Chapter 28:

Name:F-Class Destiny Hunter Author:
Chapter 28:

Chapter 28

Cheon Gunam felt discomfort with Dok Gojun's attitude, but it wasn't the time to dwell on that. Even at this moment his body was freezing, and the snow was falling thicker. He urgently shouted, "Help! Seo Gangrim attacked me, and I ran away..."

Cheon Gunam poured out the story of his ordeal. How he ended up in this state, tangled up in Seo Gangrim's plan. Dok Gojun listened to the story with an indifferent face. With a slightly disappointed expression, he said, "Hmm... I've been thinking for a while, but you seem too weak for a protagonist."


"If you're a protagonist, you should be able to handle this much without a problem. Losing to just Seo Gangrim..."

Dok Gojun smiled brightly and continued, "Perhaps you’re the type of a protagonist who hides his strength?"

"Well, yes. I'm that kind. So please help me right now..."

"If you're a protagonist, you'll find a way out on your own, right?"


Before he could say anything, Dok Gojun took a step back.

Seeing his reaction, Cheon Gunam urgently shouted, "No! No! I'm not a protagonist! Please, just help me!"

Dok Gojun stopped and turned around, looking back. Amidst the falling snow, his pupils shone with a colder light than frost, and he said, "You're not a protagonist?"

"W-Well, no."

"If you're not a protagonist, why should I bother saving an extra like you?"


Dok Gojun had a face that looked as if looking down at a pebble. He flipped his hood and started walking away. Cheon Gunam's cries could be heard, but they soon blended with the sound of the wind and faded. The snow quietly covered the place.

Part 6: The Fourth Stage

Seo Gangrim could feel hot blood splattering on his face. A little bird flew past and scattered blood into the air. Although birds were flocking from all directions, he felt no fear. Before he knew it, the surroundings fell silent.

Thanks to the power of the 'Sword Unsheathe,' it took only an instant to sweep all the birds. As he wiped off the blood on the sword and looked around to see if any were still alive,a voice came from the entrance, "Gangrim-oppa! We've cleared this area too."

"I did it all, hyung."

"You were just assisting from the back!"

Yoon Bom and Yoon Geoul were chattering as usual. In the midst of that, someone approached behind Yoon Geoul. In the dark valley, the person’s face couldn't be seen clearly, but her mouth opening wide was clearly visible when she said, "Where is Seo Gangrim?"

Upon hearing that voice, Seo Gangrim felt a freezing sensation in his soul. It’s an unforgettable voice. It was Baek Yeong's voice. Seo Gangrim tried to run towards Baek Yeong but his feet wouldn't move. Looking down, he saw dead birds grabbing onto his feet. No, they weren't birds but members of the Flying Tiger Sect.

[Why were you hiding behind us?]

[We would have survived if it weren't for you.]

[You killed us.]

Among the countless faces, he saw Yu Harang, Jang Taeheon, and Kang Dohyeon. They held onto his feet and didn't let go. As Seo Gangrim tried to shout at them to release him, someone covered his mouth shut from behind and grabbed his throat. He heard Shin Sooah's voice.

[I shouldn't have brought you to this sect].

Seo Gangrim wanted to scream but his mouth wouldn't open. His whole body was bound, and he couldn't even close his eyes.


In the meantime, Baek Yeong's sword slashed Yoon Bom and Yoon Geoul. In an instant, the two turned into lifeless bodies and stared helplessly into the air. No, they were looking at Seo Gangrim. Their lips moved, and he heard their voices.

[Why didn't you save us?]

"Gangrim-ssi, you're even humble! You can be more proud! You saved a person."

"Yes, it's true. Ah, the Ice Valley is really dangerous in many ways. And that person hasn't returned..."

While quietly listening to the conversation, Seo Gangrim asked, "That person?"

"Cheon Gunam."

The people's expressions darkened at the mention of Cheon Gunam's name. They lowered their voices and whispered, "He hasn't returned for two days. What could have happened...?"

"He'll probably come back soon! Maybe there's a resting area..."

While they were discussing, Seo Gangrim's expression remained unchanged. He had already anticipated such an event.

'So he's probably dead, after all.'

A few days ago, Seo Gangrim had let Cheon Gunam go without killing him because he could already feel the aura of death emanating from him.

[The aura of death is growing stronger in Cheon Gunam!]

Unlike his previous life, Cheon Gunam's destiny began to be influenced by the aura of death since Dok Gojun started showing interest in him. Their birth charts had the worst compatibility. And since then, Dok Gojun brought misfortune to Cheon Gunam's destiny.

[Due to Dok Gojun, Cheon Gunam shows a tendency to become overconfident and self-destructive.]

[He loses his judgment and jumps into a pit, but there is no hero to save him.]

If Cheon Gunam hadn't mistaken himself for a protagonist and had stopped, he might have survived. But he was drunk with futile power and couldn't wake up.

‘Cheon Gunam's abilities, talents... there was nothing worth stealing. There was no need to go find his corpse.’

While Seo Gangrim was thinking such thoughts, people were still worried about Cheon Gunam.

One person let out a sigh, saying, "Phew, it's such a dangerous place indeed. Well, Seo Gangrim, take care of yourself."

After saying that, people left the place. Yoon Bom and Yoon Geoul were still standing by Seo Gangrim's side.

He glanced at the twins and asked, "Why aren't you leaving?"

"We want to go hunting with you, hyung!"

Seo Gangrim didn't answer.

Seeing that Seo Gangrim had an expression that was not pleasing, Yoon Bom pleaded slightly, "The Fourth Stage is open now. Sooah-unni is also going, so it would be great if you came along..."

Since they had become acquainted when Seo Gangrim rescued Yoon Geoul last time, they had a favorable impression of Shin Sooah.

‘It's good. If Sooah and the two of them get closer, it will be likely for them to enter the Flying Tiger Sect.’

However, he didn't particularly want to get involved with Shin Sooah. He felt that if he withdrew, the three of them would become closer.

"I have something else to do. You go together."

"Hyung, it's not that you don't want to be with us, right...?"

"It's not that. I just have something to take care of right now."

The two of them seemed disappointed but eventually nodded. As they left, even though they looked back several times, Seo Gangrim closed the door.

‘Because I really have something else to do.’

He opened the inventory bag and took out an item from within. It was an item he had obtained as a special reward from the Ice Valley. At first glance, it seemed like an ordinary item but Seo Gangrim was the only one among the trainees who knew how valuable this item was.

[This is an item whose rank cannot be measured!]