Chapter 141:

Name:F-Class Destiny Hunter Author:
Chapter 141:

Chapter 141

After saying that, Shin Sooah dashed toward the direction where the tree giant was.

The tree giant, still standing despite being engulfed in flames, was a gruesome sight. It was covered in wounds but was still displaying a fierce determination like it had been overcome by evil and resentment.

Its footsteps echoed as if an earthquake were happening.


The flaming tree giant began to rampage even more ferociously. A single blow from it could be lethal, yet Shin Sooah moved like a madman, slashing through the tree giant and deflecting its attacks. Seo Gangrim couldn't help but admire her as he watched.

'Indeed, it's Shin Sooah.'

Even with a formidable enemy like the dragon-class demon in front of her, she fulfilled her role without hesitation.

Now it was Seo Gangrim's turn to step forward.

Suddenly, the seed sensed danger and blocked the path in front of Gwangcheon Pond.


Seo Gangrim roared, using his Howling Teeth to cut through the seeds and create a path.

The seeds tried to bite and tear at him, but thanks to the Between Life and Death, he was not affected.

Meanwhile, Shin Sooah blocked the demons trying to approach Seo Gangrim with her whole body.


Trees grew from all directions, hindering the demons, and she took advantage of the opportunity to swing her sword. However, even for Shin Sooah, it was challenging to face several dragon-class demons. Nevertheless, despite her increasing injuries, she stubbornly confronted the demons.

-Gik, Gigi-gik...!

The demons hesitated, stepping back in the face of her fierce resistance.

Although her irises were tinted with emerald green, they seemed to glow like blood in the intense battle. Shin Sooah caught her breath and surveyed the enemies.

'I can endure this much. If I hold on a little longer...!'

Shin Sooah took her stance again and charged at the demons. And in the moment she tore and slashed through the demons.


Her sword came to a sudden halt. A chill ran through her body. In front of her now were numerous formidable adversaries. Nevertheless, Shin Sooah faced them without fear and engaged in battle. However, an indescribable presence, as if it could tear her skin apart, surged behind her at this moment. Instinctual fear.

Dread. Disgust. Despair.

She turned around with trembling eyes.

-K-Kei, Kieeek...!

A massive mass of flesh, blood, and bones stood up, awakened from a long slumber. The Blood Fiend began to scream with a thousand voices.



Blood flowed profusely from Shin Sooah's ears and nose. She felt like her knees were about to give in. And the Blood Fiend charged straight at Shin Sooah.


Desperately, Shin Sooah raised her sword, but she couldn't stop the trembling in her arms. The aura of death rose right up to her chin. She took a defensive stance, hoping to somehow stop the Blood Fiend.


A sharp, breaking sound echoed. Shin Sooah could see the shattering of a glass container. Simultaneously, the Devastation Flower stored inside it emerged.

The moment the black flower touched the Blood Fiend's body—

[Item 'Devastation Flower' is activated!]


A completely different scream erupted from the Blood Fiend's mouth compared to before. It sent shivers down the spine of anyone who heard it. Just as the Blood Fiend was about to make its final move to grab Shin Sooah.

'No more Devastation Flowers. With only Seo Gangrim and Shin Sooah, they cannot capture the Dragon-class demon.'

The leader of the Clown Troupe had ordered to protect Seo Gangrim from death, but there was nothing more he could do as a spirit. He could only watch as a dead soul.

Nevertheless, he was not a fool, the probability of the two escaping was high.

'Even though I am dead, the Seocheon Flower Garden is destined for destruction.'

The clown's white face quietly chuckled. Expecting the Blood Fiends to make a move, he continued gazing out into the abyss.

The clown suddenly felt a sense of discomfort. '...The water is clearing up?'

The Gwangcheon Water, which had been as murky as blood, was gradually regaining its original clarity. As a clown, this was a perplexing development.

'Why? Gwangcheon Pond should have been so contaminated that it couldn't regenerate on its own.'

Unable to fathom the cause, the clown noticed a small shadow standing by the water's edge—a petite figure resembling a deer. It was Linnie, activating her ability with all her might.

[Ability 'Purification' is activated!]

Thanks to the power of her ability, the Gwangcheon Pond was swiftly being purified. Nevertheless, the clown soon sneered at Seo Gangrim.

'Planning to consume Gwangcheon Water and fight? That's not enough.'

The Gwangcheon Water undoubtedly harbored powerful magical energy. Fighting after consuming it could likely allow Seo Gangrim to defeat most demons. However, Blood Fiends were not mere creatures that could be vanquished with just Gwangcheon Water.

'It might be better to recover and flee... Huh?'

At that moment, a faint splashing sound caught his attention. Shin Sooah stood in the shallow part of the pond, dipping her foot in. Observing Shin Sooah, the clown noticed something in her hands. What she held wasn't a sword or any weapon—it was the Devastation Flower with all its petals fallen off. Only the stem and the base of the flower remained.


Meanwhile, the Blood Fiends were approaching Shin Sooah and Seo Gangrim with their grotesque bodies. Seo Gangrim was holding his ground, guarding the Gwangcheon Pond where Shin Sooah stood alone.

"Gangrim-ssi, just a bit more...!"

Shin Sooah closed her eyes tightly, focusing on something. The stench of the Blood Fiend's breath filled the air, and even the clown's white robes were about to be torn apart by its overbearing presence.

[Ability 'Way of the Forest' is activated!]

When Shin Sooah opened her eyes, tree branches began sprouting from Gwangcheon Pond, and at their tips, flower buds formed. The clown could hardly believe the scene unfolding before her eyes.

['Devastation Flower' begins to sprout!]

The Devastation Flower had withered, but there were still seeds remaining in the base.

Seeds and Gwangcheon Water both existed. The only one lacking was the time for the flower to bloom.

But the ability 'Way of the Forest' had the power to stimulate plant growth. With Shin Sooah's ability, it was entirely possible to make the Devastation Flower blossom.

As she anticipated, the flower began to bloom.

[The 'Devastation Flower' is blossoming!]

From Gwangcheon Pond, branches extended, growing skyward. At the tips of those branches, black flower buds formed, and in an instant, they began to bloom. At the moment when the Blood Fiends screamed and rushed forward.

[Ability 'Gale' is activated!]

As Yorn exhaled, a strong wind surged. Newly blossomed petals started swirling around like cherry blossoms in all directions.

Each dark-colored petal fluttered like cherry blossom petals, and the demons touched by them vomited blood and collapsed.



Amidst the screams and death, Shin Sooah was blooming flowers for Seo Gangrim.

The name of the flower was Devastation.

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