Chapter 62: Decade Quest.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 62: Decade Quest.

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to /cornbringer

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Don't forget to check the auxiliary chapter about Adam. It's like an info chapter.

U guys won the extra release. The days are Tuesday and Thursday.

Also remember if we reach top 3 you guys get another double release.


[Adam C. POV]

I woke up to the dawn of the morning shining through my window with a soft breeze blowing through the curtains caressing my face. It was the perfect way to start the day.

Yawning, I stretched my limbs and got out of bed, making my way to the kitchen to start the coffee maker. As the aroma of fresh coffee filled the air, I decided to take a walk outside and enjoy the beauty of the morning.

I walked down the street, admiring the colorful flowers blooming on the sides of the road. The sun was now finally up, its warm embrace comforting me as I walked.

I took a deep breath and felt my lungs fill with the fresh air of the morning.

"Morning," Mavis greeted me, floating above me lightly, a smile on her face.

"Morning," I replied with a smile.

Without a word, I continued on my walk with Mavis by my side, enjoying the peacefulness of the morning. I had to say, today was a perfect day for a hike, and because of that, I decided to venture into the nearby woods.

As we walked deeper into the woods, I felt a sense of sense of peace, and happiness wash over me. The rustling of leaves and the sound of birds chirping surrounded us, making me feel invigorated by the serenity of nature.

As we walked, chatting along the away, we stumbled upon a small creek where I decided to take a break, dipping my feet into the cool water.

Mavis joined me, or pretended to, giggling as she splashed around in the water.

"It's nice out here," I muttered.

Mavis's bright green eyes twinkled as she tilted her head to the side and quirked an eyebrow at me. Her lips were curled in a mischievous smile, and I knew she was up to something. "What are you planning?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, not entirely sure what she was asking.

"What are your plans for today, dummy," Mavis giggled.

"I might take a mission today, and I was thinking on taking a long one this time," I replied.

These past few years I had been taking short missions, and while they had provided me with more than challenge in the occasion, it was time to up my game a bit.

Before I had my reasons to avoid anything that could force me to stay out of home for longer than necessary.

But that wasn't the case anymore.

Mavis raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing across her lips. "Oh, a long mission, huh? Any particular reason for that?"

I shrugged. "More money?"

Mavis rolled her eyes. "Money, that's no fun."

"Tell that to my bills," I chuckled.

Mavis laughed, splashing water in my direction, which brought up the question... how was she doing that? "Is that all?"

I took a deep breath, the weight of my thoughts weighing heavy on me. "Partially, but more than that, I think need to get away for a while. Clear my head."


Master Makarov's office was as chaotic and cluttered as usual, with piles of papers and books covering every surface. The old man himself was hunched over his desk, scratching away with a quill pen.

I cleared my throat, causing him to look up with a surprised expression.

"Oh, it's you," he said gruffly, peering at me over his spectacles. "What brings you here?"

"I'm here to request approval for a mission," I said, handing him the scroll. "It's an S-Class Decade Quest."

Makarov's eyes widened as he read the scroll, and he gave a low whistle. "Are you sure you feel ready for this?"

I nodded, my determination evident in my gaze. "I am, old man. Besides, if things get tough I can always call for backup."

Makarov studied me for a moment before nodding. "Very well, son. I trust your judgement. You have my approval."

I smiled in gratitude, feeling a clear surge of excitement at the thought of taking on such a challenging mission. "Thank you, old man. I won't let you down."

Makarov chuckled. "I have no doubt about that. Just be careful out there, alright? And come back in one piece, and don't destroy anything that you don't have to."

I gave him a mock salute. "Yes sir, you got it!"

As I turned to leave, Makarov called out to me. "It wasn't a joke! Don't destroy anything! You are the reason we have a profit margin! Don't ruin that for this old man!"


Mission at hand, I bid my goodbyes to everyone I cared enough to do so.


Gildarts, who tried to capture me for my latest stunt.

Lilia, who begged me to take her with me, but I refused. As much as she had improved, there was a big chance she would be more of a liability than anything else.

Laxus, who said next time I saw him, he would beat me up.

"Are you ready?" Mavis asked, appearing out of nowhere as usual.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, centering myself for the journey ahead. I was excited for this. Adventure, danger, and the thrill of the unknown, that was part of what I lived for nowadays.

"I am, and I take it you're coming?" I asked, smiling at her.

Mavis grinned back. "Of course I am. Baby's first decade quest? Ha! I wouldn't miss this for the world."

I chuckled.

I was really glad she was part of my life.

There were so many secrets between us, and we both knew it, but our friendship still worked despite our lacked of clarity between one another.

I was truly glad.

"Let's go then, we have a lot of ground to cover," I replied, leading the way out of the town.

Embarking into our journey to the treacherous mountain range of the Acarus mountains, the path according to the maps was long and grueling, but I had lived worse, and I was determined to see it through.

I would be ready for what was to come.

I would protect them from those who wanted to hurt them.

And in order to do that, I would need to push the boundaries of my comfort zone.