Chapter 140:

Name:F-Class Destiny Hunter Author:
Chapter 140:

Chapter 140


The instant the clown threw himself towards the Gwangcheon pond the color of the water changed. Until just a moment ago, it still retained its original shimmer, but now, it was simply red. A color as if the entire pond was filled with blood.

[The Gwangcheon pond is being contaminated!]

[Contamination level: 100%!]

[Contamination level exceeds the limit!]

As the contamination level rose instantly, a chilling stench began to emanate from the pond. However, that wasn't the crucial part. The conduit rapidly absorbed the heavenly water.

[The water attribute of '??? Egg' significantly increases!]

[Growth status: 100%]

['??? Egg' is hatching!]


Simultaneously with the thin eggshell tearing apart, shockwaves spread in all directions. Even Seo Gangrim was swept back by the gust.



Yorn and Linnie screamed, carried away by the wind.

Seo Gangrim, lips bleeding from the force, struggled to stand his ground, glaring at the enemy.

'It's already too late...!'

The atmosphere seemed to change entirely due to the shockwave. Suddenly, dark clouds gathered, covering the sky as if night had fallen. And amidst the shattered egg, something was crawling out. It emitted a very foul stench, so foul it would make anyone vomit.

[Name] Blood Fiend

[Rank] Dragon First-class

[Description] Born from consuming spiritual energy and grudges. This spirit beast, created from thousands of lives, longs for what it used to eat when it was still an egg.

-Squelch, squelch...

The writhing spirit beast on the floor, drenched in both water and blood, seemed to embody all the grotesqueness of the world. Bones, flesh, and blood jumbled together in a mass without rule or form.

Every time the Blood Fiend moved its massive body, something emerged from the fallen blood.


Tiny magical beasts were being born from the blood. They, too, seemed like spawns crafted by combining numerous creatures. Even the byproducts born this way were individually powerful.

[Name] Blood Fiend Seed

[Rank] Dragon Third-class

[Description] Seeds born from the blood of the Blood Fiend. They protect the host until the Blood Fiend fully awakens.

Countless seeds spawned in front of the Blood Fiend. Although the Blood Fiend had recently been born and seemed disoriented, the magical power emanating from its body was overwhelming. Even Yorn and Linnie trembled in fear.


"Wo, woong...!"

Seo Gangrim also felt a chilling sensation all over his body. Moreover, each of the seeds protecting the Blood Fiend was powerful, and there were a lot of them. Could he defeat them?

After engaging in battles against the demons earlier, his stamina was on the edge. Even if he had been fully prepared, Seo Gangrim would still find himself in a disadvantageous situation.

'I have a return item; if I use this...'

If he broke the bead given by the rat, he could escape from the Seocheon Flower Garden. However, instead of retrieving an item from his pouch, he tightened his grip on his weapon.

'If I return like this, I won't be able to obtain the recovery items.'

[The effect of the ability 'Radiant Flame' greatly increases!]


The body of the tree giant was cut away, and sparks flew in the air. The tree giant, with its ankle severed, slowly collapsed, eventually making a loud noise as it twisted and fell. In the meantime, the Blood Fiend seeds rushed towards Shin Sooah, but Seo Gangrim blocked their path.

[Confirmation of the strong entwining of the fates of 'Shin Sooah' and 'Seo Gangrim'!]

['Shin Sooah' is confirmed as the 'guardian' of 'Seo Gangrim'!]

[Significant enhancement in the abilities of 'Seo Gangrim'!]

As the dying flames were reignited by Seo Gangrim's attacks, his body was pulsating with energy unlike moments ago. Crimson lines appeared on the bodies of the magical beasts.


Seo Gangrim was overwhelming the demon beasts. Meanwhile the seeds targeted him from behind. In response to this, countless thorny vines sprouted from the ground.


The thorny vines pierced through the bodies of the demon beasts. Shin Sooah's eyes were burning with lively emerald light. Even when the demon beasts tried to escape the thorny vines, Shin Sooah's sword swiftly chased them. Despite the overwhelming number of the enemies, there was no hesitation or fear in their attacks.

Knowing that their fates were intertwined, the sensation of their backs against each other was unbelievable.

Shin Sooah quickly surveyed the surroundings and spoke, "What on earth is that spirit beast over there? It seems like they're trying to protect it."

Shin Sooah looked at the Blood Fiend. It was still dormant, so its countless seeds were protecting it. The problem was that it wasn't possible to defeat all the endlessly spawned seeds.

"The situation isn't favorable, Gangrim-ssi. I'll cover you, so run away immediately."

"No, I can't run away."


Shin Sooah asked as if she didn't know what he meant. It was no wonder since Seo Gangrim's body was currently a mess. Covered in blood, his bones and organs had taken a severe blow from the recent fights.

"To fight in your state? We might somehow manage with these magical beasts right now, but..."

Shin Sooah trailed off and glanced towards the Gwangcheon pond.

Even just looking at the Blood Fiend drained the color from her face, and even without consulting the Destiny window, Seo Gangrim still felt instinctual fear.

"Why on earth aren't you running away?"

Seo Gangrim remained silent. Instead, he brought up another topic.

"Do you see the bag near the pond over there? There's a black flower inside it."

Shin Sooah's gaze turned in that direction.

While keeping an eye on the demon beasts, Seo Gangrim continued, "That flower is called the Devastation Flower. It's an item that instantly kills anything it touches, regardless of how strong the demon or human is."


"With that, we can handle that spirit beast."

Even as the tree giant continued to smolder, it showed slight movements. Additionally, the seeds of the Blood Fiend, as if determined not to let them slip through, blocked their path.

Shin Sooah alternated her gaze between the demon beasts and Seo Gangrim, biting her lip.

"...Alright. I don't know the reason, but seeing you go to such lengths must mean it's important."

She stepped forward with the sword in hand. Shin Sooah's eyes gleamed sharper than any sword.

"Go. I'll somehow cover behind you, Gangrim-ssi."

Seo Gangrim nodded appreciatively and turned his attention back to the approaching demon beasts.

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