Chapter 17: Ambush P2

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 17: Ambush P2

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to /cornbringer

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Don't forget to check the auxiliary chapter about Adam. It's like an info chapter.


[Adam POV]

Ivan's cheeks flushed red and his eyes narrowed as he clenched his fists and forced out a deafening yell, before sending another torrent of paper dolls fluttering toward me, this one several times bigger than the first one. "I will show you true power!" he shouted, steaming with anger.

Taking a deep breath, I blurred out of sight reappearing in front of him with a single flash step. Then, lifting my blade I swung at him with a powerful arc toward his right hand.

However, much to my surprise, Ivan had managed to react to my advance, blocking my blade by creating a paper shield around his arm, nevertheless, the force of my attack proved to be a bit too much for his ground, pushing him down, while breaking and overturning the earth beneath him.

Ivan clenched his fists and threw his shoulders back as I took some distance, his chin tilting the air as he declared with certainty, "Your blade won't cut me!"

I sighed, not only did my Shunpo there had been slower than it had any right to be, but because I seriously didn't want to kill him I hadn't used Zanryuzuki's power, making that first attack a big whoop of nothing.

What's worse, is that now I knew without a doubt that If I used Zanryuzuki's power, I would cut through him like butter. Unlike the Master or Gildarts, the power behind Ivan's defenses was laughable.

I honestly didn't know what to do.

As I pondered over what approach to take, a maniacal grin split Ivan's face, his black eyes darting around the forest with wicked pleasure before he roared a single word, "Despair!", and thrust his hands forward, releasing a torrent of paper dolls which raced towards me at incredible speed.


Does he even listen to what he says?

It's like he's a villain... someone got from a cereal box, a bad one at that, a generic one, no, a generic brand based on a generic brand.

Not killing him will be the hardest thing I have ever put myself through.

"Uchuryu no Kiba," I said under my breath, while firmly gripping the hilt of my blade with both hands, as I took a single step back raising my blade high above my head, before bringing it down to intercept his attack. The wave of translucent energy that surged from my Zanpakuto easily shattered his attack into nothingness before pushing past the shocked Ivan without touching him, cutting everything in its path in two.

Ivan's expression changed from stunned to enraged in the blink of an eye. His eyes flashed with fury, and his teeth ground together audibly as he turned to me. "Let's see if you can handle this!" He growled through gritted teeth, before releasing a massive amount of paper dolls that immediately began swirling around me like a cloud of snowflakes before coagulating into multiple spherical clusters, cutting off all escape routes.

I could feel the sheer amount of power he was putting into those spheres.

He really wanted to kill me.

If I had to take a wild guess, I would say those things are meant to explode sooner or later.


The paper spheres around me began to ripple with dark energy, as sparks of color shot from them. For a brief moment, I felt something radiating from them, before suddenly with the appearance of a symbol in each one of them, they all erupted in a thunderous explosion that lit up the forest in a purple light. Ñ00v€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

Acting fast, I focused my energy, before erecting a shimmering cube of light that enveloped me, blocking the blasts and dispersing them across the forest.


Was the bastard watching me fight?!

And he did nothing?!

"How long were you watching us fight, Gildarts?" I asked, turning to face the man, who simply chuckled at my accusatory gaze.

Gildarts stared at me with a wide grin, his eyes twinkling before he let out a booming laugh, clapping his hands together in appreciation. "Since you said, and I quote, I regret nothing!" he replied.

Since then!?!

Son of a bitch!

Not that I needed help, but still!

"Is this payback for the bill you had to pay all that time ago?" I asked with a sigh. "If so, that's not very fatherly of you."

"Hilarious, but no!" Gildarts replied with a chuckle, slowly making his way to me. "I just didn't see the need to intervene. You had it all under control."

I did...

But still, fuck you.

"Gil-Gildarts! What... are you doing here?!" Ivan muttered in a shaky tone, as all the color in his face drained, his now wide eyes fixed on Gildarts, showing nothing but pure terror.

He was afraid.

Utterly afraid.

Gildarts slowly turned to face Ivan, his friendly smile vanishing as his gaze hardened. He crossed his arms and fixed the man with an intense stare. "Master suspected you were up to something," he began in a low voice, "and I volunteered to confirm what everyone already knew."

"Gildarts I-" Ivan began, but was cut short by Gildarts releasing a massive amount of Magic Power, causing the ground around him to shatter, making Ivan tremble.

Gildarts was a fucking monster.

His magic power was making breathing hard by just being near him.

"Silence," Gildarts' voice boomed as his magic power continued to spread throughout the forest. "For far too long the Master, and everyone has tolerated your disgusting behavior. But today you crossed a line, a line no one should ever cross, you tried to hurt someone in the guild, a part of Fairy Tail's family! And I will not stand for this any longer."

I think this is the first time I have seen Gildarts actually mad. It's quite... shocking to say something.

"You are weak," Gildarts said in disgust, as he stared at Ivan. "A disgrace to the guild, and to the name Dreyar. As per the orders given to me, by the Master, you are hereby excommunicated from the guild, so never come back, or you will find that I'm not as merciful as the master and the brat over here."

Ivan's body shook violently as he tried to push himself off the ground, only to be forcibly pushed back by the invisible pressure.

"Am I clear?" Gildarts asked, in a firm tone.

Ivan nodded vigorously, unable to even speak or argue.

"Good," Gildarts replied before turning his attention to me, his demeanor once again changing abruptly, this time from cold and angry to happy old Gildarts. "Let's go to the guild brat! You deserve a feast after today's mission! You're paying of course!"