Chapter 215 is about to harvest

Zhao Liya made an agreement with Li Zheng and the others on the employment conditions a while ago, and all the hired people have interviewed in person, and they have made it clear to them. At that time, they will try to do it for three days. If both parties are satisfied, they will sign a contract. Contract, otherwise choose someone else.

   This is a good job, but the number of places is limited, and there are quite a few people who signed up in Bajiaozhai. In the end, except for a few key figures personally selected by Zhao Liya, the others were decided by drawing lots and rotated every two months.

   Everyone has no objection to this.

   Planting, weeding, and harvesting have all made a lot of money. In any case, with this income, it is much better than before.

  When they heard that potatoes were about to be harvested, the villagers were very excited.

   "Hey, it's finally time to harvest!"

   "When I passed the potato field two days ago, I said, it looks so good, it looks like it can be harvested, as expected!"

   "There are so many. Ms. Zhao said that she can make delicious food, but she doesn't know what delicious food she can make. I have to go and see when the workshop starts!"

   "That's right, I want to see it too! What Ms. Zhao said is definitely right!"

   "I didn't think so much, I thought I could make money and I was happy hehehe"

   "That's right, after harvesting this batch, we need to prepare the land, and after a while, we need to plant another batch!"

   "Miss Zhao said that in the second half of the year, more plants will be planted!"

   "Hey, can't we make a lot of money!"


Lizheng, the patriarch, etc. were all smiling, and they were as happy as everyone else. Hearing that the big guys were talking about the same thing, Lizheng, who was standing on a high stone pier, waved his hands and shouted loudly: "Everyone be quiet! Everyone be quiet!" quiet!"

   Shouted several times, finally gradually quieted down, the big guys all looked at him with eager eyes.

Lizheng suppressed the excitement in his heart, cleared his throat and said: "Everyone in our family has a share, either this job today or other jobs, in short, no one will be left behind, everyone should be kind and don't make trouble. It’s not pleasant. What’s more, we can’t lose our hearts when we work for others and take their wages. We must do the work that we should do! You can’t be lazy, and you can’t take things secretly! You can’t play tricks to fool people! Listen clearly Already?"

   There was a burst of shouting, "I heard you clearly!", "Uncle Lizheng, don't worry, we all understand!", "That's right, we must work hard! Needless to say."

Li Zheng sneered: "Everyone has to do what they say, Miss Zhao and the others have so many people, they will be supervised and checked everywhere, and there are also supervisors in the village who will go around to check, if anyone is caught, there is no need to go tomorrow , I don’t need to go in the future. This is self-inflicted, but no one can blame me. I won’t respond to licking my face and begging to come to the door, I still want my old face!"

  The villagers who were laughing and not paying attention to it were shocked and expressed their opinions one after another.

  Lizheng glanced in satisfaction, and said loudly again: "Work hard, we can't lose to those people in Zaihu Village!"

   These words are stronger than any encouraging words. The morale instantly rises, and the bottom boils for a while.

  "Yes, we can't lose to Zaihu Village!", "Whoever dares to ruin our reputation, we will not forgive him!", "Yes, we will never forgive him!"

  Lizheng finally nodded in satisfaction, and waved his big hand forcefully: "Okay, everyone, go back and prepare, where should you go when the time comes, don't be late!"

   "Okay!", "Let's go!" All the villagers cheered and scattered.

   This morning, the Zhao family had an early breakfast on purpose.

  After the meal, Zhao Liya, Hu Ling, Qu Yutao, Lin Mo, Hu Shu, etc., together with several servants such as Hu Yihu Er, went to Bajiaozhai together.

  When they arrived at the field, the villagers from Bajiaozhai had already arrived. Seeing them excited, they greeted them with smiles.

  For a while, "Ms. Zhao", "Ms. Zhao", "Mr. Hu" and so on were heard endlessly.

  Zhao Liya, Hu Ling and others responded with a smile and greeted everyone.

   Today, Lizheng and the patriarchs also came, and Zhao Liya waited to say hello again.

  After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Zhao Liya smiled and said, "Uncle Li Zheng, are you all here?"

  Li was smiling: "It's all here, it's all here! It's all right!"

   "Success, then let's divide the people into points and order them."

   "Hey, good!"

  Who digs potatoes, who collects them, who transports them, who weighs them, and who picks and stores them.

  Because the most people dig potatoes, it is the last turn.

  All the people in the other items were assembled, and the names were correct, and they left separately.

   Every 20 potato diggers are divided into a group, and each group elects a group leader, who is responsible for counting the number of people in his group, and is also responsible for simply organizing and arranging the people in the group when working.

After making sure that the number of people matches the list, one is good, so Hu Ling, Lin Mo, Qu Yutao, etc. led each group to the field, and explained clearly to everyone group by group. How to dig potatoes, which group to start from which piece.

   When it comes to the issue of wages, naturally there can be no mistakes. Everyone must match the list given to Zhao Liya by Bajiaozhai. No one can be less, and no one can be more.

What's more, who knows what that bad boy Mao Dexing is holding back at the moment? Because potatoes are scarce now, the way to eat them has been pushed away, and the market price is quite high. I can't guarantee that **** Mao Dexing What kind of crooked eyes will be moved.

  I hired so many people to work at once, what if Mao Dexing sent someone to sneak in?

  What if someone in the village is bought by Mao Dexing with money? Zhao Liya believes that most of the villagers are good, but every village dare not say that everyone in the village is 100% good!

   If the guarantee is not complete, people will be greedy and unable to control it.

   Therefore, it is necessary to count the number of people, and each group will count it every morning, and keep it strictly to prevent any loopholes from being exploited.

  Each group is fixed, and they can look at each other. People from their Zhao family will also look around from time to time, while Han San and Han Si stare at the county town on the way here, keeping it safe.

  In the potato field, it was in full swing, and there were villagers working everywhere.

   Soon, the potatoes were pulled out and dug out one by one, the soil was skimmed off, put into baskets, and basket after basket were sent to the side of the road

   "This potato grows really well!"

   "Miss Zhao, Young Master Hu, and Miss Qu really know how to take care of them!"

   "No, even if the land is only fertilized with plant ash, it will be much stronger."

   "Hey, it looks delicious!"


  The news that Bajiaozhai potatoes started to harvest soon spread to the county.

   Various restaurants and vendors heard the news and moved.

  (end of this chapter)