Chapter 178 makes people speechless

"I don't know what they want to say. Hey, they praised their children for a long time, and what did they say? Does Mr. Zhao still want to invite their children to school? If not, then they can find someone else I went to the school. I wondered, why did my uncle invite their children to school? Why don’t you need the word “please”? I didn’t answer them.”

Hu Ling then couldn't laugh or cry: "It's okay if Yutao doesn't answer. They have been pestering me all the time, so I said no need to invite them. Their children can go to the school as long as they want to. Mr. Zhao treats all children equally. But They insist on saying that their children are exceptionally smart, and that they will definitely be a high-ranking official in the future to make Mr. Zhao look good, so of course they are different from other children. Since Mr. Zhao values ​​their children, he should show sincerity. I don’t want to say those words Now, I'm surprised, the adoptive father doesn't seem to have said anything similar, right? Why would they think so? Aya, do you know why?"

  Zhao Liya: "."

  Zhao Liya was as dumbfounded as they were.

"I don't know, who knows what they are crazy about? Leave them alone! If you go to Bajiaozhai tomorrow and they keep pestering you, tell them directly. They must have misunderstood something. The school is here There, their children can go if they want to, and don’t go if they don’t want to, it’s all voluntary.”

  Qu Yutao and Hu Ling agreed to come down.

   Everyone didn't take this matter seriously. Who knew that when the two of them went to Bajiaozhai to see the field work the next day, Liao's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law saw the opportunity and entangled them again.

   Impatiently and confidently asked them: When will Mr. Zhao come to his house?

  Hu Ling and Qu Yutao were at a loss—after one night, they seemed to be more confident!

   Hu Ling said exactly what Zhao Liya had said.

   Now it was the turn of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to be confused.

   "Did you tell Mr. Zhao what we said? Mr. Zhao really didn't say anything? If he lost a good student like our Jia Fuer, wouldn't it be his loss? He really didn't say anything?"

  Hu Ling: "The foster father treats all students equally, and all students are the same in his eyes. The school is right there, and anyone who wants to go can come and go as they please."

  Hu Ling really made them entangled, so he simply didn't think about what they meant, because he couldn't figure it out anyway. No matter what they said, he always answered in this way, but he would change the order slightly.

  So Liao's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were also dumbfounded, "Forget it!"

  The two of them hated Hu Ling and Qu Yutao, and after walking away, they complained that they were really stupid, and they couldn't speak clearly. In this case, don't tell them, go directly to Mr. Zhao.

  The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law triumphantly went to the school and found Zhao Xiang. Zhao Xiang was also inexplicable when they talked on the phone.

  When will he rely on Pan Fu to be proud and win his reputation? When did he say that Pan Fu is a good seed and will definitely be a high-ranking official in the future?

   Absolutely nothing!

Zhao Xiang was so angry that he couldn't laugh or cry, and said with a serious face: "No one can say for sure what will happen in the future, and I won't talk nonsense like this. As long as every child works hard, he will have a broader life path. Reading and literacy is a matter of reason, and it would be better if one of the parents could be an official, but this cannot be forced, let alone foreseeable. If anyone says such things to you who guarantee the promise, I advise you to be cautious and not be easily fooled."

Everyone knows how difficult the imperial examination is. Zhao Xiangbi knows that although there are not many scholars in the world, there are definitely not many, and the number of candidates for the general examination every three years will not exceed 300, and sometimes even less than 300 people. to two hundred people.

  If you want to become an official, you have to pass the hurdle first. How many people can pass?

  Teaching education and being an official are two different things.

Because of this, he accepted the eldest daughter's suggestion from the very beginning, not only to teach the children to read and write, but also to teach the calculation and abacus. Go home for seven or eight days off to help the family work in the fields.

  His school was different from other schools at the beginning. It was not just for the purpose of continuously going up for exams and becoming an official, but for better survival and life.

  If a school like this was opened in the capital or the Central Plains, it would have been overwhelmed by the Confucian scholars long ago, but here is the remote Lingnan, and the big guys don’t think there is anything wrong with such a school, on the contrary, they think it’s pretty good.

  Study and work are the same.

  The Liao family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law talked on the phone as soon as they arrived, which really made Zhao Xiang dumbfounded.

  Liao's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were also in a hurry, and they hurriedly talked about Li Xiaoying, saying that it was Li Xiaoying who said it.

  Zhao Xiang was even more puzzled, he had met Li Xiaoying before, and he didn't think Li Xiaoying was that kind of nonsense person. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law must have misunderstood.

   Then this matter needs to be clarified even more.

  Zhao Xiang asked Pan Liang to run back and ask Li Xiaoying to come.

  Li Xiaoying thought something was wrong, she was startled, and quickly followed her son.

  When I heard Liao's words, I almost exploded.

  If Mr. Zhao was not present, she would have scolded a lot of bad things.

  After a lot of talk, I finally figured it out, it was Liao who had misunderstood.

  Who knows that even now, Mrs. Liao is still stubborn, "Isn't it right for me to think so? If it weren't for our family Fu'er being a good seedling, why would Mr. Zhao ask you to go to school on purpose?"

Zhao Xiang almost turned black: "Any child who returns from the school, I will say that! Well, this matter has been made clear, you can leave if you have nothing else to do! This is the school, there is nothing to make noise about A place of yelling."

   Zhao Xiang usually seems to be easy-going and has no temper, but when he gets angry, the Liao family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are still a little scared.

  After all, this is Mr. Zhao.

  The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had to hold their breath and leave.

  Li Xiaoying felt guilty and apologized repeatedly.

  She didn't know that what she said was so clear and clear, so how could the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law misunderstand?

  Zhao Xiang didn't blame her, and let her go after a few words of comfort.

  When the news spread, everyone made fun of Liao's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

  When I saw them, I even joked a few times, "Your Pan Fu will become a high-ranking official in the future, don't forget about our folks in the village hahaha!"

  In fact, everyone can see that Pan Fu is like that, how can he study and become an official? This mother-in-law and daughter-in-law really dare to think.

  Lizheng and the two patriarchs were so annoyed that they scolded their family again, called a meeting of the whole village, and ordered everyone not to behave indiscriminately in the future, and must respect Mr. Zhao! Whoever dares to talk nonsense and make trouble for no reason, anger Mr. Zhao and the Zhao family, and cause everyone to lose the qualification to enter the school for free, is a sinner in the village, and it is not too much to be expelled from the village.

  (end of this chapter)