Chapter 216 Disposal Arrangements

   Potato cooking is very popular. Last year, various restaurants became popular for a while because of this! It's a pity that too few potatoes were bought, and they were sold out quickly.

  Since the harvest is bumper now, of course we have to buy a batch!

   This potato is particularly durable, so it’s okay to buy more!

  Every family happily came to Zhao’s house. The restaurant has already arranged hot and sour potato shreds, potato stew, potato roast chicken, fried potato chips, fried potato cakes, etc. on the menu.

  All the vendors set their sights on the provincial capital, using the idea of ​​middlemen to earn the difference, and wanted to sell potatoes to the provincial capital and other cities.

  For a while, there was an endless stream of cars and people in the big house near the school.

  The hired stewards, Xiao Liang and Uncle Hu, were in charge of the reception, and they were so busy that they didn’t have time to drink water.

   On the first day of potato harvest, Zhao Liya roughly calculated the yield, estimating that the yield of one mu of land was about 3,600 catties.

  She plans to plant 2,000 mu for the second crop, and about 300 jin of seeds are needed for one mu, and everything else can be used as sales items.

  The second crop of 2,000 mu was planted because I was afraid that it would be difficult to manage too much at once, and everyone had to get used to it slowly, and it would be much better next year.

  In the future, when planting normally, about a quarter of the land will be planted in rotation every year, and so on, a full round of four years, and the land will be cultivated while planting.

  The potato flour workshop was built very large, because it not only undertakes the task of making potato vermicelli, sweet potato vermicelli is also grouped together, and there is sun-dried potato starch and sweet potato starch.

   These lands are probably not enough, and the scale will naturally be further expanded in the future.

In addition to keeping the seeds, she plans to send 100,000 catties to Zhong Jing, which can plant more than 300 acres. They originally planted some there. After harvesting, they can plant a lot in the second half of the year and can also be used for cooking. Improve the recipe.

   Now, there are still about 900,000 catties left, at least 500,000 catties must be reserved for potato flour. Others, such as home-cooked, gift-given, and sold, are all fine.

  Zhao Liya explained all these clearly to Uncle Hu and Manager Xiaoliang, and they knew it in their hearts, and they knew how to negotiate with various businesses.

  Zhao Liya's price is not expensive - if it is too expensive, how can it be convenient for circulation?

   This is not only a money-making thing, but also a good thing that can largely fill the food gap! Of course, the sooner it spreads, the better.

  Zhao Liya's market price is five cents a catty.

   To be honest, even if it is sold at this price, even if there is no potato vermicelli workshop, 900,000 catties can earn 4,500 taels. How much can it cost? There is a net profit of several thousand taels, which is already a lot of profit.

   Manager Xiao Liang is a real person, and couldn't help feeling a little heartbroken, and said with a smile: "The girl is so kind-hearted, the sale is so cheap, those guys are going crazy!"

  According to him, even if it is sold for two renminbi a catty, it is not impossible to sell.

  Zhao Liya smiled: "Things are good, but the output is also large. After two years, the price will naturally come down. We don't need to make this money."

   Made into vermicelli, it can be sold everywhere, without worrying about making money.

  Uncle Hu smiled and said: "We all listen to Aya!"

  Aren’t all the merchants overjoyed, five cents a catty, a plate of hot and sour potato shreds in a restaurant doesn’t cost a catty of potatoes, but it can sell for twenty cents! A discount for doing activities can also sell for more than ten yuan. It is delicious and easy to sell, and even the business of the store can be much better.

   You should know that although this hot and sour potato shreds can be fried at home, the master of the restaurant has specially researched it, and the taste of the frying is not comparable to home cooking.

  Because of the price, I originally planned to buy 500 catties, but now I bought 800 catties. I originally bought 10,000 catties, but I simply ordered 20,000 catties.

  Zhao Liya has a limit, no more than 30,000 catties per person.

The potatoes here in Zhao Liya started to be harvested, the output was super high, and the price was very good. Many villagers in various villages also planted sporadically in their homes, so they also started digging, and sold them in the city by themselves, or sold them in the market. Sell ​​it, or sell it to various restaurants by yourself.

  Some restaurants will take the opportunity to lower the price, and the price is reduced by a penny per catty. Of course, the people in the city must bargain when they buy.

   But no matter what, the yield of this potato is large, even if it costs three or four coins a catty, the family has gained a lot of income because of this.

   Some of them couldn't be sold anymore, so I took them to Zhao's potato workshop to sell them with the idea of ​​trying them out.

  Zhao Liya discussed with Uncle Hu and the others that the potato workshop can buy it for three and a half pennies per catty, and don't want any damaged ones.

  Many people also happily sold it.

   All are happy.

  Zhao Liya and the others charge at such a price, and they won't make much money after deducting labor costs and other costs.

For a while, even families in Zaihu Village and Bajiaozhai dug up potatoes and sold them to workshops. The families who planted a lot, in addition to keeping their capital, could also sell them for two or three taels of silver, but everyone was greedy. broken!

  The harvested potatoes were accidentally broken, and they were selected one by one in the workshop, and they were taken home to eat, and they were the first to use them to make potato vermicelli. The workshop was also in full swing.

  Zhao Liya and Hu Ling specially packed a sack of about forty to fifty catties, plus some fruits and vegetables, caught two chickens, and prepared thirty eggs, intending to send them to Yu Gongcao's family.

  However, this time they can't go in person. If it gets to Mao Dexing's ears, Yu Gongcao will be angered and unlucky.

  No matter how greedy Yu Gongcao's daughter-in-law is, she might not dare to accept her because of fear.

  If she refuses, Zhao Liya and Hu Ling will be embarrassed to say nothing, and the relationship between the two parties will be broken.

  Zhao Liya asked two women from Bajiaozhai to send it.

Yu Gongcao's daughter-in-law happily collected the things, and when Yu Gongcao came back, she told him about it, and said with emotion: "Look at Miss Zhao and Brother Hu, hey, they are really sensible! Don't forget to give us something!"

  Yu Gongcao didn't expect them to come here, and he was a little emotional. He secretly made up his mind that if he could help them with a word, then he would say a word or two. If there is any news that can be passed on, it's okay to pass it on secretly.

  They are so considerate in handling things, and I can rest assured that I can help them.

  He had a premonition that Mao Dexing would probably not be able to beat Ms. Zhao and the others, and he would be unlucky sooner or later

  While giving gifts to Yu Gongcao's family, Zhao Liya quickly organized people to transport 100,000 catties of potatoes to the garrison camp in Suixi County, and sent them to Zhong Jing.

Zhong Jing was very happy to receive this gift. With a wave of his hand, one hundred thousand catties of potatoes were put into storage. They had originally planted tens of acres of potatoes. It was just right, and they could be excavated and sent to the cafeteria. The one hundred thousand catties were simply kept for seeding. Bar.

  (end of this chapter)