Chapter 133:

Name:F-Class Destiny Hunter Author:
Chapter 133:

Chapter 133

A mere human standing up against a god was an unthinkable situation, especially a god like Lord Seifa. Lord Dragonblood greedily eyed Seo Gangrim, and then glanced at Lord Seifa.

"Lord Seifa, stop. This could end up getting them killed."

Upon Lord Dragonblood's words, Lord Seifa glanced at Seo Gangrim. Perhaps regaining composure, the tense atmosphere around them gradually settled.

Lord Dragonblood chuckled and turned her head. "I guess I should step back for now. See you next time, Seo Gangrim. If you ever want my divine blessing, feel free to call me. A dragon is better than a rat, after all."

"Do you want to die, Lord Dragonblood? Get out of here, or I'll show you what I'm made of."

As Lord Seifa emitted his aura, the air began to ripple again. Eventually, the dragon god reluctantly exited.Thê source of this content n/o/v/(el)bi((n))

Watching the scene, Dokgo Jun commented with a sense of amusement, "Wow, Seo Gangrim. Seems like you're popular even among the gods."


After Lord Dragonblood disappeared, the rat god sighed deeply and turned to the two. He was rubbing his forehead, appearing fatigued.

"Things have gone awry due to the unwelcome guest. Everyone, tidy up. And bring the first placer first."

Following his command, the rats quickly cleaned the room and guided Seo Gangrim.

Where they took him was a mystery. The Rat God, sitting slightly inclined in his place, spoke to Seo Gangrim. There was a hint of fatigue in his voice.

"I witnessed an awesome side of you just now. I am the owner of this place and the god of all rats, Lord Seifa."

Although he resembled a human, upon closer inspection, it was clear that he wasn't. Barefoot, his feet were unmistakably those of a rat, and the same went for his fingernails. Moreover, the energy emanating from him was extraordinary.

'Like Lord Dragonblood, gods are fundamentally on a different level.'

Seo Gangrim's whole body tingled, and he felt as if he was being choked, just like when he had faced Baek Young.

When he thought of Baek Young, he couldn't help but chuckle inwardly.

'Comparing Baek Young to gods.'

No matter how godlike she is, she's still a human. But clearly, the power she displayed back then was comparable to that of a god.

While Seo Gangrim was in the middle of recalling Baek Young, Lord Seifa spoke.

"I called you to congratulate you on your performance in the Zodiac race. Thanks to you, my popularity has significantly increased."

Although Lord Seifa spoke with a stoic expression, there was a hint of an inexplicable sense of approval towards Seo Gangrim. After all, Lord Seifa's popularity had risen further due to the publicity from the Zodiac race.

With a somewhat arrogant tone, he continued, "So, I want to bestow a special reward upon you."

A special reward granted by a god. Seo Gangrim clenched his hands tightly. It was the reward he absolutely desired and needed.

Lord Seifa slowly continued, "In the name of the gods, I will answer your question. Speak up. I can tell you how to make a fortune or obtain precious weapons."

The ultimate reward of the Zodiac race was a conversation with a god. Providing answers to any question posed was the reward. Depending on the person, it could be a more valuable opportunity than any weapon or item.

Staring at Seo Gangrim, Lord Seifa said, "Other humans can only ask one question, but as the winner, you should have something special. So, you get three."

Beyond the bet, Seo Gangrim needed to secure first place to ask three questions. Finally, the opportunity had arrived.

Seo Gangrim spoke with parched lips, "I want to know the god who attempted to grant me divine blessing in my childhood."

The shadow of a god that persistently clung to his life. Seo Gangrim had never known who that god was. While divination might not reveal everything, knowing the god's name could be immensely helpful.

"Since childhood? Your situation must have been quite interesting."

Lord Seifa spoke and retrieved something from his embrace. It seemed to be something resembling beast fangs.

"Alright, let's see."

Lord Seifa scattered the fangs onto the table, accompanied by a sharp sound.


Lord Seifa looked down at the table in disbelief.

As if there was no need for another divination, Lord Seifa put the fangs back into his pocket. Then, he comfortably resumed his posture and spoke again.

"As for the Seochon Flower Garden, I can guide you to its location. Do you want to go there right away?"


"Then go ahead. The servants will guide you."

Seo Gangrim rose from his seat and bowed his head deeply once.

As he moved to leave, Lord Seifa casually asked, "Do you have any intention of becoming my manshin?"


"Surely you won't consider going to Lord Dragonblood?"


"...Alright, I understand."

Lord Seifa glanced at him once and didn't initiate further conversation. Inwardly, he was sad.

Seo Gangrim left the room and stood in the corridor for a moment.

'If Baek Young is unrelated to that god, then I have one more enemy.'

He had gained important information, but it also made his head spin. He couldn't help but think that it might have been better if Baek Young were the puppet of that god.

"If Baek Young is unrelated to that god, I have one more enemy."

'Who was Baek Young connected to? Considering that Baek Young didn't recognize him, it wasn't her independent decision.'

He felt a bit disappointed about having only three questions, but he decided to be satisfied with the faint clues about his enemy.

At that moment, a rat approached and spoke.

"I have received Lord Seifa's instructions. I will guide you to the Seochon Flower Garden. Would you like your companion to come along?"


"Your companion, Dokgo Jun, who came with you."

"No, I'll go alone. Please guide me quickly."

It seemed prudent to think about the contents of the divination later on. The urgent matter at hand is to go to the Seochon Flower Garden.

Worried that he might encounter Dokgo Jun, Seo Gangrim hurried his steps. Seo Gangrim didn't want to share information about the Seochon Flower Garden. Fortunately, the rat didn't inquire further and guided him without more questions.

They arrived in a room with several crystal orbs.

"These crystal orbs will take you to the Seochon Flower Garden. When you return, just break this bead."

The rat extended a bead slightly smaller than the crystal orbs. He continued with a cautious explanation.

"The Seochon Flower Garden is located at the boundary between the divine realm and the demon realm. Powerful magical beasts often appear there. Are you still willing to go?"


No matter how perilous the place was, Seo Gangrim had to go there. Without hesitation, he placed his hand on the crystal orb, and with a burst of light, his figure disappeared.


The moment he opened his eyes to the air that touched his face, the scenery of a flower-filled field unfolded before him. It was like a beautiful landscape gathering all the flowers in the world.


Amidst this breathtaking view, a scent of gunpowder wafted through the air. And overhead, shells were flying like fireworks.

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