Chapter 61: Vengeance?! Again?!

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 61: Vengeance?! Again?!

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to /cornbringer The original appearance of this chapter can be found at Ñøv€lß1n.

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Don't forget to comment on the chapter, it helps me see how sexy the novel is. Also, don't forget send stones my way, for double release next week.

If we reach top 3 before the day ends imma post one extra chap Sunday.


[Adam C. POV]

I stand in the middle of the forest, my sword at the ready. The air is cool, and a light mist surrounds me, giving the forest an ethereal feel.

I inhale deeply, taking in the fresh scent of pine and the earth. Then without warning, I launch into action, my movements swift and precise.

My blade flashes in the air as I execute a series of intricate maneuvers, moving faster than the naked eye can follow, striking out at imaginary opponents, anticipating their every move and countering their advance with deadly accuracy.

My muscles burn with exertion as I continue to train, the seconds turning into hours, pushing myself to the limit. Sweat drips down my forehead, as the fluidity of my movements becomes more and more instinctual with every passing moment.

I had no idea what exactly, but there was something primal and exhilarating about this, about training in the midst of nature, in a way, it felt like something that connected me to a deeper part of myself that I didn't quite know.

I enjoyed this.

This moment of peace and tranquility wielding my blade brought me.

It was the only moment I was truly at peace.

As the sun began to set, I took a moment to catch my breath, my eyes surveying the area around me. It was then that I caught sight of Erza, hiding behind some trees.

She was standing a few paces away from me, watching me with intense curiosity. Her long, red hair was tied back in a braid, and her bright red eyes sparkled in the fading light.

I lowered my sword, a faint smile playing at the corners of my lips.

"Can I help you?" I asked, my voice soft and gentle.

She yelped, surprised I had noticed her presence. "I-I didn't mean to interrupt your training," she stuttered, taking a step forward.

I shook my head, sheathing my sword. "It's fine, Erza. I'm almost done anyway." I gestured for her to come closer. "Is there something you needed to talk about?"

She hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yes, actually. I wanted to see if you had time to train, I've trying to increase my speed with the sword, but I can make much progress."


[Third Person - POV]

The moon was just starting to set over the training grounds as Adam made his way to the sparring ring of the training grounds, in order to have a spar with Erza.

Once in the ring, he took a moment to assess her stance and form before nodding in approval.

"Good," Adam said. "Let's begin."

I watched from the sidelines as Adam trained with Erza, a proud smile on my face.

Ah, how proud I was of the son I never had but had anyway thanks to a series of hilarious events.

Adam had come a long way since he first joined the guild, and it was clear that he was on his way to becoming of the most powerful, if not the most powerful mages in the continent.

Heck, I might even have to up my training if I want to keep ahead of the kid.

As for Erza... Well... she was something else entirely. Her skill was impressive, and her determination had no equal, I had no doubt that she would be one of the strongest mages in the guild one day.

As they finished their training for the day, I walked over to them, clapping my hands, startling Adam who as always didn't expect me.

I could see in his eyes that my demeanor was not the one he expected...

Perhaps he had done something I had yet to find out, and that was why he was looking at me that way... who knows? Who cares?

"Good job, you two," I said, grinning. "Erza, you're getting better every day. And Adam, my son, my lovely, lovely, LOVELY, son, you're an excellent teacher."

Adam smiled in a tense manner, before nodding his head in thanks. "Thank you, Father, lovely, lovely father. I couldn't ask for a better student."

Erza blushed at the compliment, but I could see the determination in her eyes, something that said she wanted to be worthy of such praise or die trying.

"I want to be the strongest person in the guild," Erza said, her voice firm.

I chuckled, ain't she ambitious? "Well, you're well on your way, Erza. Keep up the good work."

With that, I left them to continue their training, feeling proud of the young mages who were quickly becoming some of the guild's strongest members.

As I walked away, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Watching these young mages grow and—-

"Are you by chance Gildarts Clive, from the Fairy Tail guild?" A man appeared out of nowhere, holding a pack of papers on his hands.

I turned to look at the man, studying him for a moment before answering. "I am. What can I do for you?"

The man stepped forward, extending the packet of papers towards me. "I am front the FCP, Fiord's Child Service program, and we have come to notice you owe your first born, Adam Clive, over two hundred million Jewels in child support."

My eyes widened in shock as I took the packet of papers, scanning through them quickly. This couldn't be real. I had adopted Adam a few months ago!

"Is this a joke?" I asked, incredulous. "Did the brat put you up to this?"

The man sighed, looking at me with a mix of sympathy and annoyance. "It's always the terrible excuses for a human that have kids. Sir, I know it's a lot of money, but it's been accruing interest for years. And unless you want to go to trial, you need you to make a payment as soon as possible."



"ADAM! I WIL KILL YOU!" I roared to the skies.

Wait, I can't kill him... That would make Cana cry... but I could cripple him... right? I mean, it had to be within my rights to cripple my 'first born.'

I understood now why Adam was so tense, the little bastard had fucked me with this, but this wasn't over!

"You will never catch me alive, bitch!" Adam shouted from the other side of the town.