Chapter 36:

Name:F-Class Destiny Hunter Author:
Chapter 36:

Chapter 36


'Oh, shit. What the hell is this guy?'

Nam Yoojun was taken aback when he saw Dokgo Jun suddenly appear and swing his sword at him without hesitation.


Nam Yoojun managed to block the attack, but it was a close call. The sharp and heavy blow made him instinctively feel the difference in their strength.

'What's this guy's rank?'

The weight and speed of Dokgo Jun's sword were still difficult to counter even though Nam Yoojun can now be considered as the strongest in Zone Four thanks to killing people and absorbing their stats.

'At the very least, he seems to be at the Spirit-class!'

What bewildered Nam Yoojun even more was Dokgo Jun's eyes, which were gleaming with delight and madness.

"Haha, you're stronger than any demon I've faced before! Good, you’re just perfect!"

Uttering incomprehensible words, Dokgo Jun seemed to be enjoying himself. While Nam Yoojun was defending against Dokgo Jun's attack, another strike came from behind.


Seo Gangrim's sword aimed sharply for Nam Yoojun's vulnerable spot. Nam Yoojun narrowly evaded it, but a shallow wound appeared on his neck, and blood began to flow. The aura emanating from Seo Gangrim was just as intense and cruel as Dokgo Jun's.

'Who would've thought that Seo Gangrim had a comrade? I didn't see that face by the river back then.'

A few days ago, the person who attacked Seo Gangrim's group using demon peaches was Nam Yoojun. He had planned to ambush them when the demons swarmed, but Seo Gangrim arrived, foiling his plan.

Nam Yoojun glanced towards Dogo Jun and spoke, "Seo Gangrim, you seem to have many friends."

"He’s not a friend."

"Right. To be precise, I’m a candidate for a friend," Dokgo Jun grinned.

The nature of their relationship seemed unclear, but at this moment, both were enemies of Nam Yoojun. Despite Nam Yoojun's obvious tension, Seo Gangrim and Dokgo Jun conversed as if he was of no significance.

"Seo Gangrim, this villain seem a bit weak, isn’t he? How about letting him escape and catching him when he's grown a bit bigger?"

"Why does everything you say sound like nonsense?"

Instead of trembling in front of him, they were making small talk. Amid Nam Yoojun's astonishment, he heard the voice of his god.

【'Fear of the Living and the Dead' is telling you to flee.】

【'Fear of the Living and the Dead' says he will cover their eyes."】

Rakshasa quickly sent an item to Nam Yoojun. With even his patron god telling him this, there was no choice but to run away. As he took out the item... Seo Gangrim's eyes suddenly sharpened as he sensed something strange.

[The item 'Seed of Toxic Mist' is activated!]

At the same time, the area was filled with purple smoke, and a deadly poison began to spread. Nam Yoojun quickly ran away while looking back.

'Ordinary humans would be paralyzed after inhaling toxic mist like this, but...'

His killer's instinct was telling him it was time to flee. Nam Yoojun clenched his teeth and frantically ran through the toxic mist. Even the demons were falling one by one due to the poisonous fog.Yôur favorite stories at

Seo Gangrim, meanwhile, observed the scene from above the tree. 'Seed of Toxic Mist,' huh. It's an expensive item. I guess Rakshasa provided backup.'

Just as Nam Yoojun was about to use the 'Seed of Toxic Mist,' Seo Gangrim, who had grasped its true nature, immediately jumped up into the tree. Amidst this, Nam Yoojun, with his 'Invisibility', managed to escape without leaving a trace.

'I lost him, but I know who he is. He's gotten a bit stronger than in our previous encounter.'

Nam Yoojun was much stronger than when Seo Gangrim had encountered him in his past life. With the support of a god, he wasn't an easy opponent. Amid his contemplation, a cheerful voice came from the side.

"Wow, looks like he got away. Not bad. It's also about time to let go."

Seo Gangrim had already explored about 90% of this place. And what he was looking for might be right in front of him. After confirming with his map, Seo Gangrim quickly took action.

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'Can't... can't breathe... I'm going to die...!'

Nam Yoojun was struggling for breath. It was agonizing, as if his insides were burning as he held his breath, but he couldn't bring himself to exhale. After a long run, he finally let out ragged breaths.

'Who are those two anyway?'

Seo Gangrim had been moving alone, so he felt relieved. But now he realized that there were two of them. Dokgo Jun's strength was impressive, and his unknown madness was enough to make even the killer Nam Yoojun take a step back.

'Two witnesses. What should I do now?'

He clenched his dry lips. He had signed the agreement stating that the bureau wouldn't take responsibility if someone died or got injured within the educational facility. However, even if it was a random killing, the bureau wouldn't be lenient.

'Should I just ignore them? No, that would be a waste. It would be better to eliminate the witnesses...'

Amid Nam Yoojun's contemplation, a voice calling his name echoed nearby.

"Yoojun! Yoojun, where are you?"

It was his comrades from Zone Four. Hearing the voices, Nam Yoojun quickly stood up, and rushed towards Ju Hyereong.

"I-I'm here!"

"Ah, we found you. It's dangerous nowadays, you shouldn't be alone..."

"I-I saw the culprit!"

"What?" Ju Hyereong's face turned pale.

Meanwhile, the others rushed forward, and treated Nam Yoojun's wounds. While being treated, the Zone Four residents became excited and started chatting.

"There really was a criminal in Zone Two!"

"We need to catch him quickly!"

Ju Hyereong nodded as if agreeing, her expression severe.

"Let's search around in pairs. He couldn't have gone far."

"I-I'll go too!"

Nam Yoojun spoke and got up abruptly, eliciting concerned looks from his comrades.

"Yoojun, it's better to rest, isn't it? You're injured..."

"No. We need to catch him quickly! That way, our people will get hurt less..."

The people of Zone Four seemed amazed at his determination. One person patted his shoulder and said, "Yoojun, you're impressive. Then let's go together."


They formed pairs and spread out to search. The person who accompanied Nam Yoojun expressed concern for him as they walked.

"Still, don't overexert yourself. I'll lead, so you just follow behind."

"But it's dangerous for you..."

"Haha, I was exercising even before coming here."

The person laughed and took the lead. Watching with a smile, Nam Yoojun closed his eyes for a moment.

"Because leading is dangerous."

When he opened his eyes, his red irises glinted.