Chapter 379 The eldest prince is here

  Deng's smile stiffened, and he frowned slightly.

  This prospective son-in-law is so well informed! The front and rear kung fu came, and if no one informed in advance, I would not believe anything.

  Who else could be notified in advance? No need to ask.

   Deng's headache.

   These two people are too unobtrusive.

  Although my own family didn't think anything was wrong, others didn't see it that way.

  Widow Qu smiled and said: "The son must have come to visit the elders, maybe there is something to discuss with the adults, maybe not."

   Deng smiled helplessly, "Please come in!"


  The maid soon led Zhou Hansheng to come.

   Zhou Hansheng didn't come by himself, and he was holding a child in his hand. It was Zhou Nian who had lived in Zhao's house for a while.

  However, Zhao Xiang, Deng Shi, Zhao Liya, etc. all know now that this child is not Zhou Hansheng's nephew, but his nephew, the eldest prince of the new emperor, and the only child of the new emperor so far. His name is not Zhou Nian, his name is Wen Nian.

  In the past, if Zhou Hansheng hadn’t rescued him, he would have been killed by Concubine Yan’s mother and son. Even though he narrowly escaped death, he still suffered serious injuries, and what was more serious was psychological trauma. He was so frightened that he almost shut himself up.

  Fortunately, Zhou Hansheng brought him to Lingnan, where he lived in Zhao's family. He was taken care of by Zhao's family and treated by Yu Xiaofang. Only then did he gradually get better.

  When the Zhao family saw him like that, they really felt distressed from the bottom of their hearts. After spending so long together again, how can there be no feelings?

  After he left for a long time, Mrs. Deng and Widow Qu were still talking about it.

   Now when they saw the eldest prince, Mrs. Deng and Widow Qu said "Ouch!" and quickly stood up to salute.

  The eldest prince obviously had Zhou Hansheng's explanation before coming, and he ran forward with his legs: "Grandma Deng, Grandma Qu, you are welcome, no courtesy!"

  Zhou Hansheng also hurriedly laughed and said: "Mother-in-law, aunt, the emperor has ordered that you and the eldest prince are old, and you can get along as usual, you don't need to be too polite."

"Yes, thank you for your grace!" Mrs. Deng bowed her knees towards the imperial city and thanked him respectfully. Then she hurriedly pulled the eldest prince to sit down with a smile, and looked at Zhou Hansheng slightly reproachfully: "Why did the eldest prince suddenly bring the eldest prince here?" Alright, this—can the First Prince leave the city at will?"

  Zhou Hansheng smiled indifferently: "Mother-in-law, don't worry, the emperor said that the eldest prince should go out of the palace more often, so he doesn't have to be trapped in the palace every day. Besides, the Zhao family is not anywhere else, so it's okay to come here often."

  Deng's: "."

  Yes, the emperor speaks well, and naturally everything is justified.

  In addition, after living together for a period of time, Mrs. Deng and Widow Qu were very close and loving to the eldest prince, so they gradually relaxed, and talked to the eldest prince with a smile and soft voice for a while.

  The eldest prince also liked them very much, and obediently talked with them.

  But he missed Zhao Liya, Zhao Lixiang, and Zhao Lin even more, and he couldn't sit still for a while, and subconsciously looked up at Zhou Hansheng frequently, eagerly.

Mrs. Deng knew that when the eldest prince was living in the Zhao family, the eldest daughter Zhao Liya relied most on him, and he liked to play with Zhao Liya and Zhao Lin the most. Looking at him like this, he knew that he wanted to find Zhao Liya and the others. Then he laughed and said, "Your Highness, let's go and play too. Your Aunt Zhao, Xiang'er, and Lin'er are all picking fruit in the orchard behind!"

  The First Prince's eyes lit up immediately, and he nodded repeatedly: "Okay, I like picking fruits too!"

  When he was in Lingnan, he often followed them to pick fruits, catch fish and climb trees. It was fun!

   Both Deng and Widow Qu laughed, "Then go, Your Highness, be careful, don't get hurt."

   Today is not what it used to be. If His Highness gets injured in the manor, even if you scratch your finger, it will not be a trivial matter.

   "Well, don't worry, Grandma Deng, I know!"

  Zhou Hansheng also smiled and said, "Mother-in-law, don't worry, I'm here."

   Deng couldn't help but glanced at him, and could only smile and nod. What's the use of saying I have you in my heart? It doesn't make people feel more at ease! It's good for you, use Your Highness as an excuse, even if you come here, I can't even drive you away

   Zhou Hansheng immediately led the eldest prince away.

   "Let's go see Mr. Zhao first."

  The eldest prince nodded: "Well, I should pay a visit to Mr. Zhao first!"

   Zhou Hansheng smiled. This kid has a really good temper, and he didn't hurt him for nothing.

  Zhao Xiang is cooking tea and reading a book in a wooden house next to a small bamboo grove. It is rare for him to relax for a moment. Surprised to see them here.

  However, at Zhuangzi meeting today, Zhou Hansheng was very tactful and did not bother his father-in-law with the affairs of the court. After saying a few gossips, he led the eldest prince to the orchard.

This is the season when all kinds of fruits are ripe. This orchard is not very big, but there are many fruit trees planted. There are trellises full of grapes, pomegranate trees, jujube trees, persimmon trees, walnut trees, Peach trees, pear trees, etc., were planted quite scatteredly, adding up to thirty or forty trees of all kinds, which was enough for them to toss about.

  Zhao Lixiang and Zhao Lin were used to having fun when they were in Lingnan, but they were arrested after returning to Beijing, and they had to do a lot of tricks in the mansion. Deng turned a blind eye and let them go.

   Now that it's time for Zhuangzi, they're just having fun.

   From far away, the eldest prince heard their laughter, and immediately started running with his calves, shouting as he ran, "Aunt Zhao, Ah Xiang, Ah Lin, here I come!"

Zhao Lixiang and Zhao Lin were beating dates with bamboo poles. The younger sister and younger brother competed to see who would get the most big and red dates. Zhao Liya not only didn't stop her, she also cheered them on with a smile on the side. Ren Qu Yutao was laughing beside her, very lively.

  Seeing the eldest prince coming, Zhao Lixiang and Zhao Lin's eyes lit up, they quickly dropped the bamboo pole in their hands and ran over, "A Nian!", "Brother A Nian!"

  Zhao Liya was also very happy. But as soon as the younger brother and sister were happy, they forgot the identity of the eldest prince, and she just remembered seeing the little friend who had been reunited after a long time being happy, but she did not forget.

  Etiquette cannot be discarded. If someone catches you, you have to make some fuss, which is also a very annoying and troublesome thing.

  She also stepped forward with a smile, "Xiang'er, Lin'er, meet the eldest prince soon."

  Zhao Lixiang and Zhao Lin were taken aback for a moment, then they remembered the identity of their little friends, and hurriedly wanted to salute.

The eldest prince hurriedly grabbed them, and smiled and called Zhao Liya, "Don't! Father said that you don't have to do this in Mr. Zhao's house! Aunt Zhao, we are the same as before, I came here specially to play with you, what are you doing! "

  Zhao Lixiang and Zhao Lin heard that the emperor didn't care, so they didn't get entangled, and happily pulled the eldest prince to beat dates together.

   "We are playing jujube in a competition. Look, this is a jujube tree. There are so many dates, so sweet! Do you want to come together?"

  The First Prince's eyes lit up, and he nodded hastily: "If you want it, I can also beat dates!"

  (end of this chapter)