Chapter 27:

Name:F-Class Destiny Hunter Author:
Chapter 27:

Chapter 27

[The destiny rank of 'Seo Gangrim' changes from 'Insect Third Rank' to ‘Insect Second Rank’!]

‘My Destiny rank has changed?’

Seo Gangrim could only be astonished when he saw the notification window in front of him. After all, according to the Four Pillars of Destiny, changing one's destiny was impossible. Nevertheless, his destiny rank had increased, albeit slightly.

‘Could it be because I regressed?’

Although it was a significant event, he wasn't in a situation to raise a toast to at the moment.The crack that started in the center spread rapidly in all directions. The remaining Yeti, too, was on the verge of falling as the ground beneath it crumbled. The Yeti let out a scream and tightly gripped Seo Gangrim's leg.


While under normal circumstances he would have been able to escape, but his current stats had decreased due to the influence of the Water element. The Yeti glared at him as if it wanted them to die together. And just as the Yeti was about to plunge downward while still holding onto Seo Gangrim...


A sharp sword was thrust into Yeti's forehead. Due to the pain of having its bones and flesh pierced, the Yeti let go of Seo Gangrim.However, there was no platform beneath Seo Gangrim's feet. There was nothing to hold onto, just empty space, hence Seo Gangrim also fell along with Yeti...

“Hold on!”

Someone grabbed Seo Gangrim's hand. Suspended in mid-air, he looked up to see who held him.

"Gangrim-ssi, are you okay?"

It was Shin Sooah, holding onto a tree trunk with her left hand and firmly gripping Seo Gangrim with her other hand.

'As expected, she came.'

Seo Gangrim had anticipated her arrival since she must have had heard the gunshot as well. He instructed Yoon Bom to fire the gun for two purposes. One was to lure Yeti, and the other was to inform Shin Sooah of their situation. He believed that the quick-witted Shin Sooah would realize the crisis when she heard the gunshots. He didn't know exactly when she would come, but he knew she would. Because she’s that kind of person Seo Gangrim knew.

"Thank you. I survived thanks to you."

"I'm glad I’m not too late. I'll pull you up."

"No, please lower me down first. I need to check if the Yeti is dead."

Shin Sooah extended the tree trunk like a rope to lower Seo Gangrim. When he descended about twenty meters, Gangrim saw the bodies of the Yetis clearly. One was already dead, but the other was still breathing. Seo Gangrim ended the Yeti, and he promptly performed his most crucial task.

[The ability 'Destiny Theft' is activated!]

[The ability 'Fighting Instinct' is acquired!]

He had stolen one and one more remained. While inspecting the Yeti's Destiny Window, Seo Gangrim's gaze fell on one spot.

[Element] Water

What if he could steal Elements instead of just abilities? When he gave the command to steal the Element, a notification window appeared before him.

[Stealing the Element 'Water'!]

‘So I can steal Elements as well. It would be benefit me since I lack the Water element and will receive penalties when underwater or when it rains.’

He was in a situation where he lacked Water among his Four Pillars of Destiny. Seo Gangrim's main element was Fire but not all of his Four Pillars were composed of Fire.

The Eight Characters, representing eight characters assigned to humans, each had the attributes of the Five Elements. Each of the eight characters had a corresponding Five Element attribute. The Destiny element was determined based on which Five Element was most prevalent.

Seo Gangrim gave a command in his mind.

[It is possible to change my Destiny attribute to Water]

[Fixed destiny has changed!]

'Did my destiny rank increase because I killed enemies I couldn't kill and removed the aura of death for Yoon Geoul? If I continued to change destinies in the future, can I break free from my current rank and reach a higher rank?'

While lost in such thoughts, another notification window appeared.

['Yoon Bom' considers you as a benefactor. The destinies of 'Seo Gangrim' and 'Yoon Bom' are becoming entwined!]

['Yoon Geoul' considers you as a benefactor. The destinies of 'Seo Gangrim' and 'Yoon Geoul' are becoming entwined!]

Destinies that were not connected in their past lives were starting to intertwine.

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In the quiet of the night, silence pervaded the Demon World. The snow silently swallowed up the entire landscape. Even the demons living in this frigid region had returned to their shelters, hiding themselves. One person, however, was lying in the snowfield.

‘Darn it, how did it end up like this...’

Every time Cheon Gunam exhaled, a white, frozen breath came out. After being stabbed on the shoulder by Seo Gangrim, he hurriedly fled without a moment's hesitation. He escaped to the lobby and received treatment, but his anger didn't subside. He wanted to punish Seo Gangrim somehow. Hence, he decided to look for an opportunity to ambush Seo Gangrim while Seo Gangrimwas absorbed in the hunt. That's why Cheon Gunam returned to the Ice Valley and began tracking Seo Gangrim. At first, he easily found Seo Gangrim's traces, but in the process, he ended up in a dangerous area. While fleeing from powerful demons, his footing suddenly gave way, and he tumbled downward. He was trapped between cracks and couldn't move due to the wind. To make matters worse, night fell. He had used up all his items to survive, but now he reached his limit.

【Are you okay?】

【What should I do? What should I do?】

【Why isn't anyone passing by?】

【Hold on a little longer, I'll find a way somehow...】

Cheolwon Doryeong's voice of concern for Cheon Gunam could be heard. However, he only sent messages and didn't actually provide direct help. Cheon Gunam became emotional and shouted into the air, "You crazy fake god! What kind of god are you! I didn't ask for a damn god who brings diseases and curses...!"

He yelled, supported by malice. After that, Cheon Gunam continued to spew out all sorts of curses for a while. Then, a voice from the dark sky reached him.


【Your words are a bit harsh, aren't they?】

It would have been better to beg for help with his whole being. If Cheon Gunam had pleaded desperately, Cheolwon Doryeong would have gone to a higher-ranked god and requested a solution. But being rude was his nature, as it turned out.

【You should reflect on yourself.】

【When you reflect, I'll come back.】

['Little Guest of the Plague' temporarily ends telepathic communication.]

"Huh? Cheolwon Doryeong! Cheolwon Doryeong!"

The voice disappeared in an instant. Puzzled, Cheon Gunam called for Cheolwon Doryeong, but there was no response. Left alone, his anger grew stronger.

"Why did it turn out like this? I'm a first conqueror... I'm a protagonist...!"

He imagined escaping from this place and becoming an awakened individual who would garner everyone's attention. But reality proved different. While he was pouring out curses at Cheolwon Doryeong and Seo Gangrim, he heard footsteps in the silent landscape. Thinking it might be a demon, Cheon Gunam perked up. However, the person looking down at him from above was not a demon but a human. Dok Gojun was staring at him.

"Dok Gojun...!"

In an instant, Cheon Gunam's face brightened. It felt as if a lifeline had descended from the sky. But unlike Cheon Gunam, who showed a delighted expression, Dok Gojun remained expressionless. He was nonchalantly looking at Cheon Gunam, who was in a precarious situation.

"Cheon Gunam, what are you doing?"