Chapter 269 Dangerous or not

   Missed the best time to go to Hainan Island, Zhao Liya no longer thought about it. If we go again in the future, when the output of the ancient Zhu tribe becomes more abundant, the communication with the fleet managed by Zhong Jing will naturally be very close, and there will be more opportunities in the future.

   As for Zhou Hansheng, when he was done with his work, he would naturally come to visit him.

  Zhao Liya didn't know what he was busy with, but she also felt something different, as if it had something to do with her father.

  Zhong Jing came several times secretly. He came at night and left before dawn. When he came, he murmured with her father in the study all night.

  Although Zhong Jing never said that his coming had something to do with Zhou Hansheng, Zhao Liya had an intuition that this was the case.

   Once she finally stopped Zhong Jing before he left, looked at him and said, "I don't ask you anything else, just ask you, is he in danger?"

  Zhong Jing naturally knew who she was asking, so he hesitated slightly.

  He didn't dare to lie in front of her casually. After all, this future must be a sister-in-law, who must be respected. With such a moment of hesitation, what else does Zhao Liya not know?

  Zhao Liya's heart sank slightly, and her gaze suddenly narrowed.

   "Don't worry, sister-in-law, brother Zhou knows it well, he can definitely solve it."

  How can you not worry? But there is some consolation in these words that is better than nothing.

  Zhao Liya subconsciously relaxed, nodded, and said: "It's not all about money, is it?"

Zhong Jing laughed, and quickly comforted him: "The problem of money is the biggest problem! In the past, Brother Zhou lost his hair a lot because of money. He doesn't know how to make money at all! The people under him , fighting fiercely, when it comes to making money, he is barely on the left side, that guy is far behind his sister-in-law! Now it is different, since he has a sister-in-law, the money has come rushing, brother Zhou has already It's very easy! For Brother Zhou, everything is not a problem except money! Fortunately, there is a sister-in-law who helped Brother Zhou solve the big problem. For the remaining small things, sister-in-law just put her heart in her stomach, really !"

   Zhong Jing’s words are not exaggerated, he is sincere and heartfelt!

  The huge batch of high-quality yellow rosewood, as well as white sugar, fresh fruit from the south, canned fruit, potatoes and potato powder are all fresh and rare things, which is rare, and they are all sold at high prices.

Just for fresh lychees, when we were in the south of the Yangtze River, the guy in the left wing sorted out the lychees and divided them into grades for sale. The best grades were the biggest, the best color, and the most plump fruit shape. They were packed in exquisite boxes and cost twenty taels of silver. A catty!

  Like this kind of lychees, they all sold for three thousand catties.

  Zhao Liya called him "Puchi!" with a smile, and felt relieved: "As long as he is fine, if he needs money, let him use our profit first!"

Seeing that she had relaxed, Zhong Jing couldn't help but chuckled and nodded, "Don't worry, sister-in-law, I will take care of the bills. Brother Zhou needs money, so he will give it all to him first, and he will naturally return it doubled in the future." Sister-in-law."

  Zhao Liya: "."

  She glanced at Zhong Jing: "Don't call me sister-in-law." It's too embarrassing until the time comes.

  Zhong Jing: "."

  Zhong Jing was still in the mood to joke around, which meant that Zhou Hansheng should really be fine, and Zhao Liya was relieved.

  Then at this stage, she just concentrates on making money.

  As soon as the white sugar and yellow sliced ​​sugar are sold, the wealth snowballs up again, and the sense of accomplishment is overwhelming!

  Potatoes are still in short supply this year. Not only are potato noodles selling well, but fresh potatoes are also in high demand.

   There are several big merchants from the provincial capital.

  Zhao Liya and the others keep their own seeds, sell the seeds, and make potato vermicelli by themselves, and sell fresh potatoes for the rest. Although the production of potatoes is very high, if there is an unlimited supply, they may have been covered by several companies in the provincial capital.

  Even in Gaolian County and the neighboring Suixi County, there are a lot of potato farmers, and some even plant more than a dozen mu, and swarms of potatoes are on the market along with the Zhao family’s potatoes, and the supply is still in short supply.

   After all, the time for potato promotion is still too short.

   It will take at least three to five years to meet market demand.

   Even if it is three to five years, there is no need to worry about sales.

  Big merchants from the provincial capital came to buy fresh potatoes, a large part of which were sold further afield.

  Potatoes are resistant to storage and transportation, which is unmatched by other vegetables. Moreover, there are so many styles of cooking, and under the hands of experienced and bright-minded chefs, there are many tricks and countless new ways of eating.

  Such potatoes are of course very popular because they are rare and expensive.

The sales of sweet potatoes are also good. At the beginning, some chefs tried to use sweet potatoes for cooking, but found that sweet potatoes are not suitable for cooking. They are suitable for steaming, boiling, and making snacks. This is not bad. It is also a good thing, but compared to potatoes Not so good.

  Sweet potatoes are not so popular among merchants, but they are equally popular with Zhao Liya.

  Zhao Liya still plans to expand the planting of sweet potatoes next year,

  Because the pig farm will expand several times in the coming year, and several pig farms will be built, otherwise, the fertilizer will not be able to keep up!

  In addition to the pig farm, she also made an agreement with some villagers in Zaihu Village, Bajiaozhai, Baijia Village and several other villages to let them raise sheep, pigs, chickens and ducks, and buy the dung produced by themselves.

   To raise these things, of course, it is necessary to grow sweet potatoes in large quantities.

  Sweet potato vines and sweet potatoes can be fed. No matter how many kinds of corn, crushed corn is also a good feed.

   Furthermore, the potato workshop not only needs potatoes, but also sweet potatoes.

  Sweet potato vermicelli is also delicious.

  Zhao Liya also decided to make some sweet potato starch by the way and sell it to various restaurants and restaurants. It is very effective for thickening.

  It was the end of October when everything was arranged and well-organized for the harvest of sweet potatoes and potatoes.

  There are quite a lot of potatoes and sweet potatoes, and the harvest period will take a while to end.

  Uncle Hu and Hu led them to take care of them. Zhao Liya decided to go to the provincial capital with Lin Mo and Shu Yan.

  Go to see how the restaurant is doing. By the way, I will ask Sister Shu Yan to teach Gu Chu a few dishes. It will be winter and Chinese New Year soon. The business of the restaurant will definitely be better by then, and I will try to make more money.

   Let’s take a look by the way. If there are any good shops, you might as well buy one or two more.

  Chef Gu is a good person, and the shopkeeper of the restaurant is also very capable. If we open two small restaurants and the like, the shopkeeper can manage it together.

  If there is no suitable store, forget it.

  The main purpose of this trip is actually that Zhao Liya wants to buy a piece of land.

  (end of this chapter)