Chapter 277 Two years later

  Zhao Liya originally thought that Zhou Hansheng would change his ways to shirk from not wanting the children to follow, and dislike the noise and disturbance, but she didn't know that she was small and secretly ashamed. Zhou Hansheng liked her younger siblings and Zhou Nian very much.

   This little guy Zhou Nian has lived in their house for a long time, and he is very familiar with the Zhao family. He is no longer the little guy who was closed to himself when he first came here. When going out to play, it is even more lively than a play with the three children Zhao Lixiang and Zhao Lin.

   And what about Zhou Hansheng? As if they had forgotten that Zhou Nian was a member of their Zhou family, they didn't take him away when they left in early February.

   That's all, the Zhao family will continue to raise it!

   Zhou Hansheng stayed in Yancun for a long time this time, until the beginning of February.

  Zhao Liya thought that he was satisfied with being with her for such a long time, but she was still reluctant to part when she didn't know the parting.

   Maybe the deeper the habit, the harder it is to part with each other. Before he left, Zhao Liya's heart was already empty and sour.

  At this moment, she seemed to be enlightened and suddenly understood that life was different with him and without him.

   Zhou Hansheng was more difficult to let go than her. He seemed to want to say something to her, but he held back in the end.

  He only said: "Aya, I will try to be faster, faster, and then I won't have to be separated from you."

  Is it marriage if you don't separate? Zhao Liya's face flushed, and the empty space in her heart seemed to be filled in again.

  She smiled, but didn't speak.

  He said you get married when you get married? Not always.

   After all, she hasn't figured out what's going on in his family yet! Maybe she hates it?

   Zhou Hansheng still has to leave after all.

  Zhao Liya fished for two days, and quickly threw herself into the work of the new year.

  She still has a lot of things to do, and many people in the family want to atone for their crimes. Everyone needs to work hard together!

  When it’s time to do a career, do it, and nothing can stop it.

  The planting scale of sugar cane, potato, sweet potato, and persimmon forest has all undergone a new round of expansion.

On the side of Zhongjing in Suixi County, the scale of breeding and planting has also expanded, and the size of the fleet has also expanded. Xiao Yuyang is very good. He made seven or eight trips back and forth in one winter, and he has a thorough understanding of the sailing conditions of that route in winter. of.

  In Gaolian County, other villages also started planting sugar cane. As a result, the sugar mill was built in a place close to each village.

  Everything is thriving and alive.

   County magistrate Yin didn't care and didn't intervene. He had already learned to correct his position.

   Without his involvement, everything went well.

   County magistrate Yin already knows that he will not be transferred in this assessment. He still has to be a county magistrate here, but the next assessment will definitely give him a promotion to a good place.

   Of course, the premise is that he is not a demon.

   County magistrate Yin was secretly shocked, this time he was really shocked.

  While shocked and weird, I feel a little natural.

   After all, that was Zhao Xiang. How could he not have any contacts he could mobilize?

  He didn't know that Zhao Xiangzhen didn't use his contacts to do anything to him, it was unnecessary, and he was not up to the mark.

  Ms. Yin was a little unconvinced, and secretly instigated a plot, trying to hide behind her back and be a "smart person", playing tricks of misleading others and killing people with knives. As a result, the matter was revealed and she was almost dismissed by the county magistrate Yin.

  The old nanny and confidant maid who had been with her for more than 20 years were all sold out from a distance, and she herself was grounded, and she was so angry that she became ill for two months before she could recover.

  Winter goes to spring, and in the blink of an eye, two years have passed.

  Two years later, Gao Lian, Suixi, and Guangzhan experienced astonishing rapid economic development, and Zhao Liya and the others naturally accumulated countless wealth.

  Shipping is especially profitable. It is no longer a chicken that lays golden eggs, but a golden mountain with golden light. Wei and the others have brought incomparably huge wealth!

  A hen that lays golden eggs can still be hidden and covered, so that no one will know. A golden mountain that is shining with golden light must not be covered.

  The blinding golden light really made the local officials salivate and envy.

   Those local tyrants who could not get a share of the pie also began to look for connections, to find Zhong Jing, or to find local officials, in an attempt to join them and get some benefits.

  So, the Wen family was pulled out again to laugh and joke.

  Thinking back then, General Zhong was the first to look for Wen Jia! As a result, the Wen family did not cherish such a great opportunity and missed it in vain.

   This is really picking up money!

  Look at the Zhou family and the Yan family, they are so rich now, the wealth of the family has increased more than ten times in the past two or three years!

   It was that Xiao Yuyang, who was not well-known at first, and everyone felt sorry when they said it, thinking that their family would never be able to get back up after the fall, and now they are standing up again?

The mansions, fields, and shops have all returned. He is in charge of several large ships. After a year, he gets a dividend of 30,000 to 50,000 silver. The future is boundless, and you will only earn more in the future!

  What they don't know is that Xiao Yuyang can bring some private goods with him every time he sails. The profit from this part of the private goods alone is 20,000 to 30,000 silver a year.

  Master Wen is so depressed and aggrieved.

   Xiao Yuyang, whom he despised, has completely turned around in just two or three years!

   And his daughter? The year before last, I married a young scholar from a well-to-do family. I thought that my uncle was selected as a scholar at a young age. He is well-known for his talent, and he is very knowledgeable and motivated. He will definitely accomplish a lot in the future.

   In the future, when you become a Jinshi and become an official, won't your daughter become the wife of an official?

  At that time, the Wen family was not only rich, but also had status.

   Isn't it beautiful?

  Who would have thought that? The girl was pregnant more than half a year after passing through the door. Before they were happy enough, they heard that the uncle had taken a concubine with red sleeves to serve him.

  Although I feel blocked, there is nothing I can do. After all, my son-in-law is young and my daughter is pregnant, so I can't take care of her husband, so shouldn't I be a concubine for my husband?

   It's a matter of course.

  His daughter naturally disliked the concubine in every possible way, and became dizzy in anger. She made a foolish move and even bought another beautiful girl to be my uncle's concubine, with the idea of ​​letting the two concubines fight in the ring.

   Now there are already three concubines in the aunt's room, and another daughter was born to a girl, so don't worry about getting angry now, fighting with the three concubines every day! Every time I go back to my mother's house, I cry angrily.

As for my son-in-law's fame... Heh, I failed the provincial examination, and when I came back, I complained and yelled at injustice. Now I seem to have gone astray. I only work **** thick poetry and prose, I love Goulan listening to music, and I write poems for women in brothels. Sorry!

  (end of this chapter)