Chapter 270 Her plan

  It can be done in or outside the city, as long as the place is wide enough and flat, and the transportation is convenient.

  The route developed by Zhong Jing is very smooth, and the money is rushing in. Sooner or later, the Guangzhan Seaport Wharf and the provincial capital will be connected.

  Zhao Liya planned ahead and planned to find a large area to build a bulk material trading center at that time.

  A large number of materials transported by the fleet from Jiangnan are traded here. At the same time, a large number of local materials collected here are also transported to Guangzhan Seaport, and then transported to Jiangnan by the fleet.

  After the smooth operation of this material trading center, not only the fleet, but all bulk materials can be traded here.

   It can even take into account the acquisition of various local specialties, and then sell them to peddlers traveling all over the place.

   Therefore, the place must be large, very large.

  Relying on the fleet, Zhao Liya is confident that once this trading center is built, it will be built soon, and it will naturally attract countless merchants to enter and trade.

   At that time, the middle price difference and rent alone will be able to earn a lot of money.

  Zhao Liya briefly told his father and Uncle Hu about this matter. Uncle Hu's eyes lit up, he rubbed his hands excitedly, and praised Zhao Liya non-stop with a smile, which made Zhao Liya feel ashamed.

  Uncle Hu felt that his words were not enough.

"Aya, this is a great idea! As long as the shipping line and the fleet are in place, the trading center will definitely make a lot of money. At this time, plan ahead and look at the place first, so that you can seize the opportunity. Such a place is built. Hurry up, this is a permanent foundation! It's guaranteed to make money without losing money!"

Zhao Xiang didn't know much about these things, and he couldn't think of it, but when Zhao Liya said it, he immediately understood that it was a wonderful idea, so he nodded with a smile: "Aya thinks long-term, let's do this. You are going to the provincial capital, be careful, and don't let anyone know your whereabouts."

   Otherwise, it will always be a troublesome thing.

  Although the scourge of Mao Dexing is gone now, we must always be on guard.

  Zhao Liya smiled and said: "Don't worry, Dad, Brother Lin has already redeemed his crimes, and when we get there, just let him come forward for everything!"

  Zhao Xiang nodded with a smile.

   This is true.

  So, it is a good thing that the family has gradually redeemed their sins one by one. It's a pity that my family can't redeem it at the moment, otherwise it will attract people's attention if they don't keep it together, otherwise Aya should be asked to redeem it quickly.

  Zhao Liya and Shu Yan simply dressed up in men's clothing, brought two servants, and set off with Lin Mo.

   I hired a donkey cart in the county seat, but I didn’t need a driver, so I asked my family to drive the cart. So, not a single outsider.

   It is not the first time this road has been taken, and Lin Mo is there, which makes people feel at ease. According to the normal speed, stay in the small town passing by for one night in the evening, and arrive by noon the next day.

  Although it will be November soon, the weather is still very good, except that the leaves of the mountains are becoming more colorful, and the corner of the car curtain can be seen from time to time when driving. The sun was shining brightly, neither hot nor cold.

   Traveling in such weather is quite comfortable for people.

  At about five o'clock in the afternoon, everyone settled down in Jiahe Town, where they used to stop for accommodation.

  The only inn in the town is not big, but it is also very clean.

  Stayed here overnight, everyone woke up early the next day, each ate a bowl of hot rice noodles and continued on the road.

   Unexpectedly, just over ten miles away from the town, when passing through a forest, a child rushed over from the side road and was almost hit by a donkey cart!

   Fortunately, the road in the woods was full of potholes, and the speed of the donkey cart was much slower. Otherwise, the child would definitely be hit, and something serious would happen!

  The coachman screamed in fright, and the three Zhao Liya in the car also staggered backwards and nearly fell down.

"what happened!"

"What happened!"

  The coachman was about to answer, but the six or seven-year-old child reluctantly climbed up from the ground, lying on the side of the carriage and looking at Zhao Liya and the other three who raised the curtain and looked out, asking what happened.

   "Three brothers, help me! Help me, someone is going to catch me!"

  Zhao Liya and the three were taken aback for a moment, and the two coachmen who were about to scold others looked at each other and were also stunned. They were about to reprimand the child angrily, but now they turned to look at the three masters at the same time.

  Zhao Liya hurriedly said: "Little brother, don't be afraid, where did you come from? Who is going to arrest you?"

  The child cried: "My family is in the provincial capital, my father and mother live in a big house, I met a kidnapper, I—"

Before the child finished speaking, he saw a couple in their thirties with round waists and thick shoulders running over from that small road. The child saw their faces turn pale and cried out in fright: "It's them! Oh, they caught me! I beg my brothers to save me, save me!"

   "Don't be afraid, if it's true, we will help you." Zhao Liya and Lin Mo looked at each other and got out of the carriage together.

  Shu Yan doesn't know martial arts, she didn't move in the car, but she was very nervous and worried.

   "Brother!" The child was overjoyed, and quickly threw himself on Zhao Liya, clutching her sleeves tightly, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, his little face was full of pleading and panic, trembling slightly.

   Obviously he was terrified of that couple.

  The couple chased out anxiously. When they saw the child, they were overjoyed and rushed over.

  The woman scolded: "You child, you are so angry, why are you running around? What will you do if you encounter some bad people! Come on, go home with your mother!"

  The child trembled even more, clutching Zhao Liya's sleeve tightly and almost tearing it off, crying: "I don't know you! You are not my parents! You are kidnappers and bad guys! Brother, don't trust them."

The man stared fiercely, his two thick black eyebrows fluttered like two worms, pointed at the child and cursed: "What nonsense are you talking about! You are making trouble, why are you so angry, your grandma is still waiting for you at home, Go back with Lao Tzu, or you will break your legs!"

The woman glared at him and said angrily: "Okay, okay, you father, don't be aggressive with the child, so you can't talk well? If you weren't so aggressive at every turn, the child wouldn't be like this! Ah Yan, don't talk to me. Your father is in trouble, he dare not hit you again with mother around, let's go, let's go home quickly, you are not allowed to lose your temper again"

  The woman scolded, stared and comforted her, she was like a mother. As he spoke, he stepped forward and took the child's hand.

  The child screamed and hid behind Zhao Liya: "Don't! Don't! I won't go with you! You are bad people, you are all bad people, not my parents! Brother, you must believe me!"

  The child was anxious and terrified, speaking with a crying voice.

   "Nonsense! It's becoming more and more out of control! You child is too headstrong!"

  The woman stared, but became impatient, and wanted to grab the child without hesitation.

  (end of this chapter)