, it will be enough to make money, hehe!"

  Zhao Liya nodded with a smile: "Yes, I will tell you the method when the time comes. It is very simple for you to find a confidant to do this."

   "Good! Thank you, sister Xiaoya, haha!"

   Suddenly turned into a rich man, everyone is very excited, Yin Zi unanimously solved the problems they faced, can you not be happy?

  Zhong Jing insisted on staying here for the New Year, Zhao Xiang smiled and nodded, and Zhou Hansheng didn't say anything.

  It’s better if there are more people, it’s lively.

   There is a place to live, no worries.

  On New Year's Eve, the Zhao family was extremely lively. Adults and children filled the courtyard and the house, talking and laughing endlessly.

After a simple lunch, the women followed Luo Shuyan's command and started busy with dinner, killing chicken, chopping meat, washing vegetables, stuffed tofu, fried egg dumplings, making fish balls, fried radish and vegetable balls, deep-fried braised pork, roast chicken Barbecue. Been too busy.

  Two days ago, Zhao Liya found bricks and yellow clay, and built a kiln for baking bread next to the kitchen. Not only can you bake all kinds of cakes, but you can also roast chicken, duck, barbecued pork with honey sauce, egg tarts, etc., which is very convenient.

   It is suitable to roast a few pieces of char siu pork and roast chicken during the Chinese New Year. By the way, I kneaded the dough and baked some cakes, which are also convenient to eat.

   When it was past three o'clock in the afternoon, all kinds of fried aromas filled the yard, making people so greedy.

  Don't say that the two children can't wait, even adults can't help it.

  So, the freshly fried vegetarian meatballs with shredded radish and meatballs with tofu and fungus just came out of the pan, and they were served in big bowls for everyone to eat, and they were all sold out in a while.

The fried egg dumplings are also delicious, and there is also the liver wrapped in net oil made of specially obtained pork net oil. Pieces of pork liver are marinated and delicious, wrapped in net oil, fried slowly over low heat, the oil is sizzling, and the sides are browned , the aroma is tangy, and you can eat it hot right out of the pot, and you can't stop it at all.

  In addition to char siu and chicken in the roasting kiln, Zhao Liya specially roasted some sweet potatoes and taro, which were eaten up by everyone.

   laughed and praised, "It's delicious! It's so delicious!"

  Zhao Xiang and Deng Shi were very happy, with smiles on their faces, and they were happy all day long.

   This was their first year in Lingnan, and also Zhao Liya's first year in this life.

  I thought this year would be miserable and desolate, but I didn't expect it to be more lively and joyful than in the capital.

  Before the sun set, the sound of firecrackers gradually came from the village, and every household was ready for dinner.

  Eat the dinner on New Year's Eve very early, basically before the sun goes down. You can have supper at night and keep vigil by the way.

  The same goes for the Zhao family.

  Three large round tables were set up in the main room, and a roomful of people sat around.

  The table is steaming hot, with an attractive aroma. In addition to various dishes, there are also wine and cakes specially baked by Zhao Liya. The cakes are palm-sized ovals, filled with minced green onions and meat, and covered with white sesame seeds on both sides of the skin.

  The Zhao family is from the north, so are Zhou Hansheng and Zhong Jing. Lin Mo and Yu Xiaofang also like this taste very much.

  Luo Shuyan also adjusted the fillings, after dinner, I can make dumplings for supper and tomorrow's breakfast.

After everyone was seated, they poured wine and toasted, Zhao Xiang smiled and said: "It's rare that you all have the heart to not dislike it, and come to celebrate the New Year with us. It's so lively and real that makes people feel happy! Come, everyone, I wish you good health and happiness in the coming year." All the best!"

  Everyone laughed and did it, and laughed one after another: "Uncle Zhao, you are welcome, we bother you, Uncle Zhao will not dislike you!", "Haha, no! Uncle Zhao's food is delicious, we are still reluctant to leave!"

  Everyone laughed.

  There was laughter and laughter in front of the eyes, the family was reunited, and the sound of firecrackers was heard from time to time in the distance. In addition to the smell of steaming food, there was also the smell of fireworks and firecrackers in the air.

  Zhao Liya raised her neck, the mellow and sweet rice wine was like her throat, and she felt comfortable physically and mentally. A smile appeared on her lips. It's the Chinese New Year!

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  (end of this chapter)