Chapter 132:

Name:F-Class Destiny Hunter Author:
Chapter 132:

Chapter 132

What he pulled out was an invitation.

With a sly smile, Dogko Jun asked Seo Gangrim, "So, Seo Gangrim, did you get it too? Or did the first placer get something else?"

As Dogko Jun suggested, Seo Gangrim also had received the same invitation. There were slight differences in the rewards, but as the first placer, Seo Gangrim received 100,000 Spirit pearls, 50,000 experience points, an invitation to the Divine Realm, and the slightly damaged 'Red Bull Aldebaran.'

However, more important than Spirit pearls or experience points was the Divine Realm invitation. From 1st to 12th place, the rewards varied slightly, but the invitation was a common reward.

Everyone gathered here had placed in the rankings, so they all had invitations.

Yoon Bom asked Dogko Jun, "I got one too, but there's only a date written on it. Are we all going together?"

In response to Yoon Bom's question, Dogko Jun shrugged, indicating he didn't know, "We'll know when we go. It doesn't even say where the invitation is from."

[Item] Divine Realm Invitation

[Rank] Divine Third Class

[Description] A reward from the Zodiac Race. An invitation from the gods. It automatically activates when torn at the specified date and time.

There wasn't much time left until the specified time.

Seo Gangrim silently stared at the invitation in his hand.

'I'm lucky to have won this time because, at this point, this item is the only way to go to the Divine Realm.'

The opportunity for a god and a human to meet was rare. This was because the worlds of gods and humans were thoroughly separated.

If gods could freely come into the human world, they probably wouldn't bother to make a manshin and would just reveal themselves.

'I don't like meeting gods, but I need their power.'

While Seo Gangrim was lost in thought, the clock pointed to 3 o'clock.

Dogko Jun suddenly stood up from his seat and exclaimed, "It's time!"

Until just a moment ago, it was an ordinary piece of paper, but the invitation began to faintly tremble. A subtle light started to emanate from the paper, and powerful magic overflowed. Seo Gangrim decisively tore the invitation he was holding.

["Divine Invitation" is activated!]

[You will be transported to the Divine Realm!]

With that notification message, the air around him instantly changed. Before he knew it, he was no longer inside the building but had moved outside.

'Is this the Divine Realm?' he wondered. There had been explanations about the scenery of the Divine Realm from Shin Sooah, Jang Taeheon, and Kang Dohyeon after their previous visit in their past lives. They described it as a place resembling a mythical paradise where divine beings resided.

True to their descriptions, before his eyes were magnificent and ornate Oriental-style buildings. Behind the buildings, there were large mountains shrouded in faint clouds, boasting a mysterious atmosphere.

As Seo Gangrim looked around, a voice came from beside him.

"Oh? It's just you and me. Where did the others go?"

Suddenly, Dokgo Jun was walking towards him from behind. After looking around, Seo Gangrim confirmed there was indeed no sign of the other members.

While Dokgo Jun was surveying the surroundings, a voice echoed from somewhere.

"Welcome, honored guests. Please come in."

Suddenly, a person stood before them. Well, to call it a person seemed inaccurate. A rat, as large as a dog, stood on two legs like a human, dressed in clothes.

Upon seeing the figure, Dokgo Jun finally understood and said, "Did we get invited based on our Zodiac animal?"

Lord Dragonblood, looking closely at his face, smiled.

"Yes. I've come for Steel."

If it was about steel, it must be related to the Chamber of Poisonous Snake's situation.

Lord Dragonblood addressed Seo Gangrim, "Thanks to you, a new dragon has been born after a long time. So, I wanted to see you. I liked you during the Zodiac Race. If you were born a few years later..."

It seemed she lamented about the fact that Seo Gangrim was in the year of the dragon zodiac. Lord Dragonblood chuckled and continued, "Well, let's get to the point. Can you summon your dragon?"

Seo Gangrim quietly tried to summon Yorn from the spiritual realm. However, only sparks occurred, and Yorn didn't materialize.

[Unauthorized guests cannot enter.]

It seemed that in this realm, a barrier was firmly in place.

Lord Dragonblood laughed heartily, seeing the sparks in the air. "Ah, summoning doesn't work. It's fine, it's fine. I saw it through a screen during the Zodiac Race.

"He's quite a bit different than he was when he was still in infancy."

After the Zodiac Race, when Yorn was summoned again, it retained its small form.

Understanding, Lord Dragonblood nodded. "It takes a long time for a dragon to grow. By the way, it's been a while since I saw a red-black dragon. They're quite rare."

Lord Dragonblood had an inexplicably content, parental-like smile. Her gaze towards Seo Gangrim was also remarkably benevolent.

But for someone who had an antipathy towards Gods in general, Seo Gangrim found the gaze not entirely pleasing.

"So, why have you come to find me? Did you only want to see the dragon?"

"Well, that's one aspect of it... I came because I have a proposal for you."

A proposal? It was something Seo Gangrim hadn't anticipated. Lord Dragonblood chuckled.

"As I mentioned, it has been a long time since a dragon was born. So, here's the thing: do you have any thoughts about raising your red-black dragon further?"

"Are you suggesting taking it with you?"

"No, not exactly. It's not a bad thing for me if you, with your dragon, are active and do well in the mortal world. It's better for me if you keep him with you."

While unexpected, Lord Dragonblood's proposal was favorable for Seo Gangrim. Even during the Zodiac Race, Yorn's slight growth had proven to be quite helpful.

"My manshin didn't do well in the Zodiac Race but thanks to you, my recognition has increased significantly. So, first, why don't you go to my divine realm..."


Before she could finish speaking, the door was once again violently thrown open. A young man entered, dressed in attire suggesting a rather noble status. He shouted at Lord Dragonblood, "How dare you intrude here?"

"Oh, Lord Seifa. I dropped by because there's someone's face I wanted to see..."

"These are my guests. Get the hell out of here or I will unleash my power!"

As the god began emitting his aura, the air around them felt like it turned into needles. Within the tingling atmosphere, Seo Gangrim experienced the internal pain of burning organs. A pervasive pressure that felt like his whole body was about to burst. However, Seo Gangrim resisted, refusing to kneel.

Lord Dragonblood glanced at Seo Gangrim. 'This guy... is incredible. If Lord Seifa is emitting this much energy, he should have collapsed by now, but he's holding on.'

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