Chapter 276 Chinese New Year is coming soon

  Every household picks persimmons carefully and sells them in batches to persimmon workshops. In the end, counting the general ledger, the least can earn five or six hundred taels, and the most can reach more than three taels, and most people earn more than seven or eight hundred to one or two taels.

   It doesn’t seem like much, but you know, this is just the beginning. This year, so many persimmon trees have been planted and grafted, and next year’s income will basically double.

  Tomorrow spring, if we plant more and graft more, won't there be more in the year after?

  Zhao Liya said, the more the better, they can grow as many varieties as they can, and they will buy as many as they have. The contract is still signed!

  Maybe they will sell fresh persimmons directly in the future.

  The route is smooth, what is impossible?

  Even delicate fruits like lychees can be transported to the south of the Yangtze River by sea, so why not persimmons?

  Although Jiangnan also produces persimmons, as long as the persimmons here are big, sweet, and good-looking, they may not be able to occupy a part of the market.

  Everyone in Baijia Village is excited, everyone is elated and full of energy!

   "Miss Zhao and the others are really good people, our village is finally about to develop hahahaha!"

"Originally, I was worried that I would not buy it next year or the year after. I have a contract, so I am very relieved." There are so many families in the village, and there are contracts. If the other party dares to break the contract, everyone can sue them. government.

   "I think so too, but I still think that Mr. Zhao and Ms. Zhao will never count their words!"

   "Anyway, our family will continue to plant persimmon trees in the coming year!"

   "So is our family!"


  It will be stable in the future, even if there are no paddy fields, it doesn't matter, just take care of the persimmon trees.

  Many families have even started to look for wild persimmon trees in the mountains during the winter. When it gets a little warmer, they can be transplanted back and used as rootstocks for grafting.

   Except for the persimmons from Baijia Village, if the persimmons from other villages are picked and sent over, they will be purchased in the same way as persimmon workshops. The premise is that the persimmons are intact and not damaged.

  Fortunately, when the persimmon workshop was built, the place was built big enough, no matter how many people from other villages came to sell it, it would not worry about it. After all, this is a manual job that needs to gather a lot of people.

  At the beginning, when the villagers of Baijia Village saw people from other villages coming to sell persimmons, they were very unhappy and repelled, and almost clashed.

  The villagers of Baijia Village subconsciously felt that this persimmon cake workshop was their own, so why should people from other villages come to their own village to take advantage of it? Absolutely not allowed!

  They want to get rich, and find ways to find their own wealth.

  Zhao Liya, Hu Ling, etc. couldn't laugh or cry, so Zhao Liya told the villagers that the purchase of this persimmon into the workshop was equivalent to giving them work again. Wouldn't it be good to pay thirty cents a day?

  The villagers were astonished when they heard it, yes, that’s the reason, and they became happy again.

  At the end of December, a few days before the Chinese New Year, the second batch of sugarcane planted can finally be harvested. The harvest time of this batch of sugarcane can be slowed down, and there is no need to worry. It will last until the first month.

   After all, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, of course the Chinese New Year is more important.

  At the end of the year, the farmers have been busy and toiled for a whole year. At the end of the year, it is natural that they should take a good rest, recharge their batteries, and work again in the coming year.

  The Zhao family’s Chinese New Year is as lively as ever this year. Lin Mo, Zhao Liya and others went to the mountains to hunt specially.

   There are several wild boars, and they are sold cheaply to many people in the village.

   Until the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, Zhou Hansheng finally came and brought Yu Xiaofang back to Yancun.

  Yu Xiaofang was like a monkey who had unlocked the lock, finally freed, and he was elated when he returned to Yan Village!

Zhou Hansheng finally came. Zhao Liya was looking forward to his arrival, but she was looking forward to it. The Chinese New Year is about to come, but he hasn't come yet. She just has to wait until the new year. She doesn't know when, but she is not disappointed That was fake, but he never expected that he and Yu Xiaofang would be so picky about their lives.

   After everyone exchanged greetings, Zhou Hansheng found an excuse to bring Zhao Liya to a small fruit forest outside the back door of Zhao's courtyard to talk.

   Zhou Hansheng didn't avoid all people, and it was impossible to avoid them in broad daylight. But the relationship between the two of them can be said to be semi-public, even Zhao Xiang and Deng's acquiescence, naturally no one stopped them from speaking, and everyone's eyes were full of kind smiles instead.

   On the contrary, Zhao Liya was a little embarrassed.

  Zhao Liya didn't know much about Zhou Hansheng herself, but Zhou Hansheng knew her very clearly and meticulously, and kept praising her. Zhao Liya was still a little bit wronged in her heart, and she didn't know how to say it, but after a while, he covered his face and laughed.

   "Did General Zhong tell you? He knows everything!"

  Zhou Hansheng took the opportunity to gently embrace her, and said with a smile, "I asked him."

   It is enough for Mao Dexing to do something like that once, she saves trouble, but he will naturally tell people to pay attention to her movements.

  However, she was so capable, more and more prosperous, and her wealth was indeed beyond his expectations, and it made him proud: his wife is really capable!

  Zhao Liya raised her eyes, her clear and dark eyes looked Zhou Hansheng carefully up and down twice, "Are you all right?"

Zhou Hansheng was about to say "it's okay", but seeing her concerned expression, he swallowed the words again, "It's nothing important, it's all small things, I can handle it. I'm just a little tired, so I came here to relax, Rest."

  So he needs his wife's gentle, meticulous, patient and considerate company and comfort very much! You must have your wife by your side every day.

  Zhao Liya felt a little distressed immediately, he must have deliberately turned a big thing into a small thing in front of him, right?

  She said softly: "Our place is a good place to recuperate and relax. Now that you're here, don't think about other things!"

   "Okay!" Zhou Hansheng smiled, and gently shook her hand: "What do you want to do, I will accompany you."

   The two looked at each other and smiled.

Zhou Hansheng said to accompany her, and she really did. Accompanied her during the New Year, accompanied her to visit various villages, accompanied her to hunt in the mountains and rivers, and accompanied her to the provincial capital, to Zhong Jing's place, and by the way, in the first month. A trip to Hainan Island.

  Zhao Liya went out quite a few times, and she was accompanied every time. She originally thought that as long as she was accompanied, it would be the same. Only now do I know that it turns out that accompanying and accompanying are different.

   It is not the same whether Zhou Hansheng is present or someone other than Zhou Hansheng is present.

   During the Spring Festival, the three children happened to not have to go to school. Except for Hainan Island, they also went to other places. It was very lively.

  (end of this chapter)