Chapter 26:

Name:F-Class Destiny Hunter Author:
Chapter 26:

Chapter 26

Upon hearing the sound, Seo Gangrim swiftly concealed himself. Yoon Bom also quickly found a spot nearby. When they looked up, they saw an enormous shadow.

'It's here.'

It’s a demon about three meters tall, covered in fur all over its body, and had a human-like appearance at first glance. It was a Spirit Third-class demon, known to reveal itself only on days when it snowed—the Yeti.

"Cough, cough..."

A dry cough came from the Yeti's direction.The sound, however, did not come from the Yeti's mouth but from its hand where it was tightly gripping something. It was Yoon Geoul who was being held captive by the Yeti, and he was currently covered in blood.

"...!"Yôur favorite stories at

Yoon Bom also noticed him, and it took her all to hold back a scream at the sight of him. Her eyes were now filled with indescribable horror. If left it as it was, Yoon Geoul would soon become the Yeti's meal, with only his head remaining to return to Yoon Bom's side.

Seo Gangrim observed the situation instead of rushing towards the Yeti.

‘First, I have to make it release Yoon Geoul.’

The Yeti was tightly gripping its prey and sniffing its scent. If they engage in combat in this situation, Yoon Geoul would likely suffer serious injuries. Moreover, Yoon Geoul seemed to have lost consciousness.

After he finished surveying the situation, Seo Gangrim spoke in a very soft voice, ‘First, we need to make the Yeti let go of Yoon Geoul. You have a role to play in this.’

"Yes, I'll do it."

"It's dangerous."

"Still, I'll do it."

Yoon Bom replied with a desperate gaze. Her usual grumpy expression had vanished, nowhere to be seen. Just by looking at her expression, she looked like an experienced hunter.

"Okay. Alright, then you can......."

Without further delay, Seo Gangrim whispered his plan into Yoon Bom's ear. And after having confirmed the instructions, Yoon Bom immediately took action. She lowered her body and crawled, slowly moving to the opposite side to hide.

‘First, I need to lure the Yeti without provoking it too much.’

After confirming Yoon Bom's position, Seo Gangrim took out some belongings from his bag. Immediately, the scent of blood overflowed from the bag. They were pieces of meat from animals he had hunted, dismembered, and preserved. It was because he was dismembering while hunting that the fresh smell of blood still lingered in the bag.

"It should be a good treat for the Yeti."

He poured the chunks of meat onto the ground and quickly changed his position. Not long after, the Yeti, smelling the blood, raised its head.

-Kwang, kwang...

To the Yeti, it was an appetizing smell. The Yeti, which had been sniffing with satisfaction, gently released Yoon Geoul from its grip and began heading towards the source of the smell. Soon, it discovered the pile of meat stacked up. With a content smile, it settled down on the spot and started munching on the pile.

‘That's it.’

As the sound of the Yeti chewing the bones reached Seo Gangrim, he moved silently towards the den. The Yeti's den, seen up close, had an even more hellish appearance. Dry straw, branches, numerous animal bones and skins, and decaying corpses were scattered in between. Amidst them, Yoon Geoul lay there, whimpering. Seo Gangrim checked if Yoon Geoul was conscious, but there was no response at all.

‘His arm and leg are broken.’

Yoon Geoul's left arm and left leg were swollen and visibly fractured. It wouldn't be easy to carry him out like this. Even a healing potion would be useless since he wouldn't be able to consume it unconscious.

‘For now, let's follow the plan.’

Seo Gangrim lifted Yoon Geoul and shot a small flame into the sky.

‘To escape from here to the plains, we can either go up or take the detour through the path within this canyon.’

Currently, Seo Gangrim had no abilities related to leaping or flying. The only remaining option was the detour. However, to pass through the detour, they had to pass by the Yeti, who was in the middle of its meal. There was no way the Yeti wouldn't notice them. Therefore, it was necessary to drive the Yeti out.



'There's plenty of kindling in there.'

The den was filled with branches, dry grass, animal skins, and more were scattered haphazardly. Little by little, embers began to spread in all directions, brightening their surroundings. Even Seo Gangrim’s cold body felt a touch of warmth.

'But it won't last long.'

The snow was getting heavier, and with this, even if he set a fire, it would soon be extinguished. So Seo Gangrim only had a short amount of time.


As its lair burned, the Yeti began stomping its feet in anger. Seo Gangrim, now with his back to the flames, ran in the opposite direction from the Yeti. At the same time, he consumed his experience points to increase his stats.

[Agility has increased to level 18!]

Thump, thump!

The Yeti stomped its feet and rushed towards Seo Gangrim. Seo Gangrim skillfully avoided the Yeti's attacks, and swung his sword in response as if performing acrobatics. As a result, the Yeti sustained some injuries, but they were only minor cuts and scratches.

‘This demon have too high defensive capabilities.’

With a rank lower than ‘Sword Unsheathe,’ Seo Gangrim couldn't fully display the full extent of this ability, and to begin with, he needed at least a level 30 Strength to confront the Yeti properly.

‘Still not enough?’

The Yeti's fist narrowly missed Seo Gangrim's side, and left a large impression on the ground where it struck. Seo Gangrim was waiting for the right moment to strike back. He focused on avoiding the Yeti's attacks to buy time, but gradually, his legs were getting heavier. Just then, as the flames also began to diminish little by little...


The Yeti that had been lured by the gunshot revealed itself again. It had returned because there was no prey in the direction where the sound came from. As a result, two monstrous creatures were now targeting Seo Gangrim. In the face of this, however, when Seo Gangrim saw the Yeti charging towards him, he smiled.

'Finally, it's here.'

When the second Yeti appeared, he mustered his last strength and began evading their attacks. The Yetis chased after him, stamping their feet in anger. Seo Gangrim, meanwhile, sprinted through the flames and the demons.

-Crack, crackle.......

The ground beneath them grew increasingly unstable, as if it was crumbling.

'It's collapsing soon...!'

The ground in this area seemed solid at first glance, but it was often composed only of snow and ice. The Yetis' den also seemed situated on such a terrain. Seo Gangrim's fire caused the ground to slowly give way, but the the two Yetis didn’t notice this amidst their rampage, and swarmed towards him.

Seo Gangrim jumped towards a safe place upon hearing the cracking sound of the fissure. Suddenly, the ground gave way just as the Yetis planted their feet to chase after him.


One foot slipped, and in an instant, the Yeti's face was filled with panic. It struggled and flailed, trying to grab onto something to avoid falling, but its efforts were in vain, and it finally plummeted to the ground beneath.


A dull sound sounded and was followed by the sound of something being smashed. It was the sound of the Yeti's head being smashed. Immediately, Seo Gangrim saw a notification window appear before his eyes.

[You have defeated a Spirit Third-class Yeti!]

[A fixed destiny has changed!]

[Change of destiny is occurring!]


TL's note:

I'll translate as much as possible this week so that we can catch up to the novel. Cheers!