Chapter 37:

Name:F-Class Destiny Hunter Author:
Chapter 37:

Chapter 37

"Uh? Nam Yoojun, what did you say..."


Before the man could finish speaking, Nam Yoojun's sword deeply stabbed into the man's neck. There was no time to evade.

"Cough, g-gargh... Yoo, Nam Yoojun... You..."

"I would've played a bit more under normal circumstances, but I'm a bit busy today."

Nam Yoojun expressed regret as he twisted the sword and pulled it out. The blood pouring out of the throat quickly stained the ground. At the same time the corpse fell with a dull sound, a notification window appeared in front of Nam Yooyun.

[The ability 'Murderous Impulse' has been activated!]

[Stole 10% of the opponent's stats!]

[Accumulating achievements!]

Nam Yujun grinned in disbelief. The man was a stronger opponent than he expected, so he thought it would be a pain in the arse to kill him, but thanks to his vigilance, he was able to finish him off quickly. Then, something fell right in front of him.

【'Fear of the Living and the Dead' is pleased with 'Nam Yoojun's actions.】

【'Fear of the Living and the Dead' presents the item 'Blade Necklace' to 'Nam Yoojun.'】

When he looked at the item, it turned out to be a quite valuable-looking necklace. When he wore it around his neck, he felt his muscles throughout his body responding.

[Wearing 'Blade Necklace' increases strength by 10%.]

'What's the deal with this?'

In addition to stealing the opponent's stat values just now, gaining an item made Nam Yoojun's spirits rise. His heart started pounding with excitement.

'With this, I can kill Seo Gangrim.'

In their previous encounter, he had a slight advantage over Seo Gangrim, so now he felt confident that he could kill him. If he found Seo Gangrim now, the game will be over. Both Nam Yoojun and Rakshasa were full of anticipation for the upcoming carnage.

'Where could he be? He must not be allowed go back to the educational facility.'

Nam Yoojun hastily began searching the forest. While looking around for footprints left here and there, something suddenly fell down above his head.


"Damn, rain?"

When he looked up, he saw that the sky, which had been darkening, became even darker. Intermittent rumbling sounds could also be heard in the distance.

[The energy of water is increasing in the surroundings.]

[The energy of water is clashing with Nam Yoojun's element.]

[Ability values decrease by 10%.]

As the rain began to fall gradually, Nam Yoojun felt his body growing heavier. At that moment, as if encouraging him, Rakshasa spoke,

【'Terror of the Living and the Dead' says there's nothing to worry about.】

【'Terror of the Living and the Dead' argues that Seo Gangrim's element will also be weakened.】

Seo Gangrim's element was fire, so it would follow that it will also decrease. Nam Yoojun laughed.

'It's fortunate that we have the same element.'

'Huh? Why's he running away?'

Until just a moment ago, Seo Gangrim had been devoting himself to protecting the sacred tree at all costs. So, his sudden escape confused Nam Yoojun. As Nam Yoojun pondered whether he should target Seo Gangrim or the sacred tree, Rakshasa's voice reached him.

['Terror of the Living and the Dead' is yelling to destroy the sacred tree first.]

Nam Yoojun decided to follow Rakshasa's advice for now. Although it was disappointing that Seo Gangrim was allowed to flee, destroying the sacred tree would likely harm Seo Gangrim in some way. He swung his sword to cut down the tree, but it wasn't easy.

'Damn, is this really a tree? It's as if it's made of iron.'

Unlike other trees that were easily cut, the sacred tree seemed almost like a solid chunk of metal. As Nam Yoojun struggled against the tree in the rain, the sound of thunder grew louder. No matter how much he slashed at it, there seemed to be no sign of the sacred tree breaking. Amid this effort, Nam Yoojun suddenly looked up.

'Huh? What's that?'

Something was sparkling above. Nam Yoojun noticed it and began to climb up the tree.

'Was this what he was trying to protect?'

He didn't know what it was, but it was undoubtedly something valuable. As he climbed the tree, facing this object, Nam Yoojun was left dumbfounded. It was nothing more than a simple iron rod. Nam Yoojun grabbed the metal rod, looking puzzled. "Wait, what's this...?"


A bolt of lightning struck overhead, and in an instant, he screamed and rolled off the tree.


Soaked with water and struck by lightning, his whole body was now burning with pain. As Nam Yoojun gasped for air and looked ahead, he saw that the sacred tree had also been struck by lightning and split in half.

"Ha, ha... Still, the sacred tree... destroyed..."

At that moment, Seo Gangrim, who he thought had fled, appeared. Nam Yoojun struggled to get up and sneered at Seo Gangrim.

"Pathetic... What you were looking for has been destroyed. I ruined it...!"

"Ruined it?"

Seo Gangrim asked with an expressionless face. Nam Yoojun sensed that something was amiss. Seo Gangrim approached the destroyed sacred tree and picked up a branch. On each side of the central branch, six smaller branches extended. Just like the trees in this forest, the tips of the branches were sharp and keen like knives.

With a mocking smile, Seo Gangrim said, "It's in perfect condition."

[Obtained the item 'Lightning-Struck Seven Branches Sword'!]

[Item] Lightning-Struck Seven Branches Sword (Unrefined)

[Grade] Dragon Third-class

[Description] A sword made from branches of a sacred tree struck by lightning. Its power has increased due to being crafted from the lightning-struck sacred tree.

No status window for the Seven Branches Sword appeared before Nam Yoojun's eyes, hence, he only thought it looked a bit odd as a sword.

【'Fear of the Living and the Dead' advises you to flee quickly.】

【'Fear of the Living and the Dead' demands you to leave immediately.】

Despite the continuous messages from Rakshasa urging him to flee, Nam Yoojun ignored the voice. There was no reason to be afraid in the face of an enemy who was just holding a branch. Nam Yoojun swallowed his fear and rose to his feet.


He raged, charging towards Seo Gangrim. Lightning streaked through the dark sky. Within the brilliance of that light, Seo Gangrim swung the Seven Branches Sword.

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