Chapter 18: Thunderous Pain.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 18: Thunderous Pain.

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to /cornbringer

Discord invite: Ñ00v€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

Don't forget to check the auxiliary chapter about Adam. It's like an info chapter.

If you want doble release stone me like a witch in the 1500s!


[Adam POV]

By Makarov's orders, his son, Ivan Dreyar had been excommunicated from the guild in a rather public manner. The reasons behind this decision went beyond Ivan's actions against me, which one could arguably say were some of the strongest points for his ex-communication.

Ivan had a history of doing terrible things. Not terrible enough to warrant any form of law enforcement to target him, but enough to make everybody know he was an evil person.

His attack on me had been nothing but the last straw for the old man.

Good riddance.

I had tolerated Ivan all this time for the sole reason that I didn't want to deny Laxus of the greatness he was supposed to get. That Lacrima was the only good thing his father would ever do for him.

"I'm sorry for what happened," Makarov said softly, as he leaned his aged frame gently against the wall beside me, his wrinkled hand clenching weakly in regret.

I looked into his eyes, seeing in them an ocean of guilt and remorse, his face and demeanor were a stark contrast to what was happening around us.

Around, ignoring the Master and me, the guild members roared in laughter and clinked their mugs together, as music, loud and raucous, blared in the air.

"It's all right," I said with a shrug. "You didn't attack me. And besides, he was never a real threat, to begin with."

Makarov's eyes met mine and then he smiled, an amused quirk of his lips that caused a few of the wrinkles around his eyes to crinkle. "Gildarts told me you managed to defeat him without much difficulty while being exhausted."

"I could've ended the fight with the first strike, but that would've also ended his life," I replied, briefly glancing at my Zanpakuto which was resting on my waist inside its sheath. "I didn't want to kill him... so I had to rely on other avenues to take him down."

Makarov's eyes drifted down to my Zanpakuto before turning back to me. "Those who are strong have the ability to decide the tides of a battle, thanks to this, my foolish son lives. I want you to know, son, if you ever find yourself against an enemy you can't spare without risking your life, don't hesitate to strike with all you got."

My eyes widened in surprise at his response. His words hung heavily in the air, the implications of them sinking in slowly.

"I know that," I replied. I knew that very well. The only reason Ivan lived was because I had been strong enough to allow myself the luxury of letting him live.

I also knew that wouldn't always be the case.

At my reaction, Makarov smiled, this time giving me his trademark grandfatherly smile. "You're a good kid, Adam. You put others before you, you protect their feelings without expecting anything in return, and for that, I'm proud to have you as one of my children."

He seemed exhausted as if he hadn't slept in days.

"What brings you here, Laxus?" I asked, already knowing why he was here.

Laxus stood in front of me, his arms crossed and jaw clenched tight. His face was expressionless but his eyes drilled into mine, searching for answers. "Is it true?" he said, his voice dull and hollow.

Just a few days ago he was but a happy kid, who was always elated to talk with me because I was the only other kid his age in the guild. Now, in the blink of an eye, I see nothing but the beginning of what led him to the Thunder Palace events.

"That your father tried to kill me?" I replied, deciding the best thing I could offer him was my honesty. "Yes."

Laxus glared at me, his fists clenched at his sides. "I don't believe you! Liar!"

"It's not a matter of whether you believe me or not," I started, letting out a sigh. "You heard what I said and then called me a liar. Your mind may not want to accept these revelations. But inside you there's a voice saying... accept it, it's the truth."

Aizen's words fit this situation like Cinderella's glass slipper.

A single tear fell down Laxus' face, but his expression never changed. "That's not true," he repeated, his shoulders shaking. "That's not true!"

I sighed, taking a step forward. "Repeating that won't change the reality of things, Laxus. Soon you'll understand, time will help."

Laxus's head snapped up, his eyes burning with anger, sadness, and doubt. "My dad wouldn't hurt anyone!" his voice raised an octave. "He's strict... but he's not a bad guy..."

"I feel sorry about how you feel," I replied, looking at him. "I know you can't accept what happened, and that's okay. Is only natural for you to refuse what I'm saying. Most people can only accept the truths that are comfortable for them."

Laxus turned away from me, refusing to meet my gaze. His face twisted in a grimace.

I let out a deep sigh and brushed past Laxus, our shoulders grazing each other's as I said, "Go ask your grandfather or Gildarts. They'll tell you the same."

Laxus stood in front of my door as I walked, motionless, his eyes wide. Before suddenly, he lunged forward, his mouth agape and voice booming through the hallway like thunder as he yelled, "Lightning Dragon's Breakdown Fist!"

I kept walking, hearing the crackling sound of his tiny fist smacking against my back while doing nothing. I knew he was lashing out, trying to blame anyone for what had happened.

Just as I knew he lacked the strength to inflict any real damage, so I decided the best path to take was to ignore his attack.

Leaving the shocked Laxus behind as I continued walking confidently, without even looking at him. "If you wish to fight me, Laxus," I said, my voice low and steady, "you must become much more powerful than you are now."

With that said, I left my apartment complex with a bitter feeling in my mouth.

I could only hope he would take my advice and talk with Makarov or Gildarts about his father. Sometimes honesty was the best policy, even when it didn't feel like it was.

On another note, I was surprised he already had a dragon-slaying attack under his belt. He had acquired the Lacrima less than a week ago, and he was already showing Dragon Slaying attacks.

Perhaps it was something that came naturally to all Dragon Slayers from the second generation.

I sighed, pushing those thoughts aside before making haste to the guild. I wanted a job, preferably a long one.