Chapter 177 Proud Brain Supplement

  Only by studying can one understand reason and one can know shame. Since Zhao Xiang established this school, he sincerely hopes that the people and descendants of this side can change.

  Even if someone only went to school for an egg in three days, he still felt it was worth it.

  Li Xiaoying nodded quickly after hearing this: "Mr. Zhao, you are really, really that one—my lord does not remember villains, you are such a good person! This really makes us ashamed to death! Don't worry, I will talk about it when I get back."

  Li Xiaoying sighed while walking, Mr. Zhao is really a good person! No wonder everyone respects Mr. Zhao, how dare she go too far with Mrs. Liao

   Hurt the heart of Mr. Zhao, how can I bear it?

  Where can I find such a good gentleman again? Where can I find someone like the Zhao family?

   It also gave everyone a way to make money, and let the children go to school for free, and only need some melons and fruits for a year, and a bacon bento is a bundle, how can such a good thing be done!

In the academy next to   , not to mention Shuxiu, you have to give gifts to your husband during the holidays.

  When Li Xiaoying went home and talked about it, the whole family was relieved, and they all thought of the Zhao family and Mr. Zhao.

  Li Xiaoying's mother-in-law glared at her husband: "Your cousin's family is really outrageous, don't the Liao family understand them too if they are ignorant? You have to talk about it!"

  Li Xiaoying's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law went to the cousin's house together to talk.

  When their family saw Li Xiaoying's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law coming, they thought they were here to apologize, but they felt proud and waited for them to speak.

   Unexpectedly, it was not an apology at all, but just conveyed a sentence from Mr. Zhao to let Pan Fu continue to go to school. The family froze for a moment.

Mrs. Liao didn't know what was going on in her head, she was taken aback for a while, and her face turned bright again, and said, "Mr. Zhao specially invited our family Fu'er to go back to school? Hmph, Mr. Zhao also saw that our Fu'er is smart and a good person. A good seed for studying, right? Unless Mr. Zhao personally invites us, and in the future, he will teach us Fu'er and take care of Fu'er's lunch, otherwise, hum, we won't go to that school again!"

   "You, what are you talking about!"

  Li Xiaoying's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were stunned, everyone looked at Li Xiaoying, after all, she was the one who went to Zhao's house today.

Li Xiaoying laughed angrily: "Sister-in-law, you dare to say it! Mr. Zhao only said that it is always a good thing for children to know a few more words and learn things in school. It is good for children, but he didn't say anything else. You Don't talk nonsense! If you put a hat on Mr. Zhao indiscriminately, carefully Miss Zhao will talk to you."

Liao snorted, "Stop teasing me. Even if Mr. Zhao didn't say it, he must have meant it. Otherwise, why would you specially invite Fu'er to go back to school? It must be that Fu'er is smart and good at learning. In the future, if someone raises a scholar or becomes a high-ranking official, Mr. Zhao will also have a bright face!"

Li Xiaoying was angry and aggrieved: "This is all your own thinking, think whatever you like, I just remind you, don't talk nonsense outside and carefully cause trouble. Anyway, if Mr. Zhao asked me to bring it, I have already brought it. You have heard it too. As for whether you send your children to school or not, that is your business. Mother, let's go."

  Grandma Li Xiaoying also felt that the boss was boring, so she nodded: "It's nothing, let's go."

  While the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were on their way back, Li Xiaoying's mother-in-law couldn't help asking. Li Xiaoying didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Mother, how could you be coaxed by her words? How is it possible!"

  Grandma Li Xiaoying smiled and said, "I'll just say, our Liang'er is better than him. How could Mr. Zhao say that?"

  Li Xiaoying was annoyed: "Mr. Zhao wouldn't say that. Who knows what kind of crazy she is. This is interesting. She is still waiting for Mr. Zhao to invite her son to school. Well, let her wait."

  The Liao family over there is still complacently "analyzing".

"...If it's not beneficial, who would care so much about other people's affairs? Mr. Zhao also eats whole grains, so he would do things that are not beneficial? If one child goes to school, he can teach one less. He What's not to like? Since Fu'er is so chasing and insists on going, Fu'er must be superior. Wait, hmph, if we don't go, he should be in a hurry in two days! If Fu'er is delayed He can't afford to lose such a good seedling!"

  The whole family was stunned by what Liao said. The more I thought about it, the more I looked at my own child, the more I felt that this child was born really well. It seemed that he was very lucky!

  Even Pan Fu was taken aback for a while, as if he was really a good seed.

   Not to mention that the Liao family was anxiously waiting for Zhao Xiang to come and invite their children to school, Zhao Liya and the others were a little addicted to Tao Teng Shan goods, and went to the mountains for several days in succession.

   There are countless bracken, fresh bamboo shoots, and mountain mushrooms.

   Fresh bamboo shoots and mushrooms are dried in the sun, and bracken is blanched and dried in water. It can be stored for a long time.

I also deliberately went into the mountains to get fish and shrimp for two days. I found a relatively large and deep ravine, and the harvest was full. One mountain catfish weighed seven or eight catties, three soft-shelled turtles, and big shrimps and eels. Fish, carp, mandarin fish and so on.

   It happened to be a rest at the end of last month, and the two children finally let the wind go, cheering and going together.

   After several days of messing around, everyone started to get busy with things in the field again.

   Those who should go to the villages to inspect and monitor go to the villages.

  The speed at which the villagers are working is really fast. At this speed, the remaining 3,000 mu of land can be reclaimed in less than a month.

  Zhao Liya's focus is on sugarcane fields and paper mills.

  She walked seriously in the sugarcane field for two days, checked everywhere, and was sure that there was nothing wrong with it. She only waited for the first soil cultivation in a while, and then paid attention to the paper mill.

  The first batch of paper in the paper workshop has already started to be produced. Zhao Liya personally supervised the production demonstration. The quality of the produced paper is excellent, which is no worse than the commonly used writing paper sold in the market.

  Everyone is very happy, these papers are sold to the outside world, and there is no need to worry about the market at all.

Hearing everyone's compliments, Zhao Liya smiled and felt proud. Of course, there will be no problem. The paper mill she personally supervises has a lot of craftsmanship. More excellent improvements—she is not particularly aware of the flaws in the current craftsmanship, she just makes the best according to her impression.

   Judging from the current effect, it is not bad.

Going home today, Hu Ling and Qu Yutao, who went to Bajiaozhai, were a little puzzled and told the whole family about the Liao family. The people next to him kept praising Pan Fu's intelligence, being a good candidate for school, and so on. People who listened were puzzled.

  (end of this chapter)