Chapter 378 Dust settled

  He didn’t want to come to this step, but this step must be taken, otherwise, the prince can’t stand it anymore, and neither can he

  The emperor these years has become more suspicious and moody, and more and more disgusted with the prince. No one wants to cause all this.

  The Longevity Palace where the Supreme Emperor lived had already been tidied up and arranged. On the same day, the Supreme Emperor was moved to the Yanshou Palace.

   During this process, the Supreme Emperor was unconscious and hadn't woken up. This may be a good thing, so as not to make him more angry.

  Of course, when he woke up and saw this strange palace, and heard the little **** who was serving him explain the reason in a low voice, the Supreme Emperor almost fainted from anger again.

   "Nizi, Nizi, Nizi"

  But now, all he can do is scold Nizi non-stop.

  The little **** didn't dare to listen, so he had to back down.

  In the Qianqing Palace at this moment, the maids and eunuchs are busy, busy putting away old things and putting new ones on. The new emperor will move in soon, so everything in the Qianqing Palace will naturally have to be rearranged.

   Not only the Qianqing Palace, but also all the palaces in the harem are also busy tidying up.

  After the relocation of the Supreme Emperor, Empress Zhou also became the Empress Dowager, and quickly moved into the Palace of Compassion. At the same time, a decree was issued, and all the concubines of the Supreme Emperor were moved to live in the two palaces in Beiyuan. The palace should be vacated for the new emperor's harem.

  The Supreme Emperor is not lustful, and in addition to the suppression by Concubine Yan Gui over the years, there are not many concubines in the harem, and most of them have no natal influence.

  The Supreme Emperor has moved, and it is not their turn to have any opinions. What's more, they haven't been favored all these years, they just live in another place, so apart from being more or less sad and melancholy in my heart, the relocation is very happy.

  Two days later, the prince and the princess moved into the palace.

  The crown prince ascended the throne smoothly, amnesty the world, and held a grand banquet for the officials, everything, the dust settled.

  The princess concubine was conferred the title of empress, and the birth mother of the eldest prince was conferred the title of concubine Mi.

   There are two other people named Rongguiren and Languiren. These are the owners of the new empress palace.

  But everyone knows that soon, the new emperor's harem will be filled, no matter whether the new emperor is willing or not.

  When the new emperor ascends the throne, he always has to appease and win over the honorable courtiers. The best way is naturally to select their daughters to fill the harem. In this way, everyone can feel at ease.

   So far, everything is completely on the right track.

  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

   During this period of time, Zhao Xiang, Li Guogong, etc., who were tense and nervous, finally got to relax and rest for a few days.

   During this time, not only were they busy without touching the ground, but the mansion was also busy entertaining all kinds of guests.

  Everyone knows that the Zhao Mansion and Li Guogong Mansion must rise to a higher level, and the power is very hot. Naturally, there are people who come to curry favor with them.

  Mr. Deng and Zhao Liya were busy greeting the female relatives from all walks of life. Widow Qu and Qu Yutao, mother and daughter, had to help.

  It is impossible to thank guests behind closed doors at such a time. People who come have to be entertained, not to win over the clique, but to appease the hearts of their families so as to stabilize the court.

   It was finally time to rest for a while, and the family decided to go out of the city to live in Zhuangzi for a few days.

  After taking the carriage out of the city, Zhao Liya raised the curtain of the carriage and looked out. Miss Zhao Lixiang and Zhao Lin also scrambled to come over, chatting and joking.

   These days, the whole family is not bored.

   Breathing the fresh air, Zhao Liya couldn't help laughing and said, "After leaving the city, my eyes feel clearer! Breathing feels easier!"

  Deng said with a smile: "It's not a headache for troublemakers, it's good to go to Zhuangzi to relax."

  Zhao Lixiang and Zhao Lin heard their sister say that there are various fruit trees in Zhuangzi, and they are already discussing whether to pick grapes or dates first!

   This Zhuangzi is less than thirty miles away from the capital, and it takes less than half a day to arrive.

  Zhuangzi sent someone over the first two days to say that the place to stay has been cleaned up and cleaned up. When he arrived, the steward of Zhuangzi led someone to greet him at the door, and greeted him with a smile.

   "Master, Madam, Miss and Young Masters have worked hard all the way, and the younger one has already ordered the kitchen to prepare lunch. Master and Madam take a break and have lunch first!"

  Ms. Deng nodded in satisfaction, smiled at Widow Qu and said, "Let's have lunch first, and then we can take a walk around the village in the afternoon, so we can be clean for a few days."

Widow Qu looked around and liked this place very much, she nodded and smiled and said: "I listen to my sister, this manor is really nice, just looking at our yard in Lingnan. But the flowers and trees here Not as green as ours!"

  Deng laughed loudly, nodded and sighed with a smile: "That's not true, the flowers, plants and trees in the south of the Lingnan grow better than those in the north."

  Zhao Liya smiled and said: "Of course, the south is wet, and the north is drier. This is incomparable."

   Even if the vegetation in the Northland is lush and verdant in spring and summer, it is far inferior to the vegetation in Lingnan that is full of water at first glance.

Everyone chatted and laughed and entered the manor, Zhao Lixiang and Zhao Lin couldn't wait, they had already worn their ties and went to play, Zhao Liya actually wanted to go, but thinking about it, she had to say a few words with her bridesmaid, so she had to endure it for now .

  Go into the room and sit down, when the maid pours tea, Deng smiled and said to Zhao Liya and Qu Yutao: "You guys also go shopping, don't take too long, remember to call Xiang'er and Lin'er back for lunch."

   "Okay, mother!"

  Zhao Liya couldn't wait for the sound, and happily took Qu Yutao to go.

   Deng Shi and Widow Qu couldn't help laughing.

  Deng Shi sighed: "This child has a wild temper, and she can jump off tight. I am really worried that she will suffer a loss after marrying into the Duke of Li's mansion."

  How do men understand the twists and turns of the backyard? I can't control that much. Being born in such a big family, if a woman wants to live well, she must fight her way out in the backyard.

Widow Qu didn't think like Deng, she smiled and said: "Sister, you really think too much, our Aya is so smart and capable? I think it's fine if the family is honest, if you want to bully her , Who knows who will be unlucky in the end! Besides, we still have us! Our children are bullied for nothing? Just say, sister, it’s okay if you are inconvenient. Beat them!"

   Fights and quarrels, Widow Qu is really not afraid.

  If she is not strong, she will not be able to bring up her daughter.

  Mr. Deng made her laugh, "Hey, it makes sense!"

   "That's right!" Widow Qu clapped her hands.

  The two of them were chatting and laughing when the servant woman came to report: "Madam, Mrs. Qu, Prince Zhou is here and wants to greet the two ladies."

  (end of this chapter)